Interesting Christmas gifts


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
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My 12yr old daughter became interested in crafts this year. She started with knitting and taught herself to make scarves watching youtube videos. She then moved on to making hair bows using ribbon, metal clips, and a hot glue gun. She uses a mix of colors and makes them for cousins and friends at school. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when she asked for a sewing machine for Christmas. I spent pretty much all of Christmas morning showing her how to thread the bobbin (easy) and the needle (not so easy). She then went online and printed some worksheets with sewing patterns so she could practice straight lines and a variety of zig zag lines. I bought her a pattern for $0.97 for a simple handbag to get her started. It just makes me wonder what she'll ask for next year.

Did anyone buy requested gifts (or receive a gift) that made you go "OK, that's interesting".
WOW, I love that she wanted a sewing machine. So many younger people today wouldn't know how to sew or repair things to save their lives. Thank goodness the prices have come way down for a basic zigzag machine.

Oh my, tea bags and a memo pad from your well-to-do boss! That's really bad.

My biggest clunkers were yesterday. My one sister's very strange boyfriend (they met in partial hospitalization) gave me "latte pops" made with real coffee and a box of Russell Stover chocolate covered nuts. He knows I don't drink coffee......can't stand the smell or taste of it. Plus it interferes with my medications. The biggest thing....he knows I'm ALLERGIC to all tree nuts and peanuts. The rest of my family let out loud gasps then were totally silent. (He and that sister laughed.) My 30 year old niece then yelled out "Are you trying to kill my Aunt Squirrel ?" Her older brother (my nephew and lawyer) said "Why did you do that? You two aren't in her will." The rest of the family said they wouldn't touch the candy because they couldn't eat them without thinking about what would've happened. I ended up bringing them home, and will take them to work for my suite-mates.
LOL, did she just pull those things from the office supply closet JS.

One year, my boss gave me a fleece blanket with my name stitched into it. She told me it was for office use only because I was always complaining about how cold it was inside. Everyone at the office party just laughed but it was the best gift ever in my opinion lol.

For years, my daughter's dad has gotten me a robe and slippers and I'd think to myself I'm 30ish not 90ish. Yesterday I was shocked when he actually gave me a collection of different fragrances from Bath & Body Works. I was like ooh a different smell for each day of the week.
A couple of different friends sent me Chip & Dale Hanukkah pins this year. Ironically, I think I already bought one for myself last year. :) I have to check my Disney pin box. But I dare not tell them. My Secret Santa also sent me a snowman Mickey crisp from Walt Disney World. Lots of really nice cards this year too from family and business associates mainly.
My mother-in-law surprised me this year by buying the right size pajamas. Every year she gets me a size too big but this year she managed to remember my size. It's not like my weight has fluctuated that much. :confused: Hubby and I were on the same page with our gifts this year. He got me a great collage picture frame and I got him a travel coffee mug with pictures of the girls on it. We almost never think alike, so that was weird.
And surely you jest, Cryin, LOL. At least according to my mom!
Good for your daughter cryin4days :clap: I crochet and made several hats this year - I've had three requests from folks who want me to make them one and willing to pay!!

I try to get the kids in the family gifts that are not electronic and no batteries required as much as I can: craft kits, books, drawing items, things like that.

The funniest gift I gave was to my son-in-law. I shop at Half Price Books a lot and I found a book called Crap At My Parents' House - all pictures with funny captions. He loved it and everyone else who looked at thought it was hysterical as well. His Mom is a pack rat so I knew he'd appreciate it.

kt the work gloves and Scope :rotfl:that's too funny!
Most thoughtful gift ever? My dear friend Deb knew how I cherished my time with my Granddaddy before he died, and how he always sang "You are my Sunshine" to me as a child. She must have searched high and low to find a musical jewelry box that played that tune! Talk about someone really hearing what you say, how you feel.
I have had a lot of strange gifts over the years. But this year my new son-in-law got me an ELECTRIC gravy boat!! I have never seen or heard of one.
Gooffyest gift I ever gave was my coworker and I got our boss a "boyfriend" She kept saying she wanted a blond haired blue eyed fella, so we got a key to her office and made a cardboard man with yarn hair and big blue coatbutton eyes. We set him at her desk with a sign on his chest that said
" Santa wants me to make your Christmas dreams come true" She loved it and kept him around for quite a while
biggest "make ne cry" present , my kids got me a mothers ring.
One year, all I wanted for Christmas was ice skates. I had a friend who let me use her brothers skates, which were a half size too small, but I used them. So, my dad buys ice skates for Christmas....FOR MY SISTER, who did not care at all, and they were a whole size and half too large for me. But, she let me use them a few times, and I had to stuff things in the toes.
And so.....I was married about 15 years, and one Christmas my husband gifted me with a pair of ice skates, in my size. (We had an in the ground pool that he had built himself, and in winter we took the water down only about 2 feet, and then let it freeze so we could skate) Loved those skates.
By the way, that pool was sooo yukky to clean come spring, it was small, but we loved it, and really missed it after moving up here.
Cryin4days, I would be very, very proud of a daughter who is self-motivated to do creative work with her hands!

Kt, I am a "laugh on the inside" kind of person, which means I usually only grin when something amuses me, but I laughed until tears were coming up in my eyes when I read about your dad giving your mother the work gloves and Scope.

All of you had some interesting stories. I don't think I've ever gotten or given anything really strange. Before we were married, my husband (to be) lived in PA and I lived in TX. He sent me a hair dryer for Christmas. I was happy to get it and was surprised later, when I learned his brother had scolded him for not getting me something more romantic, like perfume. I was glad he didn't because I am allergic to perfume and detest having to smell it. I am pretty practical minded but I have to admit, in later years I got pretty tired of getting new pots and pans and such for Christmas gifts. He even gave me an iron one time. Now that is really taking it too far!! He'd heard me say I'd like to try a cordless iron. And let me say right here---it didn't work worth a flip!
Just got my most interesting (?) gift late due to Fed Ex and Ups problems. It is a foot shaped pink thingee with suction cups that stick to the floor of bath or shower with brush things and a pumice stone at the heel portion. You rub foot back and forth, it cleans, and exfoliates and you do not have to bend down. My Son thinks of everything!
I have to say, my most interesting gift was a pink .22 pistol.

Most thoughtful though, the first Christmas with my boyfriend (I was 19), he got me a box of waffle cereal, a bag of coffee, a scarf (that matched his, they were purple), and a giant Spiderman you stuff with a pillow. Our first date, we went out for waffles and coffee and stayed out until the sun came up. The spiderman was because he would be staying at his mom's on Christmas eve night and my room was decorated in Spiderman things. I loved it.