I Hated When......


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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To again go along with the celebration of the 50th anniversary.....I know there are stories/scenes that we hated, for various reasons.....tho others may have loved them.

For me..I absolutely HATED, DETESTED the Possession story. I thought it insulting, being it began in the Christmas season, Cannot tell you how upset I was, and would have stopped watching Days if I had not been committed to Early Edition.
And then....yes...the Salem Stalker storyline, where so many major characters were killed off, in violent and brutal ways.
I hated the return of Carly into Bo's bed and the whole polka dot bra scenario
I hated the constant destruction of Jack Deveraux, the stupid ways they had him return, especially the last time falling into the cake. For shame.
I hated the whole Garden of Eden story. The whole Greta and Austin mess in that virtual reality was plain stupid.

Another colossal sewage pit of a story was the Salem Stalker and every dead person ending up on the island. That was garbage to try to cover up the mistake of firing most of the cast over age 30.
I hated the recent story line of Kristen taking Theresa's fetus and supposedly implanting it in herself. As a person that had uterine cancer at the age of 30 and having a complete hysterectomy and not being able to have biological children, I found this extremely offensive. I also hated the Max and Chelsea story. I have adopted children and my even thinking that one of my kids would have a relationship with an aunt or uncle again is repulsive. And I too never liked the Carly stories and then there is Rex and his twin, Cassie. Geez I could keep going but I'll stop! LOL, sure would love some good stories soon!
  • Garden of Eden
  • Swamp girl storyline though I did like Greta
  • Anything with Princess Gina
  • Chelsea and her turning out to be Georgia the swamp baby
  • Bo and Billie having Chelsea together
  • Paul Narita being John's son
  • Salem Stalker
  • Gemini twins anything
  • Mimi Lockhart
  • Kate Roberts except when with Roman
  • Austin and Carrie's last return
  • Carrie and Rafe anything
  • Sami and Austin anything
  • Sami and EJ anything
  • Sami's over the top reaction to the EJ/Abigail affair
  • Chloe's last major return
  • Carly's last return
  • Daniel and Melanie being related to Maggie
  • Melissa Archer (Serena) was not cast as Sarah Horton
  • The same apartment set was used for 2 unrelated characters currently in Salem :rolleyes:
  • The same office set was used for every single character in Salem except Nicole and Abigail :rolleyes:
  • Alex North
  • The annual appearance of Joey Johnson
  • Brady was a teen and suddenly and inexplicably hated Marlena
  • Sami's goodbye tour and the way she departed Salem
I hated the story of Vivian kidnapping Carley and putting her underground, and had so little room to move, and breathe, and see any thing. I am not sure now who the lady was that she put down there, but I have a terrible thing with claustrophobia but hopefully you all know what I am saying. I cannot stand to even think of someone being kidnapped and kept in a hole, or in a locked device, or in a very close secluded area, and then they find that poor soul. I hate those storylines too. That is when I tune out my lifeline to the world.... Days of our Lives. :)

I did not like the story of when Jennifer Rose was born, and the details of that story. I think she is the way she is partially because of the crazy things that went on in her life, and due to the dreams of the writers, and their story lines. :tsk:

I do not like the story lines they have for the miracles that Dr. Jonas performs. If they were to have him do some of the things they seem to want him to do on the show, first he should spend some time researching some of the cases, and becoming more familiar with the procedure, and doing the movements necessary with the cover ups etc. that they use to make it appear as though he was doing the thing.

But when he went with his darling daughter Melanie to the prison clinic, and performed heart surgery on Jennifer, by reaching into her chest, and doing all the carrying of the heart in a cooler by hand, and so on. There is a whole lot of things that he probably was not aware of, that goes along with the procedure, and then to leave her without a scar, or ever have any discomfort, or even have any sutures removed. Phooey. Not what I remember from my job. This makes it very difficult to go along with the plot, and then the hating to even watch it.
Yep, and NBC thought James Reilly was just the miracle man. Ugh.
Yep, actually Garden of Eden was my #1, and so bad, so detested, we never called it by name, just "the storyline to which we do not refer". LOL And yes, Alex North was a huge failure story. in my opinion.
While I did not HATE IT, I thought making Chelsea be the stillborn, buried child of Billie & Bo was absolutely ridiculous, far fetched, etc.
The Gemini twins were a joke. No wonder they are never ever mentioned.

As was that Anastasia Egg story.
Garden of Eden
Rex and Cassie/alien pod twins
the submarine/Princess Gina/John kidnapped on his honeymoon
Mime Bo
Jack leaving his family when Abby was terminally ill
buried twice Baby Georgia being alive
The Cruise of Deception (but to be fair I was on a cross country trip and could only watch occasionally)
The egg baby story, which ruined Maggie as a character for me when she became Daniel's mother. Before this storyline, I really liked Maggie, tolerated Melanie, and was indifferent to Daniel. But this story absolutely made me detest all three characters.

Austin and Carrie's last visit to Salem, in which she spent her time flirting with Rafe and he was clueless when Abby was stalking him.

Vivian burying Carly.

Jennifer treating Jack like garbage the last time he came back when he was being held prisoner in Afghanistan while fawning all over Daniel.

Nicole losing baby Daniel Rafael after being harassed by Jennifer and everyone in Salem condemning her while treating Jennifer like a saint.

I was not watching the show much during the James Reilly years, but I did not like the Salem Stalker storyline that I watched on YouTube and I have never been tempted to watch the posession storyline. That type of story has never appealed to me.
Chelsea being Georgia. I remember Georgia being stillborn, I remember those scenes, and they were very emotionally charged and well done. By making the baby alive it completely wrecked all of the impact of the original scenes for me.

I was bitter about Nicole losing her second baby too. I'd be less annoyed if that was retcon'd, though retconing it wouldn't solve my problems with the whole situation - that Nicole wants a baby of her own to love. Bringing back some SORAS'ed bratty teen would be a rip off.
Putting Kayla with Shane :sick::sick: X infinity
Mike and Carrie, same response
EJ and Sami "relationship" including that horrific hate boink :sick::sick::sick::sick: X infinity
Allie and Johnny having different fathers ...I guess I should be grateful they didn't make them both EJ's
Making Eve belong to Gabrielle Pascal instead of Emma :angry:
The awful plot lines have been well covered, so here are a few "I hated" scenarios.

Dr. Baker going to prison while his accomplice, Hope, was out in no time at all, and worse, was then reinstated to the Salem P.D. (In the interest of justice, the writers should free him now!)

The idiotic forensics expert who found no trace of the Ford Decker burial in the sorority house basement only minutes after Max removed the body. (Just how bad is the Salem P.D. anyway? -- yes, that's a dumb question.)

The Black jet crashing in the non-existent forests of Greenland, with the survivors then repairing to tents for a little love action. (Who knew that Greenland had trees or that a serious plane crash could result in instant romance?)

Tony dying by falling on a broken piece of wood. (Can't Salem maintain its piers?)

All the hate-boinks and the concept of hate-boinkery.

The most recent Pawn and Princess Gina plot. (Another great move by the writers. If you've got no good ideas, recycle a dumb plot from yesteryear.)

Kayla and Steve getting an off-screen divorce. (Great move, writers, trashing two fan favorites.)

Shawn and Belle taking a cruise ship out of Toronto in the dead of winter. (By some miracle there must have been no ice on Lake Ontario that year.)

Max and Chelsea parachuting out of a jet plane's side door (impossible) over the deserts of the Southwest and then being found in no time at all by Bo and Hope. (Way to go, Bo, who needs local guides?).

Rafe being shuffled off to the margins while viewers are forced to watch Kate and Clyde coo over each other.

The writers killing off Pookie and giving Jordan's cat, Arthur, no screen time.
The entire Rafe coma storyline. Not only was it a slap in the face to the actor who plays Rafe but it also was a slap in the face to Sami and Rafe fans. Under any other regime, Sami saving Rafe's life would have led to a reconciliation but instead we got more of her and her rapist "bonding" over the incident with Rafe barely seen for months.

On that note, I hated the show trying to turn EJ into a leading man and a hero. He was supposed to be a villain you loved to hate. I also hated EJ's cheap death at the hands of Clyde. It should have been a murder mystery with all of his long time enemies, including Sami as suspects.

I hated that Abigail didn't turn out to be pregnant from the affair. That would have given the show storyline possibilities for a long time. As usual, they blew it and instead we get the nonsense with Brady and Jeannie.

As for Chelsea, I grew to like her over time and actually thought the romance with Daniel was interesting as it involved lots of characters. However, I hated the way she turned out to be Georgia. I'm not a Billie fan at all and giving more connection to Bo just made me angry. It would have been more believable had she been a result of an unseen tryst between Bo and Carly perhaps after she got out of the coffin.

I hated Brady and Chloe breaking up and divorcing offscreen due to a never mentioned before drug problem. Fans were extremely vested in this couple and they were destroyed once the role of Brady was recast. Still angers me to this day.

Lots of mentions of James Reilly. I would also say Lisa DeCazotte has done her share of destroying this show too.
Anything involving Vivian Alamain

The entire ongoing Jonas/Horton/Kiriakis families intermingling. They've made it up continuously as it's come along, with no endgame or goal in sight.

Fake Rafe

But my all time un-favorite...Susan Banks procured by Stefano to have a child with Stefano (ewwww) for Kristen after she miscarried John Black's baby. Resulting in EJ Dimera. Just...ewwww.