I always wanted to.......


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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O.K. we all have things we have thought we would love to do....and can't or haven't been able to, for one reason or another. Maybe a few things.

Now me, I always wanted to be able to play the piano. I cannot...I can plunk out a few one finger songs, maybe even use more than one finger, and I have both a piano and an organ. LOL.
Also wanted to be a professional writer...newspaper columnist type. I have done some of it, locally, at times, but not really what I really dreamed of doing. Always for free, for school newsletters, organizations, etc.
Love to dance, so wanted to be Ginger Rogers, or Jennifer Grey, or Mary Tyler Moore, lol.
What about you?
I'm sort of a "been there, done that, what's next?" kind of gal. If there's something I want to do, I find a way to do it. I've always wanted to go fossil hunting and pan for gold. I'm doing both this week. What's after that? Who knows.
I don't know where you live ImissTony, but my grandfather had a hunting cabin in Michigan on some river that reminded me of mosquito, maybe Mesquite? Anyway, nearly every other rock I plucked out of the river has a fossil on it. At 12, I was totally amazed and still would be today. We also have a lot of Native American finds around here, especially near the rivers and in freshly plowed fields. Arrowheads, pottery, etc. And ancient shark teeth can be dug out of banks on the river, especially limestone soils. Pretty neat. I'm glad you get to do those things you are interested in, too cool!
If I could learn to control my nerves, I would love to sing professionnally. I used to dream I played the role of Christine in The Phantom of the Opera. Or now, we have the French version of "The Voice". I wish I could go on the blind audition at least. But when I'm too nervous, my voice breaks ! But hey, I did The American Idol Experience in Walt Disney World ! :D I could not go through, though, as I'm a lyrical soprano and the recordings were too low for me, but the woman there said she loved my voice ! (says TheWriter, as she pats herself on the back).

Aside from that, my husband and I wanted to go live in Florida with the girls (hubby had an offer for a position there)... but we got scared and backed down. :) Oh, well... Maybe someday...
I hope "maybe someday" comes.

At age 43, I moved from Minnesota by myself to the East Coast. My entire family and everything I knew (outside of trips/traveling) is still in Minnesota. I also sold just about everything except personal items and clothing. I had some friends here and have always felt at home. It's been 3.5 years now and it's the best decision I ever made.

Don't ever let fear stand in your way. Okay, you tried something and it didn't work out or you weren't "good" at it, but who cares? You made an attempt and no one can ever take that away.
Dance is something I always wanted to do, but I am seriously without any rythum! I have done a few things like live someplace different. I wanted to live in California so bad and I did it last May moved theer and tried it out. I did not like living there so I came back to my wonderful Florida. I had some great times there, but alas for me it is a fun place to visit but not to live. I have no regrets. So now I am starting all over again. I believe God allows this things to happen for a reason. Never be afraid to try something new!!!
I would have loved to be an architect and a ballroom dancer. Or maybe a tap dancer. I took dance lessons for a couple of years as a young child, and I took ballroom dance lessons very briefly when in high school. Didn't stay with either long enough to become proficient.
I've "played with" house design my whole adult life [and designed my current home] but never got into the architectural aspects.
"I always wanted to..." sounds so... final! I have things on my list to do, but haven't counted them out, just yet! Some are undone by choice, some are undone not by MY choice, but none are completely off the table, as far as I'm concerned. Yet. :)

I still want to...
- be a mother
- go on an archaeological dig (supervised, of course, so I don't destroy anything!)
- see / experience different parts of the world

Things that "I always wanted to do" that aren't really possible - either by nature or by circumstance:
- be able to play any instrument (at least one, not all!) by ear or improvisation (I can play by sheet music, but I cannot improvise!)
- be an astronaut / go to space / see the Earth from space / experience the absence of gravity / experience the gravity of the moon
I taught my "no rhythm" husband to waltz and polka before we married. Told him that MY family would just drag him out on the floor so he'd better know how. (weddings, anniv. parties, etc). He cannot swing dance, but did learn how to do the twist, which is really easy to learn. Heck, I once had a whole nightclub up on the dance floor doing it. LOL. The band was in 7th heaven. LOL
It's fun to hear these things about each of you. I always wanted to be able to speak another language. I took Spanish and French in school but never followed up to become fluent in them. I've had to be content with pig latin and turkey latin. Lol....

I always regretted not learning to play the piano. I took lessons for a year in 2nd grade and talked my mother into letting me quit. Never got back to taking it up again.

I always wanted to learn to quilt and embroider so I could make a "crazy quilt," like the ones my grandmothers' generation made. But after trying my hand at knitting, crocheting, and cross stitching, it became obvious I don't have a talent for hand crafts. My daughter-in-law even gave me a kit called, "Embroidery for Dummies" one year. :rotfl: I've never attempted it but haven't ruled it out yet completely.
Dance is something I always wanted to do, but I am seriously without any rythum! I have done a few things like live someplace different. I wanted to live in California so bad and I did it last May moved theer and tried it out. I did not like living there so I came back to my wonderful Florida. I had some great times there, but alas for me it is a fun place to visit but not to live. I have no regrets. So now I am starting all over again. I believe God allows this things to happen for a reason. Never be afraid to try something new!!!

Out of curiosity, what did you not like about CA? I'm moving to FL next year for college, which I couldn't me more excited about! I'm curious about what's better.
I've always wanted to dance, but my almost-two-year-old has more rhythm than I do.
I've always wanted to go to England. I want to do genealogical research there. My ancestors on my mom's side come from the same area of England that James Scott (EJ) is from. I'd love to lots of sightseeing as well, a lot of that would be based around English authors and literature. A friend of mine got to study abroad in London one summer and I was so jealous.
I've always wanted to marry Derek Jeter. Does that count?! (He's the shortstop for the New York Yankees).
I'm content to be land-locked, so no wishes to see any ocean for me. I'm just not a water girl.
Out of curiosity, what did you not like about CA? I'm moving to FL next year for college, which I couldn't me more excited about! I'm curious about what's better.

Well for one thing the cost of living is ridicules and the taxes are out of site. I could not ever find temp work. I stayed with very wonderful friends in Santa Clarita and it was just too suburban for me. I never felt a sense of community there at all. Plus the asians and illegals were the rudess people in the world. I missed living by the water...it was so far away from the ocean. Florida is cheaper...I love the weather...ya it is hot in the summer but honestly I live in AC...drive in AC... and work in AC so not a problem for me. I love the afternoon showers here. I love North Palm Beach where I am moving too...such a nice little community. People are just nice here.

What part of Florida??