Monday, January 28th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, January 28, 2008

Episode #10,749 Taped 1/9 Director – Noel Maxam

Oh, man, here is one episode where you are not going to to want to miss a single second. Outstanding, especially Marlena & Stefano. At the Pub, everyone is shocked by Chelsea’s statement that Ford is dead. Crawford Decker gets in her face, Steve pulls him back, Stephanie tries to get her to shut up, Nick tells her she is doing the right thing, and Chelsea continues with the story. We see some silent flashbacks, as Chelsea describes how they just wanted to scare him, and how he came over, was invited in, the drugged drink, the struggle as he tried to attack her, how he chased her up the stairs and he fell. An accident. Decker is yelling at her for not helping, she explains they tried everything, CPR, no pulse, he was dead. She continues about him being buried in the basement for a short time, but then they moved him. Decker wants to know who helped, who wore Ford’s clothes, but Chelsea keeps mum about that, and says she doesn’t know where the body is now. Decker is having a conniption fit, Steve is restraining him, Stephanie is in tears, Kayla hugging her. Decker says every single one involved in this is going to pay, & he leaves. Everyone is sitting around, upset, and shocked at the news. They realize they have to call the police, but Steve has already made some calls. Chelsea & Nick leave. Kayla hugs her daughter, and Steve holds onto her hand. Max comes in, Stephanie goes to him, he has heard what happened, and admits to Steve & Kayla that he is one who helped. Steve asks where the body is, but Max says that stays with him, he is protecting all the girls.

At the cop shop, Roman is interrogating Rob, who is not very forthcoming, and even says something about jumping bail, tho he denies it later. Bo & Hope have arrived, letting Roman & Abe know Hope is coming back to the force. LOL, at how easy this is for her. They get filled in on Shawn’s part in finding Rob, and bringing him in. No, Shawn won’t get into trouble, they are sort of looking the other way. They say his name is Robert McCulp (a nod to actor Robert Culp, maybe??). Now, Rob evidently has decided to cooperate, says he does not know who he is working for (hmmm, then why the tattoo?) and that Crystal was to take the kid out of the country. The cops claim all the airlines, etc. are being watched, but Rob claims if they want to get out of the country, they will. Now he remembers something…..Crystal used an alias at times, even had a passport with the name…Desireé Wilson.
Next we see Bo & Hope coming into Belle’s room, Shawn is there, Belle has been released and can go home. They fill them in on what they have learned. Desireé Wilson left this morning on a flight to Ireland, and had a little girl with her. Bo & Hope are going. Shawn & Belle want to go, too, but are told this is a Salem & Ireland police matter, and that Interpol is now involved, too. They cannot go. Bo & Hope leave, and I have no idea where Philip came from, but he is already getting the Titan jet gassed up and ready, and leaves telling Belle & Shawn to get ready, too.

In his cell, Marlena tries to get Stefano to wake up but his eyes remain closed. She starts telling him that he should never accept medication from someone who hates him so much, that it wasn’t aspirin she gave him, but a muscle relaxant. She sprinkles something from her bag on his face, and Stefano’s eyes open. Ah, she smiles, and now leans in close, telling him about the pills, neurological muscle blocker, and he can speak, but barely. She calmly continues, telling him how she has mixed up a drug cocktail, it will completely paralyze him, and he won’t be able to move or speak……but will be very aware. He will appear to have a stroke, and then what.They will move him to a sanitarium, and as much as he will wish to die, his doctors won’t let him. And the drug is undetectable, there is no reversal, and he will be forever sentenced to his flesh covered cage, unable to cause any harm to her family ever again. (Guarantee you, she will give you shivers) Stefano tries to call a guard, but can barely speak. He tells her she is crazy, she cannot do this, but oh, yes, she can. She tells him he has one chance for a reprieve, tell her what is John’s mission, but Stefano says John will not stop until he completes it, he knows what his target is. Stefano claims he can restore John’s memories, but not until after he completed the mission. Marlena will have no more of this. The hypo she has been toying with is ready, and she injects Stefano, saying “this is for Shawn, and Caroline, and Roman, and my twins, and me, and especially for John. (what about Steve & Kayla???) She tells him that Sami had done her part, but he still went after John. Stefano barely murmurs about never having peace while growing up, watching his father die, and hoping to bring the peace his father never got. Suddenly Stefano’s eyes go wide and he cannot speak. Marlena gathers her things, goes to the door, saying, “guard, it appears Mr. DiMera has had a stroke.

In John’s room, he is remembering some instructions Stefano gave him about his target, including the name, and jolts up, wanting out of the restraints. The nurse comes in with pills, which does not go over well with John. He flirts with the nurse, (Judy) and she finally leaves without making him take the pills which would have sedated him. He again remembers going thru some papers, and then the laptop computer, and bingo, finding what he was looking for. Marlena comes in, telling him that Stefano will no longer be a problem, that she took care of it. He tells her he remembered some research he had done, that he never told Stefano about, and has to get out of there. He needs to get to Ireland, and asks if she will help. She knows his mission is to kill someone, and cannot allow him to do that. He needs her help, and she finally says this may be the dumbest thing I have ever done.

In his cell, the guards are taking out the comatose Stefano, commenting that he has had a stroke, might as well be dead. We hear Stefano’s voice yelling at them, telling them he is there, aware, he is conscious, you *******. Look at my eyes……as those eyes are as blank as can be.


All I Can Say Is Wow! This Has Been One Of The Episodes That True Days Fans Have Been Waiting For. I Wonder If Colleen Will Be Coming To Salem Now To Try And Right The Wrongs Of Stefano? Hmmm Just A Thought! I Stillcan't Believe Shirley Jones Will Be In Salem.
Thanks Poirot!

I enjoy it when Marlena does something "bad". She's always so sugar sweet all the time-- yuck! :) Go Marlena! :)
This is gonna be good, can't wait to see it. I wonder if she was telling him the truth when she said..."there is no reversal".
This is just too good to be true. Wonder if Sami and EJ still go into hiding now, there would be no reason unless they think he still has his people after them.
P.S. John has remembered a name. The first time he says it, it sounded like Up. marlena says she does not know what that means. He tells her that Upbin(??) is the name of a priest born many years ago in Ireland. (that is why he wants to go there)
coming down....

This is gonna be good, can't wait to see it. I wonder if she was telling him the truth when she said..."there is no reversal".
This is just too good to be true. Wonder if Sami and EJ still go into hiding now, there would be no reason unless they think he still has his people after them.

a muscle relaxant that never wears off? hmmmmmmm how days-ish is that? haha i take muscle relaxers every day and believe me, they wear off!

i don't really like having stefano's tongue on muscle relaxers, how will the guy be able to roll his rrrrrrrrrrrrrr's? that's like keeping john's eyebrow on the down-low or shortening hope's neck!!!! WHAT DA HELL!!!
You have got to be kidding me! Since when can the parents of a kidnapped child NOT go to where they think that child is? How lame.

Good stuff with Marlena though. About time! I hope Stefano suffers and dies.

And just a side note - I hate and loath Ford Decker, but wouldn't it be awesome if they found the water heater where Max left it, but it was empty and there were footprint leading away from it?!
Thanks Barb for the wonderful preview of Monday's show! I'll be staying up to watch DOOL on soapnet Monday night at 10:00 pm. I can't wait!! crack me up!! :) Best laugh I've had all day...

That is sooo true about muscle relaxers...only in Salem...

I think--hope--we will still hear Stefano...we just won't see his mouth move.. :wink:

If they make it as exciting on the screen as it was's going to be great!!!

Thanks for posting it Poirot!! Have something to look forward to for "dreary Monday"... :)

I am not familiar with jails or prisons. Would there be cameras in the cell? I am just wondering how Marlena can get away with what she did to Stefano.
Hey guys.......the muscle relaxants were the pills she gave me to make him immobile so she could give him the 'DRUG COCKTAIL". That is the hypo with the mixture that would paralyze him, and imitate the symptoms of a stroke, while letting him be aware of what goes on around him.
I am not familiar with jails or prisons. Would there be cameras in the cell? I am just wondering how Marlena can get away with what she did to Stefano.

Before...when other characters were in this cell...there were cameras...was even in dialog.

But this time...seems least when Lucas was in there...there wasn't..
thanks Barb for the write-up

Barb .... What did you think of the actual show? I think your write up was BETTER than the show itself .... What's up with this lately! kind of disappointing and a big let down - Almost makes me think that the cast and crew are giving up ... the writing/Diolog are really off in this epi ...