Lucas' Last Stand

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Lucas: I think Sami Brady is an imposter.
Roman: Not that again. You’ve been claiming Sami isn’t herself for the past two or three years.

Oh Lucas, you and me both brother! ::High Five:: :hug:

I love that Lucas is the one to realize Sami isn't herself and that he has apparently been telling Roman that all along.

Roman: Hold on a sec while I activate the cone of silence.


Kpatch, you always do a great job with dialogue but you know I'm extremely picky about my favorite characters and you are doing a fabulous job with Lucas... "you know what" when he's aggravated is classic Lucas! Great Job!!

Poor Lucas on the Blackberry frustrations - I'm with you on that one too buddy. You know what, after reading this chapter, I'm starting to think that imposter Sami and real Sami can both step aside, Lucas is obviously MY soulmate!
Oh what a great chapter. Loved the cone of silence. Get Smart was the only show my brother and I could agree on. Ok so the real Sami is facebooking Lucas and a fake one is living Sami's life. No wonder she has not been acting like herself. Poor Lucas with the blackberry. I can understand his frustrations. The computers at work are so slow it takes forever to get the program opened to get blood results. I have faith that Lucas will find the real Sami and save her. Looking forward to Monday. Thanks kpatch.
"and another man"...that was rough, Roman. Play nice, Lucas would be the ONLY person that Sami really trusts.

kpatch you are going to make us Sami fans ecstatic if you and Lucas find the real Sami. I have missed her so...sigh.

Rioks is right, you have Lucas down to a t! Thanks for the ray of sunshine!
Chapter 4

SALEM PD, the next day

Lucas: What did you find out?
Roman: I visited Sami at the Penthouse.
Lucas: Uh huh.
Roman: And I borrowed the glass Sami was drinking out of ...
Lucas: Good! What did you find out?
Roman: I made sure she didn’t see me take the glass. I don’t want her to suspect anything. You know how sensitive Sami gets.
Lucas: Okay. So what did you find out?
Roman: I brought the glass down to the police lab.
Lucas: And what did you find out? Did you check her fingerprints?
Roman: And I had the lab analyze the DNA on the glass against my own DNA.
Lucas: Then what did you find out?
Roman: We found out it’s Sami.
Lucas: What’s Sami?
Roman: The woman in the Penthouse. It’s Sami.
Lucas: What? Are you sure?
Roman: I stayed while they ran the test. I didn’t want any doubts. And there aren’t any. The woman living in the Penthouse is definitely my daughter. No doubt about it.
Lucas: Damn. I was so sure ...
Roman: Sorry Lucas. There’s nothing more to do.
Roman leaves.
Lucas: Sorry Roman. I’m not buying it. It looks like I’ll have to do this by myself.

LUCAS’ HOME, that afternoon

Lucas gets home, logs onto Facebook and posts a message on his wall saying “Sami, where are you???”
While waiting for a response, Lucas takes out a notebook and writes like mad, detailing when he thinks Sami stopped being the Sami he knew and loved, the events that occurred, the actions that took place. He has about 10 pages of notes, when a new message pops up on his Facebook wall.

Sami’s message: I’m here. What’s up?
Lucas [muttering]: Jeez. Clear communication is an art form. I need to be more specific.
Lucas’s message: What is your exact location?
Sami’s reply: Damned if I know! My guess ... one of Stefano’s islands.

Lucas dials a number on his cell phone.
Lucas: Hey, it’s me. I need you to do something for me... No, not over the phone... No, not at your place either. Meet me at the park entrance in a half hour.

To be continued...
Fake Sami must have seen Roman take the glass. Roman probably thought he was so sly!...Love how Lucas kept trying to get Roman to get to the point!
This is very interesting. How in the word can the person in Sami's place match Sami's DNA???? I am thinking that someone is playing a joke on Lucas and pretending to be Sami in trouble or Marlena had triplets and the person in Sami's place is an indentical twin. Another way is that Sami has been cloned. I just don't know how this is going to play out. Just love Lucas. I know he is not going to give up til he gets to the end of it. Thanks for the chapter kpatch. Will be tuned in tomorrow.
With the Dimeras involved anything is possible and you'd think Roman of all people would know that. I'm just glad Lucas is so stubborn and isn't giving up. Great Chapter!!
hmm, maybe Roman isn't Roman, he could be a fake, just like Sami. Roman was after all held captive by Stefano too. Fake Roman could actually be fake Sami's father.
Maybe Samis is Eric with a sex change....!!! And do we know for sure Roman is Roman...??? I mean, it's Salem, do we know for sure that anybody is who they are...???? :duh:
hmm, maybe Roman isn't Roman, he could be a fake, just like Sami. Roman was after all held captive by Stefano too. Fake Roman could actually be fake Sami's father.
. I agree. Maybe John is the real Roman after all; it sure beats him being Sami's ... hmm, what is he now? Sami's half-great uncle? Whatever ... RoJohn should be Sami's dad, not Chris Kositchek! :)

Oh, and thanks for the update, Kpatch ... I was looking forward to it all weekend!
Great story, kpatch! In a mere four chapters you've already gotten me more interested than in anything that's happening on the actual show right now, and it involves characters who I have never been much of a fan of (Lucas) and cannot stand (Sami). But I used to like Sami, very much, until about 2008, so if you can "fix" her, great!

Am I the only one who has a feeling that though his name hasn't been brought up yet, EJ is going to be in for a world of hurt, lol?
Chapter 5


Lucas dials a number on his cell phone.
Lucas: Hey, it’s me. I need you to do something for me... No, not over the phone... No, not at your place either. Meet me at the park entrance in a half hour.

SALEM CITY PARK, one hour later

Lucas: You’re late.
Kate: I had to do my hair and nails. I came as fast as I could. What’s wrong?
Lucas: Remember when you asked what you could do to get me to un-disown you?
Kate: Yes...
Lucas: You said you’d do anything. Did you mean it?
Kate: Yes, of course, sweetie.
Lucas: Then I have something I need you to do.
Kate: Just tell me and I’ll do it.
Lucas: You told me there’s a room in the Dimera Mansion that’s strictly off limits.
Kate: ...Anything but that.
Lucas: I haven’t even asked the question.
Kate: Well I presume you want me to get something for you from that room, right?
Lucas: No.
Kate: That’s a relief.
Lucas: I want you to get me the key ... or keys ... to all the locked drawers and cabinets and vaults in that room.
Kate: I can’t do that.
Lucas: Then, you know what? You and me, we’re finished.
Kate: No no. What I mean is ... there are no keys. It’s all keypads and codes.
Lucas: Then get me the codes. And get me some free time to get in there and do research.
Kate: Lucas, sweetie, do you realize what you’re asking? Stefano will kill me. And you. He’ll kill us both.
Lucas: That's a sweetheart of a guy you married.
Kate: Baby, it’s too dangerous to try ...
Lucas: Mom, I wouldn't ask if it weren't a matter of life and death.
Kate: Whose life?
Lucas: Mine.
Kate: I ... Lucas, sweetie, I want to help, but...
Lucas: If you don’t, we’re done. And I mean it this time.
Kate: This is big.
Lucas: I know, but if anyone can pull it off, you can.
Kate: Maybe you could sweeten the deal.
Lucas: Excuse me???
Kate: Perhaps you could persuade your brother to un-disown me too.
Lucas: You always did like Philip best.
Kate: Well, will you?
Lucas: I can’t make any promises, but I’ll call him and ask.
Kate: Good.
Lucas: Then we have a deal?
Kate: Deal.
Lucas: I’ll need to get into Stefano’s file room by tomorrow night.
Kate: So soon???
Lucas: Thanks Mom.
He leaves.
Kate: The things a mother does for her children.

To be continued ...
Lucas: Mom, I wouldn't ask if it weren't a matter of life and death.
Kate: Whose life?
Lucas: Mine.

Aww, this is my favorite part. :love:

LOL to Kate rushing right over - great conversation throughout - sounds just like them!
Kate: I ... Lucas, sweetie, I want to help, but...
Lucas: If you don’t, we’re done. And I mean it this time

LOL that is my favorite line of the chapter. How many times Lucas has disowned Kate and then let her back into his life. I could just see and hear them as I read this. Can't wait to find out what Lucas finds in that room. I also loved when Kate said that Stefano would kill them and Lucas commented on what a sweetheart of a guy she married. Thanks for the chapter kpatch.
I was wondering who Lucas was calling - now we know. Let's see if Kate comes through for Lucas. Glad he didn't tell her it involved Sami.
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