Mickey's donor

Her mother could have had an affair, could have had in vitro. Since the show never really explored her family at all, anything.
Well, while that's a possibility, I'd buy into it if it wasn't an obviously Latinx actress portraying her. If it was someone who looks like me (I'm half Mexican, but the European side makes me look more Caucasian Mediterranean than Latina) then I'd buy it. They've spent too much time building up the diversity of that family. They just got lazy with research, as usual.
Yep, WG, this backstage crew does NO research whatsoever, thus lots of eyerolling. However, one never knows about matches, which is why there is a nationwide database. Someone in Wyoming is a match for a person in Vermont. Someone in Alabama is a match for a person in North Dakota. Different ethnic backgrounds have been successful in matching up. No different than the person buying the lottery ticket, with a 1 in a million chance of winning......and does!
In this case, in Salem, just a lazy writer way of getting Gabi out of a situation they wrote her into.

P.S. I LOVE your location!!!!
The child Xander switched with is Hispanic/Latinx and not Brady/Kristen's nor Sarah/Rex/Eric/Xander's child.

Now this is a scenario I could buy into. That way, baby Mickey would turn out to not be Kristen/Brady's baby and it would have a better explanation why Gabi is the match than a convenient get out of jail free card. One of the things that bugs me about this story is that neither Kristen or Brady seem to have any sort of attachment or pull towards baby Mickey. In soaps, the real parents are usually attached to the baby for an unknown reason before it is revealed that the baby is theirs. Sami had a bond with Sydney before she found out that Sydney was her baby. It happened last year on Bold and the Beautiful when a couple thought their baby had died, but were both drawn to the adopted daughter of a friend of theirs before finding out she was their missing baby.

If they found the woman who is Mickey's real mother, than the baby she had is either Sarah's child or Rachel Isabella. My preference would be Sarah's baby with it revealed that Xander is the father.
In real life, years ago, there WAS an accidental baby switch at a hospital, wherein each family took home and raised the baby girl not their own. It was discovered so many years later, I think it was in Florida, but honestly, I cannot remember the details, but I believe a movie was made. So I looked it all up.

Kimberly Mays and Arlena Twigg were born within a few days of each other in a Wauchula, Florida hospital in November 1978. Kimberly went home with Bob Mays and his wife Barbara, who died of ovarian cancer when Kimberly was three. Ernest and Regina Twigg of Sebring, Florida took home the Mays' biological daughter, whom they named Arlena. The Twiggs learned that Arlena had the wrong blood type to be their biological daughter when she was nine years old. Following Arlena's death from a heart condition, the Twiggs sought information about their biological daughter and located Kimberly Mays, who became the subject of a custody battle between her biological parents and Bob Mays, the man who raised her after she was switched at birth. Bob Mays had agreed in 1989 to grant the Twiggs visitation rights to Kimberly, but he later cut off the visits. The Twiggs then sued for increased visitation or custody of Kimberly. A Wauchula circuit court ruled in 1993 that Kimberly would be allowed to cut off all contacts with her biological family and that Bob Mays was her psychological father.[4] Though Kimberly won the right to stay with Bob Mays, she later ran away and moved in with the Twiggs.
