Monday, July 9,


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, July 9, 2007

Episode #10,607 Taped June 15th

It is nighttime on July 4th, and the some of the young crowd are back to Beach Blanket Bingo, while some of the adults gather in the Brady back yard to read a couple of the translated letters between Colleen & Santo. Getting the junk out of the way first, Jett, Danielle, Jeremy & Stephanie are on the beach, with Jerkemy being his usual obnoxious self. He & Steph go for a dip, leaving Jett to chat a bit with Danielle. He thanks her for the act she is putting on, claiming she deserves an Oscar. She proceeds to thank her mother, father AND her husband. Jett says he knows Mark must miss her, but she says he is cool. (O.K. here is my take, Danielle is pretending to be his fiancee’, and is either a relative or maybe his sister or just a good friend……..but she is married, and doing him a favor). Gidget & Moondoggie return, begin urging their friends to get married in Vegas, yada, yada. Danielle wants to go back to the hotel, Jett walks her to her car. (huh? Why not go back with her? Too weird). Steph & Jeremy exchange a few words, with him saying something about other girls, Stephanie asking if that includes her, he replies that it keeps her on her toes, and runs off for another dip. She is taken aback, Jett returns and finds her shedding a few tears.

At the Brady house, Chelsea & Nick are arguing about her telling Jett about his disloyal fiancee'. He tells her to keep out of it. None of her business. She goes on and on, he brings up the hairbrush, and all he did for her in re: it, but all she can talk about is Jett. He finally tells her it is not over as she thinks, Kate is blackmailing him with it.

Bo & Hope are cleaning up after the party (how pretty, all the shrubbery is covered in tiny white lights) and talking about the wonderful day with family. Along comes Doug & Julie with two translated letters from Dr. Mangione at the University (Bless that professor, who was still there on a Holiday, lol). Marlena & John arrive, and they are all set to begin reading the letters. Meanwhile, Roman delivers copies to Sami & Lucas at the safe house, but has to leave to “take care of business”. Sami knows that means Anna. LOL. Amazing that Roman was not in the least curious about them, and his family has been embroiled in a vendetta for all these years. Lucas is diving into the food Roman brought, evidently from the party, as he mentions deviled eggs, Grandma’s apple pie, and Caroline’s chicken. There is a lot of good-natured banter as Sami begins to read the letter. The scenes shift back and forth between the Brady back yard, and the safe house, as the letters are being read, and comments made by all. But……here is the beginning of the story. Colleen is writing to Signor DiMera, talking of the their short acquaintance, but wanting a favor. The scene dissolves to a church (in Galway, Ireland) and we see Colleen in a nun’s habit (played by Alison Sweeney) praying at the altar, as two blokes carry in an unconscious stranger. Seems he was at Finn’s Pub, an altercation broke out, Finn brought out his shilaleigh, and accidentally coshed this tall man. There is a big hankerchief around the man’s head and eyes. Colleen is all concern and care, tells the men to get some water, and then go for the doctor. She dabs at the head wound, and the man falls over into her lap, opens his eyes and sees Colleen, murmurming Madonna mia. Colleen assures him she is not the Virgin Mary, just a novice nun, tends to his head, putting on a “plaster”. He tells her his name is Santo, she says that means saint (!!!) and his family is in the import/export business, always looking for things to buy or sell. She tells him one of the nuns is from Italy, and has taught them all Italian, such a beautiful language. He says the Irish is beautiful language, too, and asks if she knows Gaelic. Sure. (Alison Sweeney/Sami is speaking with an Irish accent, and James Scott/EJ who is portraying Santo, is speaking with an Italian one. Both do a credible job. Think Maureen O”Hara and Rozanno Brazzi)

Both are clearly “taken” with each other. Colleen cannot imagine what is keeping the doctor. Father Mallory returns, gets introduced to Santo, gives Colleen a quiet hint about getting the stranger to perhaps make a donation to the church, and leaves. Santo tells her she must visit Italy, and says he will take her on the grand tour. Colleen asks if his wife will come with them. Santo asks how she knew he had a wife. She didn’t. The wife is back home with his son, Stefano. He shows her something (calls it eccola, or eccala) that his wife makes and he sells.
In the Brady back yard, the women are reading between the lines, seeing the immediate attraction. The men are sort of pooh poohing that idea, but all are aware that Colleen is not yet a nun, having not taken her final vows. Bo makes mention that in Irish Catholic families back then, having a child become a nun or a priest was considered a huge blessing. Sami is telling Lucas that not only did it looks like Santo may have taken Colleen from her family, but away from God, too. Lucas points out that if that was the case, then it would be the Bradys hating the DiMeras, instead of vice versa.
Back in the church, Santo is taking his leave, promising to stop at the infirmary before returning to the Pub, to have his head wound checked. He leaves, and Colleen finds his handkerchief. Father Mallory comes out, and she shows him the hankerchief, pure silk, and wants to go after Signor DiMera to return it. Father Mallory says if he wants it back, he will return. Later we see Colleen coming into the chapel, with a pad of paper, all set to write a letter to Signor, making sure he WILL return. (When the letter reading began, she says she is in the chapel, for privacy, and writing in Italian as Mary O’Callahan at the post office has proved to be quite a nosy person, lol). At the end of the letter, she asks if perhaps Santo’s wife could make a silk hankerchief for her da (father), who has never had anything fine or luxurious in his life, and she would like to gift her da with something like that.
This is the end of the first letter. The second one is Santo’s reply. Stay tuned.

gotta say, the beach party stuff should just have not been included, IMO. However, I know the show must go in in other story areas. LOL
I agree Poirot! Those seens are very annoying. If it were not for the Dimera/Brady fued the story would be very boring at this point in time!
Ever think that Colleen, while falling for Santo, was such a righteous woman/nun that she didn't want to have a relationship with Santo. For whatever reason, he coerced her to have sex with him, she became pregnant and was so ashamed that she killed herself? Shawn blames himself because Colleen confided in him and he ridiculed her and told her that she was a disgrace to the family?
Maybe this story will help heal the wounds of the Ej/Sami situation by bringing everything full circle?

This is a highly doubtful circumstance, but a possiblity. With the way Sami and EJ are right now, I have a feeling that this story will tie into everything.
Elsewhere in this forum, PAllison has posted a link to a video clip of Colleen the nun and Santo....
Colleen comes running into the church holding the hand of a little boy (Shawn, Sr.) stopping 2 guys from beating up on Santo.
this clip is the preview for Tuesday.
I have the same question,..what motive or possible gain could there be from lying about having a fiancee. Unless he didn't cook it up until after meeting Chelsea...maybe he thinks he could make her jealous and want him? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm, like a lot of things on this show.

I also agree and think that Shawn Sr did not actuall "kill" Colleen. If she did have a child, about how old do you think it would be? (Of course the way they age people on this show, the child could be anywhere from 1-100. LOL!)
Jett pretending to have a fiance is interesting. A couple of possible scenerios:
With Jeremy such a skirt chaser, Jett made up the fiance story to have a good excuse not to join in, so he saves face with Jeremy.
He knows Chelsea has a crush on him so invented a fiance to keep her at bay. That could explain the conversation with Nick, Jett trying to warn Nick.
Either one of these makes sense as far as saying he has a fiance, but neither one seems important enough to actually have someone pretend to be his fiance.
I guess time will tell. Too bad we have to stomach Jeremy to have Jett.
And regarding Brady/DiMera feud:
I stick to my theory that after all is said and done, we go "Is that all there was?".....Not to say it won't be a fun ride watching it unfold...!!!
Weren't Jeremy and Jett in the Air Force Academy or some such place together? Isn't that how they know each other? Why doesn't Jeremy know it's a ruse?
Fudd wrote:
Weren't Jeremy and Jett in the Air Force Academy or some such place together? Isn't that how they know each other? Why doesn't Jeremy know it's a ruse?

That's why I think one of the possible explanations is that Jett doesn't approve of Jeremy's womanzing behavior and to explain to Jeremy why he doesn't carry on that way, he invented a fiance.
Possible. But then why be friends with the guy if you don't like who he is?
I guess the same reason Wally was always friends with Eddie..!!!! :?:
PAllison, I feel you have a point here, about Jett making up a fiancee. Why on earth would Danielle tell the other guy on the phone that she is out with Jett? If she were actually two timing, she would not have said anything to the other guy. Great observation.
Jett very obviously knows her husband, and this pretense is with the husband's consent. I have no idea why he would make up a fiancee'.....except that he does not want to join in Jeremy's skirt chasing. Jett obviously does not want to get involved with any women.... So.....what if he is gay? I cannot think of another reason a guy would want to make sure most women are kept at arm's length.
okay, I feel like a dork. I didn't read completely thru the days ahead, and therefore my comment was stupid. anyway, maybe he is gay?
1daysfan1, I didn't make the observation. It was in todays show preview. But thanks anyway!!! :-D

Poirot...I did not think about the gay thing. Hmmm, could be but it still doesn't explain why he told Nick he thought he was being 2 timed. I think it's going to have something to do with Chelsea. He knows she has a crush on him, and maybe he feels the same way, but because Nick is in the picture, he is backing off....still seems alot of trouble for the pretend fiance to come all the way to Salem. Another mystery...!!