Guilty or Not Guilty (game)

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Not Guilty.

You love winter
Guilty on Hot English Muffins!

You got a cat for your husband and it was a good trade.

I did...even have a sign on my back porch that says so!
PS: Loved Georgia, that's where I got the sign!
Not Guilty on the tattoo, but I had a belly ring when I was skinny, lol.

You feel a little bad hanging up on a telemarketer.
Not guilty,
but I closed the door on some Bible people.
I know what I beleive in and do not ned someone coming to my door to preach to me.

You called in sick to your job when you really were not!
ummm...Guilty :eek:

You have eaten a bug (on purpose...not like riding a bike and it flew in your mouth) could be chocolate covered cricket or something like that.
GUILTY.....:kiss:...can you say Brian Datillo (Lucas)....LOL

You have looked up someone on Facebook that you did not like in high school...just to see if they got fat/ugly
Not guilty on my part, but my youngest Kori walked up to a lady at Wal-mart one time because she thought it was me...i had been on that aisle, but had since moved over an aisle and the lady had the same color of hair as me and her back to Kori...:rotfl:

You have pinched someone with your toes.
Not Guilty (I'm really enjoying this topic)

You love rollercoasters
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