
It's sad because there really is a place for Doug and Julie in Salem. They should have inherited the Horton house instead of Jennifer and should have taken Tom and Alice's place as matriarch/patriarch.

They could be a support system to Hope and Ciara and I could even get behind a contrived storyline where Doug doesn't approve of Aiden.
And I love when Doug gets to sing, with Julie or without. And the reason is because Days no longer has any of it's characters sing. And they used to do so, and we all loved it. So if they open their pocketbooks a tad, and let an old timer warble a bit, does my heart good.
Agreed about Julie's rants in re: Nick. They could have been toned down some, but I guess they needed someone to be "the other side of the coin" so Julie got that job.
I do think that Julie needs to become aware of at least some of the horrible things Nick did. i.e. Abby could mention how Nick learned of something she did, and was blackmailing/threatening her with that knowledge. Someone has to tell how Nick was so determined to have Gabi to himself, he manipulated her modeling job in NY, and when she decided not to go, he tried to rape Gabi, and was angry she successfully fended him off. Thereafter, she became frightened of him, so just tried to go along with him so he would not get angry, but then he forced the custody of Arianna issue, wanting to take her away from Will, and she just reached her breaking point.
Nothing has to be said about the river, etc. But Julie does need to know some things, as does Maggie.