
Julie's crusade to get justice for Nick hasn't bothered me because I recognize character assassination to suit a plot when I see it. I think if Gabi had just mentioned the attempted rape, Julie more than likely would have backed off and showed her some compassion based on her past. I still don't understand why Gabi didn't shout about the attempted rape instead of saying things got "physical" between she and Nick when giving her statement to Hope and the DA. Nick was blackmailing half the town and any of his "victims" could have set Julie, and the police, straight if they weren't so worried about covering their own rear ends.

Julie was used to play the vengeful, unforgiving, antagonist just as Adrienne was saddled with that role for most of 2013.
I still don't understand why Gabi didn't shout about the attempted rape instead of saying things got "physical" between she and Nick when giving her statement to Hope and the DA.

I don't understand either. Nobody would have been in trouble (not Sami, not EJ, not Will, not Sonny, not Kate), had Gabi used the proper word. Gabi would not have had to talk about the river incident, just the attempted rape. Nick did indeed try to rape her. But I guess it's a slippery subject for these writers now, since they have officially paired Sami and EJ. So to acknowledge a rape, or an attempted rape, only makes them look ridiculous. Just as Sami looks utterly stupid when she gets all worked up over Nick trying to rape Gabi.

But to get back on the subject of Julie, she got on my last nerve today. Saying Nick was sweet and nice ! :eek: Really ? Another stupid female character, can't have too much of those. :sarcasm: And Hope ! Saying she was "devastated". Give me a break. Both these women barely spoke to him when he was alive. They didn't know him at all. And maybe Hope should have as much empathy towards Will, Sonny and Gabi than she had towards Nick, if not more. Yes, Hope did show a little more than Julie (a lot more since Julie was so over the top it was ridiculous), but not nearly enough.

Right now, the fact that Julie is not willing to admit that Nick was a terrible, violent, controlling man, sends a very disturbing message to young viewers, to all viewers in fact. When she says Nick loved Gabi, she clearly has no idea of what an abusive relationship really is. So again, the writers are missing the mark with this character and her stupid comments.
@TheWriter....I don't think the writers are "missing the mark" this time ... (and it pains me to "stick up for them") I think that they are showing just how idiotic and insensitive Julie can be and how best to do so than to write her this way for today's courtroom scene??
If Julie cared so much about Nick, then she should have been around more, same goes for Maggie, and even Hope. These women all feel so bad for Nick, but not his victims. I will grant you that they may not know ALL the details, but Hope knows Nick manipulated the modeling job in NY, and then got one himself there, intending to isolate Gabi from her family and friends. Also, that he was intent on getting Will's parental rights negated.
There is plenty that Nick did, and others know about, that could be told to Julie, without involving the river, etc.
Why couldn't Gabi say Nick tried to rape her in the park? Yes, I know, then she'd be asked why she did not call the police. But since she told them about Andrew & Melanie.....she could just say he kept threatening to send her to jail.
Maybe someone will explain what the repercussions would be in telling Julie some of the things Nick did. After all, when she refused to go to NY....he went beserk, and tried to rape her. Let's see, if it was in the apt., Arianna woke and was crying, and that is how she was able to stop him.
??? Nah, we will never see it. Days keeps using the excuse (Gabi Said it several times) that everything else would come out.
cryin, I totally agree with you. I'm willing to cut Julie some slack since she is not privy to all the information the audience has. I think that once she finds out the truth about the attempted rape, she WILL see Nick in a completely different light. Julie, was after all, a victim of rape herself. Right now, Julie is just overwhelmed by grief, that she can't see the forest through the trees and she needs to lash out at someone and that person is Gabi, unfortunately.
It really annoys me that over the years the writers seem to find very little to do with the "mature" characters other than turning them in to some kind of one-dimensional cartoon character: dolt, busy-body, inept, clown, snark, etc. They rarely get a story line with any real meat. Julie was once a much-loved star of the show. Half of one of the first "super" couples.
Julie's crusade to get justice for Nick hasn't bothered me because I recognize character assassination to suit a plot when I see it. I think if Gabi had just mentioned the attempted rape, Julie more than likely would have backed off and showed her some compassion based on her past. I still don't understand why Gabi didn't shout about the attempted rape instead of saying things got "physical" between she and Nick when giving her statement to Hope and the DA. Nick was blackmailing half the town and any of his "victims" could have set Julie, and the police, straight if they weren't so worried about covering their own rear ends.

Julie was used to play the vengeful, unforgiving, antagonist just as Adrienne was saddled with that role for most of 2013.

Agreed - I HATE this version of Julie but she'll be off on a cruise and re-trotted out as whatever TIIC need her to be for some other story in six months. Sad, really.
When I first started watching Days in the late 80s, Julie seemed to be on as much as Sami is now. She was divorced from Doug at the time so she was mostly meddling in others' lives and then had an affair with Dr. Chip Lakin, a young intern played by Jay Pickett. I'm guessing she was around Kate's age at the time.