Mon 3/29 No show


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry folks, too cold last night......

But...... just so you won't be wondering, what stops the wedding is a hurricane coming that sends all our friends out of Santo Domingo
And Daniel falls outside and is injured.....

If I can find the show elsewhere tomorrow.....will put up a summary.....

Have a great day........
OT, but I read yesterday that everyone has to fly back to Salem because of the hurricane. Living in a hurricane prone state, I know that you cannot get a flight out during a hurricane. LOL. Guess we'll chalk that up to "Salem Reality".
Not to mention which, living in a hurricane-risk area myself, I know that hurricane season runs from June to November. The Dominican Republic has the same season.

Hard to believe anyone has such cold weather! It's in the 70s and sunny here in my little area of the Texas coast. But y'all have the last laugh during the summer, when it's in the high '90s and humid for me months on end (literally--usually May through October).

Thanks for trying, Barb!
Gotta love the weather, huh? Thanks for trying!!

Next week should be interesting....
@Oliviaunt....your avatar is about how we are all dressed around here yesterday and today......LOL

The freak hurricane has not hit yet, but is on it's way......thus the "leaving on a jet plane" for everyone. The writers/director need a big dose of reality pills.....why not a tropical storm........

But actually, with all the wierd weather this country and others has been having this winter......why not a freak blizzard. LOLOLOLOL
Not to mention which, living in a hurricane-risk area myself, I know that hurricane season runs from June to November. The Dominican Republic has the same season.

I was thinking the same thing. I say that we have two seasons in Texas, Hurricane and non Hurricane. March is just a little too early for even an early hurricane.
I never realized how many Texans are in the Spectator. Yes, our days here in Texas have been gorgeous. So hard to conceive places still that cold.
Thanks for trying, Barb.

Here this week ... we had 50s Mon & Tues w/rain, mid 60s Wed & Thurs ...
Today the temp has been falling since midnite .... and they're talking temps tonite in the 20s, with lower windchills.... and a chance of snow!

The 'blizzard' we had in Feb, had the winds, etc ... BUT since it did not originate in the tropics (it formed off the mid-Atlantic coast) they said it could not be called a 'hurricane' even tho' it was Feb??

AND, the volcanic eruptions in Iceland ... if their second one 'blows', like they think it might, we will actually have a period of 'global cooling' because of all the ash that will be in the atmosphere, apparently partially blocking the sunlight!

Crazy world! :idea:
I always thought that hurricaines happened at the end of the summer and the beginning of fall. Aug. to Nov. I remember one song of Carly Simon's that talks about the end of summer begining of fall and she is saying that Hugo is working his way up the coast. Katrina was at the end of Aug. Shows how much I know about weather.
DJM ..... the 'official' hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov 30.
The tropical storms, in recent years, are named in alpha order, from a list chosen each year ... so, Katrina at the end of Aug .... a 'K' ..... means that storms (and potential hurricanes) named A thru J took place before that. :)
They call them Nor'easters because they are winter storms that are similar to hurricanes in how they form and how they behave. Low pressure systems with circular motion winds that blow trees and other stuff down, accompanied by precipitation and high tides. I am here in Virginia where that storm formed and it was a doozy. I live on an inlet right off the lower Chespeake Bay and the flooding wind and rain has been worse this winter than it is for us during a normal hurricane season.

BTW...thanks for getting up at the butt crack of dawn every morning for us Poroit. :hug:
Thanks for trying Barb. And that is weird that they would flying out in the middle of a hurricane

OT, but I read yesterday that everyone has to fly back to Salem because of the hurricane. Living in a hurricane prone state, I know that you cannot get a flight out during a hurricane. LOL. Guess we'll chalk that up to "Salem Reality".

There's a special "time portal" that the Salemite's use all the time...didn't know it goes all the way down to Santa Domingo! LOL!
I echo the others- thanks for trying, and sorry you're so cold! I loved Kate's parting thought. I hope Stefano is the one to nail EJ. He's all about making people pay for crossing a DiMera - hoisted on his own petard! Can't wait to see it! Great weekend everyone!:smile: that word lytninalsostrikes! We SS's have the BEST vocabularies!!!