Friday, May 23rd -- update, see post #34

Lucas needs to quit yelling!!

Thanks for all of the posts and updates for tomorrows show. I appreciate it. Now that Lucas is back I find myself FF through the scenes with him and Sami yelling at each other. Sorry but have had enough of that from last year. I wonder how long the writers are going to drag this story line out between EJ/Sami/Lucas. Is this going to be a main summer storyline? I will keep watching. Love the new John, his been great.
Thanks so much! I'm glad we're getting scenes with Marlena and Sami. I never cared for Belle, but I always enjoyed their mother/daughter scenes, and now that she's gone I was afraid that element would be missing.

Thanks for all of the posts and updates for tomorrows show. I appreciate it. Now that Lucas is back I find myself FF through the scenes with him and Sami yelling at each other. Sorry but have had enough of that from last year. I wonder how long the writers are going to drag this story line out between EJ/Sami/Lucas. Is this going to be a main summer storyline? I will keep watching. Love the new John, his been great.

I'm actually going to be paying very close attention to the yelling now. I noticed on Thursday's show that ALL of the yelling started with Sami yelling. Not once did Lucas start it. Sometimes Sami started it and ended it and Lucas never even chimed in. Yet, Lucas is labeled the yeller. I'm just interested to see if this continues. Sami certainly yelled plenty while Lucas was gone...
Interesting point about Sami initiating the yelling. I never noticed who started it but how the two of them hollering, trying to make their point and who gets the last word in.

Just wanted to thank you for the fun summaries! I look forward to reading them daily. I have been watching Days since middle school - around 20 years! I noticed that someone commented that they would like to see Lucas with Chelsea or Morgan. Just a reminder that Chelsea is Lucas' niece (Lucas and Billie are brother and sister). I realize it is getting extremely complicated trying to keep track of who is related :) Again, thanks for all the work you do!

Not entirely sure how I feel about this love triangle... but I can say one thing- love or no love- any man who calls me a whore is going to be out on his butt so fast, he won't see what's coming. I get he was upset... but wow- that was uncalled for on so many levels... way to be a man, Lucas!
EJ is no saint, but at least he treats Sami with respect. She gets walked on by Lucas constantly. Who does he think he is that he can take his daughter anywhere considering that he is a "convict". Plus no judge in the world would let him have his daughter with a felony. EJ gived attention to bot kids while lucas just focuses on Allie. That is showing how evil he is, to judge a child for the father's sins. I hope that Sami realizes that HER children deserve better. I also hope that she realizes that she does have deep feelings for EJ and the writers finally get them together.

Well said.:clap:
Re: Lucas

He has called Sami every vile name in the book. You don't call someone you LOVE those names. If my husband had ever called me a ***** or a whore, he wouldn't have lived to tell it.
~ I think I have Dr. Daniel figured out...

Ok, i bet Dr. Daniel is really in love with Lexie, and the writers are doing this thing with Chelsea to throw us off! Think about it - a man will kiss a woman who is basically throwing herself at him.. but listening even more at some of the comments that Dr. Daniel is making, I really think he is in love with Lexi -- anyone else.....
EJ is no saint, but at least he treats Sami with respect. She gets walked on by Lucas constantly. Who does he think he is that he can take his daughter anywhere considering that he is a "convict". Plus no judge in the world would let him have his daughter with a felony. EJ gived attention to bot kids while lucas just focuses on Allie. That is showing how evil he is, to judge a child for the father's sins. I hope that Sami realizes that HER children deserve better. I also hope that she realizes that she does have deep feelings for EJ and the writers finally get them together. I really think Nicole and Lucas are great together or even him and Chelsea or Morgan. Make a better storyline other than him always angry and yelling. How can anyone in Salem stand him.

This actually isn't true about Lucas only caring about Allie. Yes, right now he's only asking for Allie, but right now he only has rights to Allie. In the beginning he took care of both babies, and actually seemed to spend more time with Johnny. He even said that if he could he would get Johnny away from the DiMeras, too. He just knows he can't. IMO, he doesn't want to get too attached to a baby that will probably ultimately be taken away.
Sami and Lucas

this is my last day of watching Days - i am soooooooooo sick of the Sami, EJ, and Lucas story line - i have watched this show off and on for years and they never have Sami happy with Lucas for long - why can't they be happily married and give them some other problems to deal with like Marlena and John.
i know it is a soap but this is just so :confused: - sorry but i am done.
Ok, i bet Dr. Daniel is really in love with Lexie, and the writers are doing this thing with Chelsea to throw us off! Think about it - a man will kiss a woman who is basically throwing herself at him.. but listening even more at some of the comments that Dr. Daniel is making, I really think he is in love with Lexi -- anyone else.....

Sigh. I think you're right. I read somewhere that Chelsea was only going to be infatuated with Daniel, that it wouldn't last. Don't know, but I am starting to get quite suspicious that they're looking at a Lexie/Daniel thing. On the one hand, I kind of hope not, as we've done 'Lexie cheats on Abe' how many times now? 2? 3? 4? Oooold. On the other hand, at least she's the right age for him!

Heaven knows Shawn Christian is HOT, and I'm all in favor of him getting some action, but I can't help but be squicked out by the age difference between him and Chelsea. I think it's because hot as he is, he looks his age (42) and while I'm not sure how old Rachel actually is, *Chelsea* looks like the college coed she supposedly is. I'm sure that's why the new 'do, and it is more grown-up looking (WHAT was with that weird bedgraggledy thing they were doing with her hair there for a while??), but it doesn't help enough. Nor does making Daniel seem more immature. That just makes the character more annoying, imo, so I hope they give him an adult romance and let him act his age!

I just got in from vacation and noticed that my Comcast DVR taped Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur, but not Friday. Is this problem fixed? Don't want to miss tomorrows! The show is really good right now...
this is my last day of watching Days - i am soooooooooo sick of the Sami, EJ, and Lucas story line - i have watched this show off and on for years and they never have Sami happy with Lucas for long - why can't they be happily married and give them some other problems to deal with like Marlena and John.
i know it is a soap but this is just so :confused: - sorry but i am done.

Like I said in another thread, I am so sick of the Sami/EJ/Lucas dog and poney show!! Give Ej to Nicole, slime is attracted to slime. Bring Lucas and Sami together and start grooming them to be the next J&M, even though no one could be like J&M. I do believe Sami and Lucas could be a great supercouple with the proper s/l. Days was always known for its supercouples and that is what made is so different fropm other shows and kept its ratings high. If it ain't broken don't fix it, Dena!!!!