Friday, May 23rd -- update, see post #34


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry folks, but the show never appeared. My tape shows nothing but the banner saying Days episode #10,833 would begin at 3:30 a.m. and that is all that appeared for an hour, then switched over to another banner proclaiming Y&R would start at 4:30.arb

Perhaps later today, after one of our Canadian viewers has seen the show, they might give us all a short (or long) synopsis. Otherwise, like you, I have to wait til tomorrow. (and maybe have to get up in the middle of the night tonight to see if it is on or not. )



P.S. thanks to Marylina who sent me the video....I put a summary up in post #34
You guys should check out this site for a write up on tomorrow's show.

It's a hoot. EJ states to Lucas that at least he never shot anyone. Hello!!!!! He shot and killed Eve Michaels, he shot John and put him in a coma, and electrocuted Steve for years and just last year. And let's not forget that he put Lucas in a freezer last year in order to kill him. The list goes on. I guess he's "redeemed" now, so we are suppose to forget all the evil he has done. I really hate these quick redemption story lines. Now we have Ava who managed to get Kayla something that noone else could. UGH!!!!

EJ is no angel.....

Don't get me wrong, I loooooove looking at EJ. :hot:
But let's see what EJ hath done: (aka gloved hand)
Killed Officer Eve Michaels
Swapped Philip and Shawn’s sperm samples at the lab
Tampered with Max Brady’s racecar, which resulted in an explosion
Exposed Steve and Kayla Johnson to poisonous gas
Shot John Black, leaving him comatose for five months
Forced Sami Brady to succumb to his sexual advances
Beat up Patrick Lockhart
Tortured and Brainwashed Steve Johnson
Forced Steve to take a comatose John from the hospital and take his kidney
Violated numerous SEC Mythic Communication codes
Ran Kayla off the road
Bugged Bo and Hope’s house
Chloroformed Sami Brady Roberts
Locked Lucas Roberts in a freezer truck
Hmmmm - they should just send all criminals to Salem for redemption, that would make room in Stesville Prison! :welcome:
Well, I hope someone can write up a summary for Friday, cuz I read the show at prevuze...whatever the website was, and although I say thanks for the write up, I could do without all their snide comments about the show. But it seems like Sami and Lucas are about to get it on...but he is also going to ask her if she has feeling for EJ, and not to lie to him because he can tell when she is lying.
The Prevuze site is blocked for me, so I'm having Days withdrawals!

The previous poster said that Sami and Lucas are about to get it on! Didn't she just get it on with EJ? :confused: That's kind of gross, don't you think?

Can anyone that read Prevuze give any more details from the show?
You guys should check out this site for a write up on tomorrow's show.

It's a hoot. EJ states to Lucas that at least he never shot anyone. Hello!!!!! He shot and killed Eve Michaels, he shot John and put him in a coma, and electrocuted Steve for years and just last year. And let's not forget that he put Lucas in a freezer last year in order to kill him. The list goes on. I guess he's "redeemed" now, so we are suppose to forget all the evil he has done. I really hate these quick redemption story lines. Now we have Ava who managed to get Kayla something that noone else could. UGH!!!!


Salem Hospital is little to be desired when it comes to seems like anyone can get into what should be security areas..which would ask the question "How in the world did Ava get into the NICU and get a picture of Kayla's baby" green scrubs or not?
Someone is going to send me a maybe I will be able to write something this afternoon. Meanwhile, hopefully, a Canadian viewer can give us a short synopsis.
Guess what........I just learned that the feed I tape has been moved to another sattelite, and I do not know if I can get it or not. It is a fairly newer one.

So.......I did read the Prevuze site....and from what I can gather (they, too, had problems) Lucas & EJ talk, with Lucas suggesting the problem can be solved by EJ moving out.

Lot of the show deals with Philip talking to Morgan, Chloe find them together at the Pub, and getting her nose out of joint. Lexie talks to Daniel a bit about her marriage problems, Abe comes to the hospital, Daniel leaves, Abe correctly guesses she was discussing their personal life and gets ticked off. He wants to go to breakfast, she's too busy, & asks him if she came to the cop shop during business, what would he do. Make time for her, he replies, and she decides to go have breakfast in the cafeteria with him. Theo is having problems in school, and she doesn't want to tell Abe.

Marlena talks with Sami, who wonders if Lucas will ever forgive her. Marlena has no idea. Sami can't even look him in the eye, seeing anger and betrayal. She talks of how good EJ is with the twins, and that he has changed. Marlena tells her she has to decide who she wants, and if it is Lucas, to fight for him.

John has come into the Pub, talks with Morgan a bit, hoping she is not fraternizing with Philip, who spells trouble for her father. Roman goes to the DiMera house to investigate the disk disappearance. John is not happy. Lucas doesn't think he can stay in the house with EJ and talks of leaving with Allie. Sami says he can't. Rolf arrives with a bottle of wine from Nicole for EJ...Sami gets HER nose out of joint. EJ says it was just business. Lucas says he will leave the two alone....Sami protests. Lucas thinks they are in love.......she says no. He says they had sex. It meant nothing, sez she. Ej chimes in with oh, yes it did. She loved it as much as me. LOL
Sami protests, then agrees.
Chelsea is studying with Morgan at the Pub, they see a lot of commotion down on the docks. Chloe says all the cops are there. EJ comes into the pub, inviting Chloe for coffee. Lucas finds Sami in her room crying. He tells her all he thought about while in prison was this.........(no idea what?)
Roman gets a call about trouble on the docks, tells John he is involved.

Best I can do folks. Hope someone else can help out.
As I said before I am no writer, but here goes. I missed the first 5 mins. At the pub Chelsea and Morgan are studying for finals. Phlilp comes and talks with Morgan. She is angry about problems with her Dad. Philip says he broke the law and would have to pay John arrives and says that will never happen.

Lexie is getting closer to Dr. Dan and telling him about her problems with Abe. Later Abe arrives and wants to spend time with Lexie. Lexie starts to put him off saying that she is busy, but in the end agrees to have breakfast with him.

Back at the mansion Sami and Marlena are talking about what happened and will Lucas ever forgive her. Marlena says that it is hard to tell and that she needs to talk with Lucas. She says that she can not do that. He was going to leave Allie without a father and EJ was so good with the twins, it would have been easier if he was a bad father. Lucas comes with Allie and they start to yell. Marlena tells them to stop the twins need a healthy environment she takes Allie for a nap. EJ comes and asks Lucas about what he is going to tell the twins about the monitor as they are growing so quickly and will soon ask (LOL)

Back at the pub Chelsea and Morgan are talking about Dr. Dan. Chelsea admits she does not know what is going on with Dr. Dan. Philip comes back to talk with Morgan telling her he will get the DA to go easy on her dad if he will give him what he knows about John.

Lexie and Abe enjoyed breakfast and say they should do it once a week. They start to talk and Theo, but get interrupted by a phone call from the station. Dr. Dan talks to Lexie while Abe is on the phone about her problems. Abe gets off the phone and they decide to talk about Theo another time. Abe asked about Dr. Dan and is angry that Lexie spoke to him about their problems.

Roman come to the mansion to investigate about the disc. Marlena and Roman agree that no one should know about this.

Lucas wants to get new orders form the judge to leave and take Allie with him. It is agreed that that will not work to solve the problem. A package arrives for EJ from Nicole saying thank you for last night. Sami is jealous and Lucas says that she is in love with him. He is going to check on his daughter and that when he can he will leave with her. Sami Blames Lucas for leaving her and telling her to move on with her life. She was lonely EJ was there for her, etc. EJ says that Sami wanted it as much as she did. Lucas thanks Sami for sleeping with EJ.

Chloe come to the table with Philip and Morgan asking how they meet etc. Philip leaves with Chloe.

Dr. Dan is now at the pub and comes to the table with Chelsea and Morgan. Morgan leaves for Chelsea and Dr Dan to talk. He tells Chelsea if she has something to say say it. He then goes on to tell her that he only cares for her as a friend. She says she needs someone who loves her 100% and that was Nick, but she left him so she could be with Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says he is sorry for that.

Chloe leaves the pub and bumps into EJ on the way out they go for coffee. Philip makes a call and asked if it is done yet.

Sami is in her room crying and Rolf brings her warm milk. She asks him if he has ever done anything so bad that he regretted it while he was doing it. He replies look at who you are asking more time then I can count. She says she wants to see Lucas. He walks in at that time. Sami apologized to Lucas and takes the blame for what happened. Lucas tells her that he stayed awake nights in prison because all he could think about was and he kisses her.

Marlena wants to go and check on Sami, but John tells her that she is most likely entertaining. John finds out about Roman and they debate if they should take his help after all he is her ex. In the end John agrees.

Back at the pub, police cars are arriving at the dock. Roman gets a phone call saying that the problem is with John's shipment.

Hope this helps a little
Lucas finds Sami in her room crying. He tells her all he thought about while in prison was this.........(no idea what?)

I think he was probably going to tell Sami that all he could think about was making love to her.

Also, I love the banter between EJ and Sami and EJ's repsonse to Lucas that Sami loved it as much as he did. I love that Sami admitted it, too. These two bounce so well off one another. And those love scenes are :hot: Days doesn't need to break these two up, too much sizzle to let Lucas make it fizzle.

Also, just how does Lucas get off threatening to leave and take Allie? He just got out of prison for goodness sakes, is still on house arrest, AND how cruel to just want to snatch a baby away from it's mother? Sami shouldn't just stand there and take it. She's letting him run all over her again. :mad:

Just my opinion, tho.
Bless your heart, DJ.....and thank you. I don't know what I am going to do while the feed I get is going all over the place, and moving around so much.
Thanks so much for all the info. I mean honestly I could read about it tomorrow....but I felt like a little peice of me was missing today when the Day ahead wasnt there. Thanks to everyone for the snipits & updates.
I really wish the writers would take Lucas in a different direction. As far as him wanting to leave with Allie, I am sure that he feels like this is the only family he has left & wants to make up for lost time. Yes he did just get out of jail, but I think he just wants to love his daughter.
Glad Sami could admit she has feelings for EJ. Maybe the Lucas kiss will push her to what she really wants?? Who knows. But I am ready for Lucas to have a stronger story with out all the yelling & hatred!!
Thanks for the write up!

Lucas finds Sami in her room crying. He tells her all he thought about while in prison was this.........(no idea what?)

I think he was probably going to tell Sami that all he could think about was making love to her.

Also, I love the banter between EJ and Sami and EJ's repsonse to Lucas that Sami loved it as much as he did. I love that Sami admitted it, too. These two bounce so well off one another. And those love scenes are :hot: Days doesn't need to break these two up, too much sizzle to let Lucas make it fizzle.

Also, just how does Lucas get off threatening to leave and take Allie? He just got out of prison for goodness sakes, is still on house arrest, AND how cruel to just want to snatch a baby away from it's mother? Sami shouldn't just stand there and take it. She's letting him run all over her again. :mad:

Just my opinion, tho.

But EJ did the exact same thing with Johnny and Sami has done the same thing with both babies. They are all equally guilty of that. He hasn't run all over yet; he's just threatening, too.
Lucas is thinking with his heart now instead of his head. His heart is broken and he's lashing out. He needs to calm down and have a real talk with Sami but I'm sure the writers have a long storyline coming for the constant triangle. I don't want another Lucas/EJ/Sami summer.