Monday, February 11th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, February 11, 2008

Episode #10,759 Taped 1/22 Director – Phil Sogard

EJ is sitting with two very upset babies, both crying their heads off. He tries shssing them, rocking a bit, putting one in the crib, bouncing the other a bit, then switching babies, to no avail. Knock, Knock at the door, and he thinks Gramma Caroline has arrived, but alas, tis brother Tony, grinning from ear to ear over the spit up on EJ’s shirt. No, he will not take one of the babies to help out, instead pouring himself a scotch. He is rather enjoying seeing a harried EJ, when another knock, knock, but no, not Gramma, it is the gift bearing Anna. She & Tony trade a few barbs, but she offers to take one of the twins. Later we see EJ & Anna, each with a wrapped up blanket doll, all is peaceful & serene, and she suggests they put the babies down for a nap. (Some safe house, everyone under the sun has the address, & is allowed to visit. Lol). EJ tells them Sami has gone to visit Lucas, Tony asks if that bothers him. EJ replies that it does in a way, as he knows Sami loves Lucas. Tony pipes up not to worry, out of sight, out of mind, she will forget all about it. This raises Anna’s hackles, who asks if that is how he views her. Tony smiles asking who could ever forget her, but she flounces out.

At the jail, Lucas comes in the visitor’s room, as Sami is let in the other door. They have a very emotional converstion, and I know I cannot do it justice. Lucas asks where is Allie, & Sami explains how sick she still is, how she got a bit better when she had her in the shower last night, but she did not want to bring her out. No, Johnny is o.k. Lucas says to take her to a doctor, Sami explains how Lexie came and looked at her, but she promises to take her if she does not get any better soon. Lucas says he would have like to seen Johnny, too, but knows that might not have set well with EJ. Sami assures him she knows he loves both the children, misses them and would want to see them. They rehash Lucas shooting EJ, how he did it for her. She talks again of him not trust her to handle EJ, how she married him for them, for her, Lucas & the family. Lucas tells her how much he loves her, always has, always will, never stopped. Sami tells him that she loves him so much. She says he has forgiven her for every stupid thing she has ever done over the years, over and over. She is crying, not wanting him to be in prison. Evidently Lucas got 8-10 years, but he says he may get out earlier. Because he confessed, no trial, has been a model prisoner, if the jails get too overcrowded, he will be the first to get the time off for good behavior. He promises to work hard at whatever job they give him, while Sami moans about his cellmate maybe being an ax-murderer. Lucas says he will be in minimum security, no ax-murderers there. They again tell each other how much they love each other. Lucas tells her EJ is not to be trusted, and Sami agrees. Lucas knows he made a terrible mistake, and has to pay for it. He does not Sami to put her life on hold for him. A tearful Sami hold him, telling him not to talk like that, she loves him, and she promises…he stops her, saying not to promise anything, Just be careful around EJ, don’t be near him if she can help it, just stay away from him as much as she can. They hug & kiss, and he gives her DVD he made for Allie, to play on her birthdays. He made 10, but hopes she will not have to play more than 8. He would have made one for Sami, but did not have time, but if he did, it would have thousands of messages, like Good morning, you look beautiful, you grow more beautiful every day. The guard says time is up, and a tearful Sami embraces Lucas once more, goes out the door. She looks at Lucas thru the glass, putting her hand up on it. He puts up his hand on his side. Sami is crying as she turns away and leaves.

In Ireland, the Salemites are boarding the plane, stowing coats, carryons in the overheads, etc. (This time, John’s plane is not all sofas and easy chairs, but regular seats, etc.) There is chit chat among the various couples, Pop Shawn is helped into his seat. Steve looks out the window, sees this mysterious woman he had seen earlier, and dashes off the plane, but she has disappeared. Kayla has followed him, asking what is going on, but he claims he forgot his phone, that is all. Back aboard the plane, he is quiet and pensive. John is on the phone with tower, learning there is a slight delay while they deice the plane. HUH? He was ready to take off without Steve. LOL. Finally, the plane is in the air, we even see shots of it up there in the wild blue yonder. Marlena questions John about what he is feeling, he figures she is gonna try and “shrink” him. She says he looks sad, but he says he doesn’t do sad. She talks of losing his mother, who he was supposed to kill, yeah, well she is dead anyway. But Marlena talks of how she loved her son, and that John never got the chance to know her at all. She asks about him returning to the spot where they scattered Colleen’s ashes, and he mentions probably hallucinating, as he thought he saw Santo & Colleen. Later, Marlena tells some of the others that she thinks Colleen and Santo were both at peace now.

Kayla presses Steve to tell her what is bothering him, why he rushed off the plane like that, but he insists it was because he left his phone behind. Marlena calls Sami (while she is with Lucas) to tell her Colleen died, and they all are on the way home. Bo seems uncomfortable with Hope, finally telling her there is something important he has not told her, but the reason is he needs more information, so he is not going to tell all until he knows more. (Sorry, but this is the most convoluted and stupid conversation). She insists they are partners and he should tell all, talking of honesty in a marriage. He replies that trust is also important, and she should just trust him.
Chloe is unhappy they did not find her husband, or even any word about him. Philip assures her that Victor has eyes and ears all over the world and will find him. He asks her what is on the agenda when Brady DOES return……divorce? Chloe says she does not want to talk about that now. Pop Shawn is pensive as he stares out the window, hating to have Colleen. Hope says she is gone now, he knows that. Bo tells him that at least he was with her at the end, that it had to have made Colleen very happy to have him there, she could finally let go. Marlena mentions how she had the feeling, after scattering the ashes, that Colleen was at last at peace with Santo.
Everyone is in their seats, when the plane suddenly lurches. Everyone begins putting on their seat belts, except Belle, who is clutching Claire. (That poor child has been thru MORE trauma, enough to last a lifetime). Murmurs run thru the plane, and John, who is holding a drink, twirls the glass in his hand, just saying,……..Uh, Oh!

This will be a good one!!!!!!!

This episode will be a good one. Cant wait to see it. I just have not figured out what is wrong with Bo and could Hope have the same thing. Or could she be pregnat? I just dont know. The story line is really getting good now and I do hope that it does bring the ratings up. By the way, Thanks for doing the Days Ahead for us. Cant wait to read it every morning. Keep up the good work.
Grampa Shawn

Has there been any word out about Frank Parker? He seems very fragile. They all help him like they do Frances Reid. Doesn't seem like it's just for the character, but for real. Just wondering if that is why he is being written out.
I am really loving the new John these days. Oh I hope he doesn't go back to brow John soon.
Sounds like a great show. While reading the write up about the prison scene with Sami and Lucas, it made me wonder, now that Stefano is supposed to be unable to hurt them anymore due to his "stroke & coma", why would Sami stay married to EJ? why isn't she pledging to Lucas to start divorce papers or annulment papers right now?
Grampa Shawn

Has there been any word out about Frank Parker? He seems very fragile. They all help him like they do Frances Reid. Doesn't seem like it's just for the character, but for real. Just wondering if that is why he is being written out.

I have been wondering the same thing. I did a Google search but didn't find out anything there.

Now that Stephano is out of commission, it sounds like John may be going to take his place in being the evil one! I kind of like this new John, but enough is enough with the Brady's vs. the DiMeras. How many years has this been going on now? Too many!
anyone else feel the same way!

i am just really frustrated with days anymore, and had to get this out somewhere! And also having colleen brought back into everyone's lives and killing her off right away too aggravates me! Poor john don't even know who he is, and finally found his mother and won't get any kind of loving reunion with her now, or with finding out shawn is his true blood "uncle"!! and bonding with him even more?? Then there is sami and ej! I cannot believe they did not have them see colleen!!!!!! OF ALL PEOPLE! i sure thought they would get to see her....and poor belle, finally having a grandparent and losing her the same day!!!(where are marlena's parents anyways? lol)....and then of course they are sending belle and shawn and claire away! and aslo belle won't get to bond with POP shawn either....blah blah blah i can't stand days anymore....the only thing i truly like is sami and ej, and i'm not even enjoying that anymore cuz of lucas! o well, this is all just my opinion.....
I completely agree, samanthawells, that they should have at least let Sami meet Colleen somehow.
Just A Thought

has anyone actually heard of what happened to Santos? I don't remember hearing how or if he died! I wonder if he could still be alive after all Colleen was? Someone else out there is pulling strings on this event and I wonder who.
thank you poirot

i shed tear reading sami and lucas

she loves him very much and she doesn't trust ej.
Since John doesn't seem to be too concerned about the plane, does anyone think that maybe his mission included getting rid of those on board, too?
Has there been any word out about Frank Parker? He seems very fragile. They all help him like they do Frances Reid. Doesn't seem like it's just for the character, but for real. Just wondering if that is why he is being written out.

poirot posted the other day that he is retiring by his own choice.
thanks Poirot for writing this up!
As much as I am unsure of him, I love nuJohn. His little cavalier attitude cracks me up! For some reason, I get a kick out of him cigar smoking and drinking. So unlike John Black.
I can't wait to see him back in Salem interacting with people again..I wonder if he will stay with Marlena?
I thnk Colleen faked her own death.

her death was just too close to her entrance.

I think she got something else up her sleeves...
this was a nice story... and all.but I jsut got a feeling that there is more to her..than just this.
i think colleen is still not dead!

I thnk Colleen faked her own death.

her death was just too close to her entrance.

I think she got something else up her sleeves...
this was a nice story... and all.but I jsut got a feeling that there is more to her..than just this.

I totally agree! did you all not catch when marlena said she wonders why colleen wanted cremated when its not the tradtional irish way????? I think this was a clue! I think there is something much bigger to all was to soon for her to just "die" like that....guess we'll see

also did you all notice how no one checked colleen to see if she was dead????????? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......i thought john was going to, but he only touched her cheek.....then they just covered her up??? she could have merely just passed out....or administered to herself the "death drug" so famously used on days?? I would like to know who took her body away!??????
santo alive too?

has anyone actually heard of what happened to Santos? I don't remember hearing how or if he died! I wonder if he could still be alive after all Colleen was? Someone else out there is pulling strings on this event and I wonder who.

yep i'm sure he is still alive as well....i have thought this for a long time.....according to stefano, he died of a broken heart???? i think santo and colleen are together on this somehow.....for what reason is still to be seen....and lets not forget stefano's mother? could she be as well? Maybe she is the one pulling the "strings"????