Monday, August 6th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, August 6th, 2007

Episode #10,627 Taped 7/16 Director – Herb Stein

The police are at the DiMera house, with Bart in a body bag, and Stefano feeling remorseful. In walks Kate, who claims she has clearance. She asks Stefano what happened, and he says his good friend Bart met an untimely death. (better it should have been Rolf, than Bart, who was a joy to watch – Days made a mistake killing him off). Kate claims she heard Stefano was not feeling well, so she came to see how he was. Stefano does not buy that for a minute, he knows her only too well…..and for too long. She agrees, and comes to the point. She wants him to cover Mythic for her, until she can get it back up and running, and will pay him back. Now they have conversations about ungreatful children, namely EJ & Lucas. She tell Stefano how she just saw EJ, downing a bottle of scotch and crying about Sami. He says Elvis is a big disappointment. Stefano has Kate pour them a drink, then begins to bellow at how he took care of her and her son for years, and he has been in Salem several weeks, ill, and she never came once. Except now, when she wants money. She goes to leave, he yells “without a dime?” as he smashes his brandy glass. He apologizes, then writes her a check. She doesn’t want to take it, but he insists, saying if he dies, it will be forgiven. She kisses him on the cheek, & before you know it, he has stood up, and they are really kissing. She comments that is not the kiss of a sick man, & he is glad she noticed. Giggle, giggle, as Kate asks the cop for permission to take Stefano upstairs, he is not feeling well. Sure. She wheels him away, asking him if he is sure this will be o.k. Nope, we do not see the horizontal mambo that takes place. Ha.

At the hospital, Kayla is worried about Roman, who is still in a coma. Steve consoles her and up walks Stephanie with her luggage. She asks about Uncle Roman, then tells them she is moving out. Steve & Kayla try to talk her out of it, but she is adamant. They cannot believe she is moving in with Jeremy, but up walks Adrienne with the news that no, she is moving in with her. Kayla & Steve are surprised, there is some chat, Stephanie stalks off, Steve asks Adrienne to keep an eye on Steph. He is upset now that he is such a rotten father. Kayla tells him no, not rotten, a bit overprotective perhaps, but not rotten at all.

Over at the Pub, the reading of the letters continues. Santo & Colleen are still on the hilltop, he is telling her to go, she sees he is bleeding on his face, and wants to tend to it. He won’t let her, telling her to return to her convent. She refuses and insists. Later she is dabbing at it with a cloth she has spit on, he is afraid she is giving him blood poisoning. Lots of chit chat goes on, and eventually they kiss again. She breaks away, saying no, no this cannot be, she has made vows. At the Pub, the gang jabbers about what is going on, and Sami claims Colleen is in lust, and that she knows what that is like, as she looks fondly at Lucas and smiles. Colleen’s letter was being read, but now it is a letter from Santo that we are hearing. On the hilltop, a small fire is going, but Colleen has stepped away from Santo. He is trying to tell her she should be free, and he is trying to get her to take some steps away from the church. She talks of him being worldly, and her just a country village girl. His world is not hers. He wants her to join him, but she will not. She puts out her hand to shake and be friends, and he pulls her towards him, talking of dancing with her at the Village Pub. Just then Little Shawn comes running up, telling Leeney that Father Mallory needs her right now. She leaves with her brother, with Santo smiling and saying “You will come?”. At the Pub, Sami comments that Fate has stepped in. Bo claims she is promised to be a nun, but Sami counters that there are just some couples who are fated to be together, no matter what. This causes all these couples to look at each other, and smile…..Bo & Hope, John & Marlena, Doug & Julie, Sami & Lucas.
Tony walks in, Bo pulls a gun, not sure if it is him. Prove it. John steps in, asking about his two island girls, and calls them by wrong names. Tony corrects him, and they realize it is really him. Tony tells them about being at Stefano’s to try for the key, almost had it, André & the sword fight, Bart getting permanently skewered by André, and how Bart swallowed the key. Bo & John agree that they are going to have to slice open Bart to get the key, and leave with Tony.
John comes into the DiMera mansion, talks to the men there about needing to cut open Bart as there is some key evidence (lol) that they much search for. Giggle, giggle, chuckle, chuckle, as Kate is wheeling Stefano back in the room. John is very surprised to see Kate there. She kisses Stefano goodbye, and leaves. He follows, trying to warn her. She can take care of herself, thank you. Stefano is not happy about them wanting to cut open Bart, but Bo is getting an order from a judge. Evidently the “search” is done in the ambulance, as one of the medics returns with the key in a plastic envelope. John takes it, wondering just what that key opens, but is sure it will also open a jail cell for Stefano.
Back at the Pub, Lucas is talking to Sami about Fate, saying how come she is not fated to be with EJ. She looks like Colleen, he looks like Santo. Sami gets upset, saying that just because she looks like Colleen does not mean she is like her. She could never care about EJ after all the horrible things he has done to her and to her family. Lucas is contrite, telling her he was just teasing her, and is sorry, he did not mean it. He holds her, comforting her. Freeze frame.

How did Lucas know that EJ looked like Santo? I thought that Hope was going to keep the picture so Lucas never found out?
since when do people move out of their house and show off their luggage at the hospital???

yes, how did lucas find out? i thought hope hid the picture. hmmm. someones got some explaining to do! i wish the writers would keep it straight.

kate and stephano. wow! that could be a dangerous couple. i kind of like that. but the comment about being a sick man and him laughing. does that mean he really isnt sick. ive often wondered that but thought no he has to be sick because of the whole stem cell story.
Good eye, cj. Somebody dropped the ball on that one.
Also, why was Stefano taking care of her and her child for so long. I swear that this is going to lead up to Lucas being Stefano's child, and EJ not. Why would Stefano support Kate and Lucas? And speaking of, Kate and Stefano? Wow and ew! all that the same time! It makes sense though.

Am I sick or when Stefano stood up to Sami yesterday and stuck the gun in his own chest and said he yields to no one, I kind of thought that it was slightly sexy. Maybe it was because EJ was in the background. I don't know. I just love a villanous Stefano.
When Kate had Lucas in Salem, after her husband threw her out and took the other children (and Marlena helped her and was a good friend to her then) she moved to New York. She became a call girl, met Stefano, and was his personal "escort" for some time. She was able to put Lucas into military school, and Stefano helped her get into the corporate world, climbing the ladder to success.
That is what Stefano meant by taking care of her and her son for years. It was in New York, and she met Stefano a few years AFTER she already had Lucas.
yep. kate definitely slept oops i mean climbed that ladder of success
hi everyone. the Kate/Stefano stuff sounds fascinating. WOW! so maybe Lucas could be his son too? EJ has to be his son or at least a relative or how could he look just like Santo?
HMMMMM Kate could be walking on dangerous ground siding up with Stefano.........knowing that Sami is smelling blood everywhere. Her hatred for Kate will only drive her even more mad with revenge if Kate even looks her way :rotfl: :rotfl:....... A dangerous combo it is lol those 2 but Kate still needs to fall and very hard and very soon she has done enough.
Kate met Stefano AFTER she had Lucas. Lucas is Bill Horton's son, that was a shocker story line from AGES ago. EJ is the the product of artificial insemination from Stefano so I'm pretty sure that he is his son plus the whole Santo look alike thing.
While I love Days sometimes I think the writers underestimate the intellegence of the veiwers. Or maybe they just have adult ADD. There is a really great new drug for it on the market called Focalin. Maybe we should send them some.
I am tellin ya all, this is setting up for Kate to be pregnant with Stefano's baby, LOL.
I thought Kate had a problem getting pregnant, or something. That is why Philip was an in vitro.....tho Vivian stole the egg and had herself impregnated and was the surrogate.
If Kate gets pregnant, Will will have an uncle that's young enough to be HIS child. :shocked:

But then again, this is Days.
"In walks Kate, who claims she has clearance"

Well of course she does. Tsk, tsk. Seriously bad writing. Is that the best they could do?
I like the Kate and Stefano. But if Kate gets pregnant, maybe Philip's baby and Kate's baby will get to share a nanny. If Marlena can get pregnant, why not Kate, but I do believe that they may try to rewrite that Lucas may be Stefano's also. Lucas has acted more like a Dimera than a Horton. But that may just be his demon spawn mother's traits coming out in him.
As rewrites go, making Lucas Stefano's son wouldn't be that much of a stretch. We only have Kate's word that she met him AFTER Lucas was born. And no DNA test was ever produced to confirm that Bill Horton is his father. I could easily see Kate lying to protect Lucas and connect him to a respected family like the Hortons rather than a family of criminals.
I am just happy that Stefano has some type of love interest in Kate. The poor guy was hung up on Marlena forever. I find it funny that he hasn't mentioned anything about his passion or love for Marlena with EJ and his feelings for Sami on yesterdays episode.
I like the idea of Kate and Stefano working together! But I must say EEEEWWWWW!!!! I know that she was his personal call girl for quite a while, but again, ewwwww!! Is the ANYONE out there that Kate won't sleep with??
How old is Kate anyway??? Whatever she has should be old, wrinkled, drooping, sagging and definitely post menopausal!
oh i dont think she will ever be that. she is way to sexy of a woman. i can only wish i looked that good when im her age, heck i wish i looked that good now!!!
Okay.... I have a question real quick... Everyone is trying to make Lucas Stefano's child. How is that possible when the babies that Sami is carrying are Lucas' and the stem cells were NOT a match for Stefano?

I also think the whole Kate and Stefano thing is just EW! LOL