Facebook posts and Tweets from Salemites, Part 27

Reply from Rory: JJ, how's it going? When you get back to Salem look me up, but when you do stay way from the nanny babe. I overheard her in the Town Square putting on a show. Nasty doesn't begin to describe her. Remember that cranky judge who gave you the high-volume tongue-lashing during your vandalism days? She makes him look like a kindly old grandpa.

JJ: Thanks, bro. Are there any girls in Salem worth meeting?

Rory: Well, there's Allie Horton, but she's Sami Brady's daughter, which should tell you everything you need to know.

JJ: You need say no more. It's clear that looking for love in Salem these days is not worth my while.
Reply from Rory: Sorry bro, but as you know it's sometimes hard to figure out who's related to whom in this town. But if your Dad needs help, just let me know. Remember when we got together and put that witch, Jeannie Theresa Donovan, in her place.

Reply from JJ to Abigail: Dad is mixed up in this nanny mess? OMG, when will he ever catch a break?

Reply from Chad: Don't worry JJ. If the nanny from hell goes too far, I'm going to channel my inner DiMera and take care of business.

Reply from Ghost Stefano: That's my boy.
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Reply from Charlie: Hands off, big brother. You helped ruin my thing with Claire so I should get first dibs on Gwen.

Reply from Steve: Go for it, Charlie. I'll tell Tripp to back off.

Reply from Charlie: Gee, thanks.

Reply from Steve: Think nothing of it. I'm sure that the ravishing Gwen will have the same effect on your life that your mother had on mine.
Facebook post from Allie to Johnny: Hey bro, check this out: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Reply from Johnny: Hilarious! Both cute, but in our own way! Good one!

Will Horton likes this
Sydney DiMera likes this
Claire Brady likes this
Tripp Dalton likes this
Belle Black-Brady likes this

Reply from Sami: That's not funny.
Salem social media reacts to the fatal shooting of Charlie.

Daddy Dale: Poor Charlie. I did my best, but with Ava as his mother, the boy never had a chance.

Xander: Sorry about Charlie. He had real promise. He was the only person smart enough to always take my advice.

Kristen: The Dale kid is dead? Everyone will probably blame me for this too.

Ben: Charlie Dale was shot? Thank goodness he wasn't strangled.

Ava: My sort-of son Charlie is dead? Whatever.

Evan: Bad boy Charlie Dale was murdered? OMG, I hope this doesn't mean that I'm next.

John: That *&%$#@& Charlie is dead!! That +*&^$%# got what ... wait, I'd better tone it down. As Doc says, I might get an aneurysm and go into another coma.
Facebook post from Ghost Stefano to Ghost Harper Deveraux: Congrrrrrratulations on your new grrrrrandaughterrrrrr. Couldn't your son keep his pants zipped??

Reply from Ghost Harper: That's really rich, coming from YOU. You spawned enough kids to fill a church pew.
Reply from Father Louis: Church pew? Could somebody send some of those kids over to St. Luke's. Sunday attendance isn't too good these days. People in this town only show up at church to get married or to ask God for a miracle if one of their loved ones has been shot or is having some health crisis like a coma.
You spawned enough kids to fill a church pew
Reply from Ghost Alice: That's a crowded pew...twelve kids and likely still counting. Though what church would accept the evil of Stefano DiMera, I don't know, but I sure wouldn't let them sell my doughnuts at a bake sale and I would politely decline any invitations to christenings, weddings, or funerals held at such a disreputable establishment.
Facebook post from Nicole to Brandon: Hey bro, wanted to make sure you knew your niece and nephew were rescued and weren't harmed during the kidnapping.

Reply from Brandon: Was Holly kidnapped? And who is this nephew you're talking about??

Reply from Nicole: The twins. They were kidnapped by Ivan and Vivian Alamain, but they're fine and back with their parents.

Reply from Brandon: What twins????

Reply from Nicole: Your sister Lani's twins, Carver and Jules.

Reply from Brandon: Who is Lani and how is she my sister???

Reply from Nicole: Oh boy, hasn't Abe told you? Well this is awkward. [tags Abe and Lani in her post]
Facebook post from Rafe to Ava: We have Sami Brady in custody for killing your son Charlie.

Reply from Ava: Really? Hmmm..... Well, since all of Salem blames me for killing Shawn Brady and now his granddaughter has killed my kid, can we just call it even and move on?? Just askin'.
Desperate to get a good lawyer, Sami has contacted several attorneys, but without success.

Carrie: Sorry, but there are several lost cats that need finding.

Charles Woods: Not a chance. I made enough of a fool of myself as Salem's D.A. P.S., tell my ex-son Chad that I still think he's a twit.

Aiden Jennings: No way, no how. The last time I was in Salem I was locked in a cage with a dead bird. I have no desire to repeat the experience.

Francois Laurent: So sorry. My brother, Ted, didn't get out of Salem alive. I have no desire to share his fate.

Perry Mason: As everyone knows, I've never lost a case. I'm not putting my precious winning streak on the line for the likes of you.
Ben and Xander both decide to make the best of Sami's delusions.

Reply from Ben. Hey "Mom," I hear you can be pretty forceful with words. Can you shock Ciara back into her old self and get her away from that little lowlife opportunist, Theo?

Reply from Xander: "Mother," I know that you've always been there for Will. How about helping me get rid of a gold digger named Chanel who somehow ended up in my bed while I was totally wasted.

Reply from Sami: Isn't it wonderful how my adult sons still turn to me for help? It's just more proof that I'm Salem's best mother