Downton Abbey


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Boy, they really packed a lot into that hour, my goodness. Thomas is really so despicable, but get the chance to redeem himself by finding the fire and saving Lady Edith. Wonder what the plan is to get Lady Edith's child back.

Also loved the following program.....on "manners and dress". Got a kick out of the casts' comments on how they had to sit straight, not move their hands. And men talking of all the different kinds of hats the men have to wear. LOL
Thomas is really so despicable, but get the chance to redeem himself by finding the fire and saving Lady Edith.... Also loved the following program.....on "manners and dress". Got a kick out of the casts' comments on how they had to sit straight, not move their hands. And men talking of all the different kinds of hats the men have to wear. LOL
Thomas is so devious that he would be a perfect fit for the DiMansion. Perhaps, Kate should hire him to assist poor Harold. As for Lord Grantham's displeasure at the presence of a local schoolteacher at dinner, imagine his horror if he discovered EJ and Sami on the guest list. Finally, the "manners" show was quite interesting. Imagine if Prissy Jenny had a ladies maid to help her change into four or five different sleeveless dresses every day.
I am so addicted to Downton Abbey.

There is also a mini series on the Smithonian channel that aired last night (1-4-15) called Million Dollar American Princesses hosted by Elizabeth McGovern.

I also love the Mister Selfridge series that comes on after Downton's series ends.
I wonder if Lady Mary will really go somewhere with Tony. And in the manners and morals of the day, since when would he just open the door and walk into her room in middle of night.
I thought they did too much in last night's show.

I loved Cora's talk with Thomas when he wanted to tell her
about Baxter. Then she had to thank him for saving Edith.

I wish we could have seen Violet's luncheon since she invited
a female friend for the man interested in Isobel. I'm glad Violet
told her butler to show the doctor more respect.

I enjoyed the show after about manners too.
It was so much fun seeing the screening of this episode with an audience. The laughter over Moseley's hair was contagious, the cheering over Cora putting Thomas in his place was almost thunderous, then the audible groan as he was the one to save Edith and redeem himself with Cora.

I like that we finally found out Baxter's backstory about stealing, but they still left some of it a mystery. Did she steal and sell them? If so, did she do it for selfish reason or was she trying to help someone in a financial bind?
She may have given them to

But wonder if she sold the jewelry to pay a doctor or hospital for a parent or spouse (now deceased)
I wonder if Lady Mary will really go somewhere with Tony. And in the manners and morals of the day, since when would he just open the door and walk into her room in middle of night.

Don't forget the Turkman that opened her door and burst in (in the middle of the night)...
Poirot, I wondered that too about Baxter. If she stole because she
needed money.
Since I've watched the entire season, I'm loving reading all the speculation of what might happen...I'm sitting here talking to my laptop, "yep there ya go, you're on the right track", "nope, way off". Enjoy! It's a good this season!
An interesting episode last night.

Rose wanted a "wireless" and they stood when the king spoke.

Anna bought Mary birth control.

James left and Mosely is the only footman.

Robert told Cora how he didn't like the man flirting
with Isis. Interesting way he put that.

I enjoyed the show after about the Queen's Gardens.
I enjoyed last night's show too. But I have to say I don't care for Lady Mary's boyfriend, Tony (?). Sorry, I can't keep up with all their names. Anyway, he seems kinda sleezy to me. I don't enjoy watching her with him.

Now I'm worried about Anna's husband and the police investigation. I won't be happy at all if he gets taken away again.

Aside from those two negative comments, I did enjoy the show overall. Good for Daisy, getting her education, and for Mrs. Patmore being so supportive of her.
Yes, the man was flirting with Cora. I think Robert said that
to Cora about Isis to let her he saw it. Unless Robert is
stupid and didn't notice :)
I enjoyed Lord Grantham being so opposed to getting a "wireless." It reminded me of my father who had no interest in getting a TV back in the early 1950s. Of course, when my mother just ordered one, he quickly became a fan, particularly of the Sgt. Bilko program, which reminded him of his days in the Army Air Force in WWII. Also amusing was Lord Grantham's belief that the wireless was just a fad. All "old" people in the 1950s who despised rock n' rock in general and Elvis Presley in particular said the same thing, as immortalized in the old song line: "They say that rock n' roll will soon fade away ...."
In case you missed it, here is Joanne Froggatt's (Anna) acceptance
speech at the Golden Globes
