Hashimoto's Disease


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Apparently I have an autoimmune thyroid disease. I'm hoping this will account for most [if not all] of the disturbing symptoms I continue to be dealing with. I will follow a very restrictive diet for a while and see if that makes a difference. No grains, dairy, or nightshade family. There are a few other restrictions, but those are the big ones for me!! I have been using goat milk dairy -- which might turn out to be OK. I think I'll drop ALL dairy for a while and see how it goes. Anyone else out there dealing with this? What have you learned?
Since I haven't had a thyroid of my own in over 40 years, I don't suppose I could have this disease but I do know from experience that I would feel much better if I could stay off grains, and possibly the other things you mentioned. Unfortunately, it wouldn't leave me with much to eat.

Lil0, I do hope you're onto a path that will alleviate your troubling symptoms.
Wow, doing a quick Google search of Hashimoto's Disease. I would have a hard time with some of the diet restrictions. The things it causes are so all over the place. I wonder if it hits women more than men??? That way women can suffer from this but be told it's nothing until you finally find someone who listens to you.

Good luck getting used to this.
Did the same.........it says it affect women more often than men...sheesh. Guarantee I would be in big trouble, as I really do not like most veggies, plus have to stay away from green veggies in particular because of taking blood thinners. Good luck, Lil0
Lil0, I'm glad they figured out what you have. I never heard of it before.
Is the diet you're doing sort of like gluten free? Does this happen when
people get older?

Good luck with your diet.
kat ~ apparently it most often happens to middle-aged women, but clearly can happen to others. The diet is definitely gluten-free, but even more restrictive. The focus is gut health -- to keep the body from producing too many antibodies against itself. I had never heard of this disease before either. It is amazing the problems a malfunctioning thyroid can cause to the whole body.
Praying for you Lil0. I ran across some information about this when I was trying to figure out what was going on with Gena's stomach, way back when she first had problems 3 years ago, but I didn't look at the details. I hope this is really final and that you'll be able to feel better now.
Hi Lil0--I am a brand new member, so I hope this is allowed. I have been watching Days forever and reading the Salem Spectator website for years, but never joined, until I saw your post today. I, too, have Hashimoto's and a few other autoimmune disorders that followed. I was diagnosed at 23 (I am now 44).

Are you doing the AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) diet? I was on this diet, and worked with a Functional Medical Specialist, to help calm my symptoms, and it worked wonders. It is very restrictive, especially at first, but I wanted to reach out in case you needed any support or had any questions, as many others did for me through this journey.
THANK YOU! Yes, I have just started the AIP diet. A recipe book just arrived in the mail today, and I have copied several recipes off the internet. I'm feeling excited to finally know what is going on in my body and that there are things I can do!! I will be 80 in a few short months and have been pretty darn healthy all my life, so this past year or so has been very frustrating. I'm feeling optimistic for the first time in several months!

By-the-way ~ I LOVE Mexican cuisine and am hoping I can find some reasonable proximations! No chile peppers!!! Aaaack! Have you come across some good recipes?
I am so happy that they finally found an answer for you. Autoimmune diseases can be so frustrating because the symptoms can either be so vague or mimic other things. I know for me I was tired all the time, yet was having trouble sleeping, had weight gain, my hands would swell, the list goes on and on. I was on (and am still on) synthroid for years, which helped, but then I started to get other autoimmunity, so I looked for a more natural solution, which brought me to AIP.

By 9 months in, all of my bloodwork was improved including the TSH levels. I originally read Amy Myers book (The Autoimmune Solution), and then discovered there is a whole world of people out there dealing with these same issues, and they have developed some great recipes and resources. Trust me, it's a little hard to navigate at first (so much bone broth!!!), but you will soon find many substitutions for things and discover new ways of cooking that you'll really enjoy. Some great sites, with recipes, that have helped me are:
For hard to find items, there is a website called Shop AIP (https://shopaip.com/)

Hopefully, this helps get you started on your way to feeling so much better.
Thank you so much for the kind welcomes!:love: I am so happy to help and share any love, support and information I can offer. I've been there and if I can help someone else, it makes my struggles all worth it. And, after reading this site for a long time, I am really happy to finally be an official part of the Salem Spectator family.

I've been watching Days pretty much my whole life (my mom used to watch it before I started kindergarten). I used to love getting out of school early on Fridays in middle and high school and watching the trio of Santa Barbara, Another World and Days of Our Lives with my friends.
I have a friend, with no computer, who called this a.m. & somehow we got talking about doctors, illnesses (she was sick on sunday, thus no church, but better) & I ended up telling her the tale of a long time poster finally being diagnosed with Hashimoto's, and the very kind & caring lady who came on board to offer support, as she had the same thing. My friend never heard of that illness (neither had I), thus we all are learning something. (last winter my hubby came down with Renaud's, & egads, never had heard of it, and 2 or 3 other family members have it, plus friends, or family members of friends. Amazing!
Poirot ~ One of the main reasons I want to share what I am learning is that I hope I can help someone else avoid the frustration! When one has symptoms one doesn't understand, and no one seems able to pinpoint the cause, it is a nightmare. I couldn't go to my doctor and say "I think there is something wrong with my thyroid." because I had NO CLUE about what was causing my symptoms. We are dependant on the professionals to pick up on our attempts to describe what is going on in our bodies. And one of my biggest struggles has been to come up with accurate words to describe what I'm experiencing. If even one person reads this and starts to think "maybe that's me", then I will feel I have helped.
Yes, I know exactly what you mean. That is how I felt about hubby's Reynaud's. Many folks have had chronic fatigue syndrome, which was attributed to other things, before finally getting diagnosed correctly. We all are so glad you finally have a name to put on your problem, & JMans arrived to point out some places that might help. Wonderful we are able to share, & learn from each other.