Monday January 31, 2011

  • Thread starter Thread starter missvicki
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Rafe is stirring.
Stefano is telling EJ that Rafe's accident works in their favor.
Nicole is making a deal with Sydney that her birthday is going to be the best ever, especially now that Sami has agreed to sign the custody papers. She also says that she misses Brady very much but needs to try to get him out of her head and spending time with her is the best thing in the world!

Lee is on the phone saying that you will get your heart within the hour, while Jennifer is behind her sitting on the bed. Jennifer steals a cell phone. It shows that Lee is talking to Dr. Walters and he asks if he can go ahead and prep his patient and she says go ahead Dr. Walters. Do what you gotta do. Jennifer says "DR. WALTERS?"

Hope and Carly are hiding in the bushes and the Warden and cop are telling Bo to turn around. He says no.

Gabi and Will are studying calculus. Will is worried that he hasn't heard from Sami since she left for the custody hearing. Will checks his voicemail and says NO! Oh my God! No!

Sami is Rafe's hospital room telling Daniel that Rafe was looking at her. He didn't say anything, but he didnt respond. Daniel tells her it will change. Sami questions what if there is brain damage? Daniel says lets not go there. Be hopeful! He is sorry this is happening just after Johnny's surgery but Sami is a strong woman. She tells him she is not without Rafe. He makes her strong. Daniel doesn't buy it. Strength is who she is. It's in her DNA. She hopes he is right. She tells him that she knows it is her fault. He says no. She says none of this matters. She needs to wake Rafe up. She begins begging Rafe to come back to her.

Stefano tells EJ he got a prognosis on Rafe's condition. He could have permanent brain damage.

Bo tells the Warden to please don;t do this. The Warden thinks that he is stalling and tells Burt (I think that's what she said his name was) to put a bullet in his head.

Sami is talking to Rafe. Blaming herself for the accident. She will never forgive herself but she can tell him this another time cause Dr. Jonas is very, very hopeful he will be ok! Enter Gabi and Will. He apologized for not being there already. Sami tells Gabi she is so sorry after everything she has just been through. Gabi starts talking with Rafe. She says he is not responding. Sami tells her how optimistic Dr. Jonas is. Sami tells them he did open his eyes, never said anything yet. But she continues to tell Gabi that he is going to get better and come back to them soon.

EJ is askling Stefano what do you mean? Tonight? There are still issues to be resolved. Stefano tells him now is the moment. He thinks that EJ is starting to change his mind? Talks about the children. EJ tells him not to bait him. Stefano asks him what is his answer.

Dr. Ben is telling Maxine that there is no time to waste. Prepare the transplant team. Daniel walks onto the pier where Dr. Ben is and hears the end of the conversation. Daniel congratulates him on getting the heart. Asks if he can observe the surgery. Dr. Ben says sure!

Lee is telling Jennifer she doesn't know why she is so shocked. THis is america. Profit rules the day. (Jennifer is holding the cell phone behind her back) People will figure out how to maximize there profits. She says there is no way she won't sing like a cricket to the cops given the volatility of the situation. Jennifer assures her she will not go to the cops. Lee says Right. Jennifer tries to reassure her she will not say anything.

Bo tells them to take it easy. The Warden is telling Bo to turn around. He is still stalling. I think Bo is telling Hope and Carly a secret code/message. He is explaining how will the Warden and Burt explain his face if they shoot him in the back? If Bo was to fight someone, he would take on Burt and that leaves the Warden to attack Bo. Then it shows Carly and Hope hiding in the bushes again.

Gabi asks Sami how did it happen? Sami tells her the details. How Rafe followed her. Because Rafe knew she was going to do something stupid. He was trying to protect her. She understands if Gabi wants to blame her. Gabi tells her no because he is going to be ok. She knows it.

EJ tells Stefano of course he wants to go ahead with the plan. Stefano tells him again how they need to take advantage of this opportunity.

Nicole is looking in the m but sometimes you get what you need. Mary comes in and tells Nicole something arrived in today's mail for her. Nicole was kind of rude with her. Mary leaves and Nicole looks at the envelope and huffs at it.

Will walks over and tries to comfort Sami. She says she was too emotional to be driving and that was why Rafe followed her. Will tells her to stop, it was nobody's fault. Gabi tells her Will is right. Rafe wouldn't want her to blame herself. Just pray for him to get better.

Jennifer is still reassuring Lee that she won't say anything. Because she has feelings for Dr. Ben. Dr. Walters. Lee asks since when and Jennifer says for a while now. They have gotten to know each other and he has been really, really, wonderful to her and she thinks that she may be in love with him actually. Lee says how sweet. Jennifer tells her they had an immediate connection and they have gone out several times. He is kind, caring. She is in awe of him and all of the lives he has saved. His patients are the most important thing in the world to him and Lee says were all saints right? For helping him find organs and Jennifer says Yes! Yes! It's all for a good cause obviously! Jennifer is still holding the cell phone behind her back. She tells Lee she wants to help.

Stefano is on the phone with Marco confirming they are going ahead with tonight.

Sami is telling Rafe how much Johnny, her and the other kids need Rafe. EJ is standing in the room listening. Rafe is the best thing that has ever happened to them. Sami goes on and on about how great Rafe is.

Jennifer is still trying to convince Lee that she wants to help. The cell phone beeps that Jennifer is toying with. Lee screams she is a liar and grabs her and throws her down on the ground. Lee picks the broken cell phone up off the floor.

The Warden is screaming that this needs to end. She is sick of this. No more stalling. She walks around Burt. Carly screams and Bo lunges at the gun.

Nicole is walking around holding the letter. Still hasn't opened it yet. She seems stressed over it. She throws it into the fireplace. We see a woman looking at a photo of Nicole on an airplane saying surprises are more fun.

Gabi and Will are back at the loft. Gabi thinks they shouldn't have left. She should be there in case. When he wakes up. Will offers to go back with her. She says they need to . She then panics that she needs to call their mother and tell her. She takes out her phone but says she cannot tell her what is going on after what happened to Ari. Will reassures her that after everything Rafe has been through there is not a chance that he won't pull through this. They hug.

Stefano is on his phone about plans for Sydney's upcoming birthday. EJ comes in just as he hangs up. They again talk about the plan going down today.

Sami is still talking to Rafe. Bringing up good memories and how he knows her so well and they are so lucky to have found each other. She kisses his cheek and tells him that she loves him so much but the amazing thing is how confident she is that he loves her. She knows it. She talks about how she is such a screwed up person but he makes her feel like a good person and no one has ever treated her with that much respect before. He even gets her to exercise self control sometimes. A little bit anyway. She needs him to protect her from her. He opens his eyes and says no one.

Hope and Carly are slapping the handcuffs on the Warden and Burt. Bo wonders how they found him. They will discuss that later. They need to figure out what to do. Carly says if we call the police they will arrest you both. The Warden says you too sweetheart. Whoever you ware. We hear the police sirens and Bo says it sounds like the decision was made for them.

Jennifer is on the operating table when she wakes up. She is begging Lee not to do this....Jennifer says whatever you are thinking about doing and Lee says I am not thinking about it anymore. It's practically a done deal. She quotes Lord Byron saying "Maid of Athens, (?) give or give me back my heart." Jennifer says My heart? Oh God. Please don't do this. Jennifer begs Lee to let her help. Not to do this. Another inmate comes in and says that the paperwork has all been faxed. Then asks Lee if the Warden knows about this and Lee says not yet She will tell her after the surgery and deal with the consequences, if there are any. Now let's get started.

Stefano tells EJ that everything is in order (they are again, in that brick room, where Bo was held, and there are bulliten boards with photos of people on them. Rafe is on one, maybe two of them and there is also a photo of Caroline Brady on one of them...?). EJ is looking at a file and tells Stefano the research is very impressive but is it enough? Stefano assures him it is.

The plane announces it's arrival in Salem. She drops her purse on the floor.

Maxine confirms on the phone that everything is ready. She asks Daniel what is he doing there. He says he is assisting on the transplant surgery with Ben. Is he in there yet? She says no he is with a patient. She says the paperwork was just faxed over and he says great, he will take it to the OR. She gives it to him. He begins looking at it and discovered the heart is from the prison. Maxine tells him that apparently an inmate fell and there is no brain activity, but the organs are still viable. Daniel says he doesn't get it and will have to confirm with Dr. Ben on this as he walks away.
Bo and Hope are in the interrogation room when Abe enters and asks what in God's name is going on? Bo asks what the report says. A farmer called in a gunshot noise. Abe is happy they are safe but any idea how deep they are in? Hope may never get out of prison and Bo risked everything. Bo says to save my wife. Hope begs Abe to please believe them. Something is going on inside that prison. The Warden was planning to kill her. Bo tells Abe that Burt, the state cop, he was her buddy. Hope says they were planning to shoot Bo in the back and tell people he was fleeing arrest and Hope says it wasn't true. They are lies, all lies, A man walks into the room and says and why should we believe you?

Jennifer is under and Lee begins the surgery.

Rafe tells Sami that he heard every word she said. He tells her he liked it. Sami asks how he feels? Should she call the doctor> He says no. Being with her is good. She is so sorry about the accident. He shhh's her. She tells him that she loves him so much and he says he loves her too. They kiss.

EJ and Stefano are still talking about the switch and after a lot of reassurance from Stefano EJ tells him he is on board and this will work our perfectly. No one will ever know that Rafe was set up by team DiMera.

Abe is interrogating Carly. She confirms Bo and Hope's story about the prison's black market organization. Carly tells Abe that Jennifer has been working in the prison for the past two weeks trying to help and she has found proof that the warden was involved in something illegal. Jennifer will back her up because she left the prison right after Carly did. Abe tells Carly they left a voicemail for Jennifer and there is squad car on the way to Jennifer's house and then they will verify the story.

Bo tells the man to send the Warden and Burt for a trip to polygraph hill. They are lying. Hope tells him to check the prison's infirmary records. He tells Hope the word of an escaped prisoner doesn't mean much. Bo tells him what about the word of a distinguished police officer and one of the best records in the history of the department. Stop seeing things in black and white. The detective says what he sees is a convicted felon and her Police Commissioner husband gone rogue. Bo tells him to do his homework. His state police officer is dirty. He and the Warden were holding him prisoner and that is how his face is so beat up and they were going to kill him. Bo begins to think that this Detective is dirty too. The detective comes back and says he is beginning to think they just made this up to cover their asses.. Hope says this is not a he said/she said thing. Hope tells him to just check the records in the infirmary and he will see that they are right. Bo says a good detective looks at all the facts. Not just what he sees on the surface. Bo tells him to get the Warden in the room and he will prove that what he is saying is true.

The other inmate confirms to Lee that Jennifer's heart is on the way to the hospital. Lee says good she will call Warden Smith and fill her in.

Carly asks Abe if she is arrested. Abe tells her not yet. They are waiting on everyone's statements. Gathering evidence. She asks to make a phone call. Abe says go ahead. Carly calls Daniel. He says he can't talk but she says it's important. She just came from the prison. She tells Daniel they are killing inmates for their body parts and have been doing it for years. Dr. Ben walks into the waiting area with Jennifer's heart in a cooler. He tells Daniel the part arrived and is he ready to go?

The Warden is asking why she is being questioned by Bo and Hope. She says that maniac attached Detective Stevens. Both of them. Bo asks her why she was with Det. Stevens? The Warden says they have been in close contact since Bo and Hope escaped and that Det. Stevens got word that Bo was in the area and called her. She is an officer of the law and had every right to be there. She was hoping BO would lead them to Hope. The detective tells Bo and Hope that the Warden will get an accommadation for her work (boy wouldn't I love to wipe that smirk off the Warden's face.) and Bo and Hope will spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Nicole walks down the steps in the mansion bellowing for Harold cause the doorbell is ringing. She answers the door. her face drops. The police officer says this woman says she knows you. The woman says look at you. More beautiful then ever! Nicole says Taylor! They hug, but Nicole doesn't seem too excited. Taylor tells her that she missed her so much and tells the police officer that Nicole is her sister.

Sami tells Rafe it's OK to just sleep. He needs his rest so they can start their wonderful life together when he gets back home.

EJ and Stefano are in the basement again. Stefano says, it is time and opens the door. A man walks in but we don't see his face yet. EJ and Stefano are just staring at him. It's Rafe2.

Next on Days:
The Warden is holding Hope hostage and tells Bo and the Detective unless she gets what she wants, Hope is dead.
EJ tells Stefano it is time to make their move.
Nicole asks Taylor what is she talking about and Taylor says moving in here for a while!
Whoops yes she has one of those tubes down her throat and the machines were still beeping that she was hooked up to.
Wow, what an episode! The Jennifer/organ "donation" scenes sound sort of incredible, but you make it sound exciting too.

I wish they didn't make the warden into such a predictable cartoon character.

Thanks so much missvicki for posting this pre-cap! Great job!
Oh, my gosh, this sounds absolutely sooooo exciting. Thank you so very much.
Thanks for the summary, I only catch the first half hour of Days, since I have to shuttle the kids home from school.
Thanks a bunch, Missvicki. You surely did a realistic writeup because my stomach was in knots reading about Jennifer and the transplant thing! Ugh!
Carly and Hope rescuing Bo together. Lol....who'd of thunk it?
I have my reservations about this new arrival at Nicole's door. Will give it some time though.

Thanks so much for the post. I have been snowed/iced out of my home for the last few weeks and have not been able to watch. You are awesome!!!!

Now who ends up with Bo?! My vote's still with Carly. But now with Chloe out of the way, a door has opened for Carly and Daniel.

No wonder on tough days I can't cope with watching the show!

Too much!
Thanks missvicki! :)

This looks like a can't miss episode. I'm looking forward to all the Jennifer/Bo/Hope stuff. Also interested to see the whole Nicole/Taylor dynamic. Should be good. Ugh @ the Rafe 2 stuff...:rolleyes:
So...EJ is rather hesitant about going thru with the Team DiMera plot, until he hears Sami telling Rafe how much she loves him, and how much she & the kids need him, and how Johnny was asking for him. Gotta say, Rafe2, without saying a word, exudes a different demeanor.

Seems rather ridiculous that Abe did not seem to believe Bo or Hope.......and then the detective assigned to the case. Bet he is Stefano's "inside" man. Bo was right to call him a "dirty cop".
Poirot, did I understand you to say that you think Abe could be Stefano's inside man??? Really??? Did you say that???
I am really glad that this prison storyline is nearing the end. I can't stand all the violence associated with it and it really bothered me to see sweet Jennifer knocked out that way, and then strapped to the table so helplessly.

Did anyone notice that Daniel referred to Dr. Walters as "Dr. Ben" when he was talking to Maxine? I think that was a goof. I know that Ben is the guy's first name but it seemed odd for one doctor to refer to another doctor that way. He wasn't talking to a child about the doctor. He was talking to a nurse.
I agree kpatch, I am glad the prison storyline Is comin to an end as well!
I was surprised to find tho, that I didn't mind the Jennifer scenes as much as I thought I would! I hated seeing jennifer that helpless but I am enjoying the overall climax! Hopefully the finale doesn't disappoint!
I thought this was funny alison Sweeney just tweeted that during filming of today's scene where Rafe wakes up and says no
One? He fell asleep during rehearsaland he woke up saying that lol