Guilty or Not Guilty (game)

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Guilty and I have to go and get major work done soon.
Dreading it because of the financial end and the pain end.....ouch to both.

Called the police on someone
Guilty. An uppity girl who lived in the basement suite called the police about a party myself and my roomates had. It didn't matter that she was at some of them before.

you are a member of the "high mile club"
not guilty on the mile high club
but high for a mile club well I plead the 5th! :rotfl:

you dated siblings.
Guilty. I collect DC Graphic Novels.

You are addicted to Harlequin Romance Novels
Not Guilty for me, but I have bought some for my dad.

You like a good pillow fight.
Not Guilty. I'm to paranoid and would freak out if something broke (tchotchkes etc)

You love Chinese food.
Not Guilty, but I believe in what I experience.

You are the camera hog.
Not guilty.

You illegally parked in a handicapped spot.
Not Guilty. I don't even like driving around and around looking for a close spot. I park wherever and walk, lol.

You prefer an informal garden.
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