Lucas' Last Stand

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Chapter 6

JAVA CAFE, the next day

Kate: Here are the codes.
She hands Lucas a piece of paper.
Lucas: Is this all of them? Are you sure they’re right?
Kate: Positive.
Lucas: How did you get them?
Kate: You don’t want to know. But it’s amazing what Rolf will say and do when you give him a little Schnapps.
Lucas: This is great Mom, thanks!
Kate: Stefano and I are going to the opera tonight. I convinced Stefano to give the staff the night off. The house will be completely empty after 7:00.
Lucas: What about the main security system?
Kate: That code is on the list too, along with the code to the front door. I’m going to accidentally disable the video cameras before we leave tonight.
Lucas: That’s perfect.
Kate: I’ve taken care of everything I can think of. The rest is up to you. Be careful, baby.
Lucas: I will.

DIMERA MANSION, 7:30 that night

Lucas has gotten into the mansion using the security code his mother gave him. He is wearing gloves to ensure he leaves no fingerprints behind. He makes his way upstairs to the secret file room and he enters the code on the keypad outside the door. The door opens and Lucas goes inside. The room is spare. No file cabinets. No locked drawers. Just a computer, a desk, and a chair. He turns the computer on and enters the logon code, then another code to log into the history file. He looks at the file folders on the hard drive. There’s a folder that says “Hostages.” Lucas double clicks the folder and sees a series of subfolders. There’s one for Roman Brady. One for Marlena Evans. Another one called “The Pawn” for John Black. One for Hope Brady. One for Anthony Dimera. One for Steve Johnson, and so on. Finally, he sees the one for Samantha Brady, which confirms that his suspicions were correct. He double clicks the folder and it opens. At that very moment, he hears a noise downstairs.

To be continued ...
OMG... What an awesome chapter. I am ad Kate actually came through for Lucas, but who in the world is downstairs??? Could it be EJ?
The Dimeras would have a file titled "Hostages" with subfiles no less. Great chapter!
OMG. Who is it downstairs. Poor Lucas I am so worried for him now. Love that they have a file on the computer called hostages. Wonder what is in Sami's folder. Can't wait till tomorrow so glad that today is not Friday as I could not wait til Monday.
Wow! That gave me chills! Awesome chapter Kpatch! Love seeing Lucas in action. Can't wait for more.... :D
I am so enjoying your story and look forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing your talents.:)
Lucas is my hero...!!! Risking life and limb for Sami...great read....can't wait for tomorrow....
DVR Alert!

To those of you who say you hate cliffhangers, I think you secretly love them. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far.

Set your DVRs, friends. Chapter 7 is a must see. OK, so we can't really see it. But it's a must read!
Chapter 7


Lucas hears voices downstairs and opens the door a crack.

Kate: I can’t believe you left the tickets home.
Stefano: What can I tell you, tessora, I’m not perfect. And you don’t need to shout, Katherine. I’m not hard of hearing.
Kate: I just don’t want to miss the overture.
Stefano: Now where did I leave those tickets. Ah, upstairs!
Kate: No!!!
Stefano: Pardon me?
Kate: I’ll get them, my darling. I don’t want you overexerting yourself. You wait down here.
Stefano: They should be in the top drawer of my armoire.

Kate hurries upstairs, looks toward the file room and motions for Lucas to close the door, which he does. She finds the tickets and heads back downstairs.

Kate [loudly]: I found them. Let’s go.
Stefano: Still shouting? Maybe you are the one who is hard of hearing, eh?
Kate: Very funny.

They leave. Lucas hears the front door close and sits back down in the chair in front of the computer. He proceeds to review the files that say “Samantha Brady.” He clicks the top file and an audio recording plays.

Rolf: Calm down, Stefano.
Stefano: Calm? How can I be calm when I sent my idiot son to do a job -- a tiny mindless task -- and he fails.
Rolf: Zeez things can be tricky, Stefano.
Stefano: Elvis was supposed to impregnate Samantha Brady. How hard can that be?
Rolf: I have some other bad news, but you must remain calm or I will not tell you.
Stefano [yelling]: I’m calm. I’m calm.
Rolf: It’s about zee DNA tests. I only had time to switch zee results for one of zee twins.
Stefano [flipping out]: What??? You incompetent idiot! They are twins, you nincompoop. Who in their right mind would believe that the twins have different fathers?
Rolf: It happens. It’s extremely rare, but it is biologically feasible.
Stefano: Ayayay. At least tell me you switched it so it looks like the boy belongs to Elvis.
Rolf: Zat is correct. Everyone will believe that the male child is his. What shall we do now, Stefano?
The recording ends.

Lucas: Johnny is mine? He’s my son? Zis is incredible! I mean, this is incredible.
Lucas sits there for a moment, paralyzed by a plethora of emotions. He is at once delighted and outraged. Tears fill his eyes. He shakes himself.
Lucas: Focus, Lucas, focus. You haven’t got all night. You need to concentrate on finding Sami. I know you’re out there somewhere, Sami, and I will find you. I swear to God I will.
He clicks on the next file.

To be continued ...
Thank you! Thank you! Thabk you. I so wanted both kids to be Lucas'. Since we didn't get our wish on the show at least we are getting it here!
I knew it. I knew it. I have being saying that Johnny and Allie are both Lucas's. Now lucas has found it out. Thanks kpatch for making my dream come true. Just loving Lucas as the hero. Had to laugh with Kate yelling so Lucas would hear them. Looking forward for finding out more of what is in that file. So sad tomorrow Friday and then I will have to wait two days for more.
Zis is so incrideeble. I mean, this is so incredible! Lovin' Lucas in your story. Wish he would've been MORE like this on the show...never thought I'd say it, but this makes me miss Lucas.
Loving the story, Kpatch! Thanks for the chapter sweetie!!
Great job! You have made my biggest wish come true. Now if Sydney is in your story please find a way for her to be Lucas' child too. Then I will be a real happy camper.
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