Monday, June 25th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, June 25, 2007

Episode 10,599 Taped 6/6

Tis morning in Salem, with Billie having breakfast at the Pub with Kate. She has received recognition for her security system, and is up on Cloud 9. Kate is happy for her, tho bemoans her own fate, with being locked out of her offices, bank accounts frozen, and EJ only caring about the baby Sami is carrying and nothing else. Billie talks of the rape, but Kate sluffs it off, just Sami’s word. (this from a woman who was beaten by her husband, who also raped her daughter and got her on drugs - there is no hope for Kate, methinks). Billie is appalled, reminding Kate that Sami saved Lucas’s life.He walks in, wanting to talk to Billie, so Kate pretends to go to the ladies room. She instead stands behind them, listening to every word, as Lucas talks about the amnio, and how he just is not sure he will be able to tolerate the situation if the baby turns out to be EJ’s. He cannot bear the idea that on weekends or holidays, EJ will come and get the kid, take it to the DiMeras, then return it later with the child probably hating Lucas. Billie tries to reason with him, as Kate drinks it all in. Yes, the smirk is intact, of course. Nick walks in, greets Billie & Lucas, who are sitting next to each other, and then acknowledges Mrs. Roberts. This causes both Billie & Lucas to realize she has been eavesdropping once again. Billie tells Nick to give her love to Chelsea, he leaves to go to work. Lucas leaves to be with Sami during the amnio. This leaves Billie, who, for some reason, now tells Kate all about the hairbrush that Willow planted to incriminate Nick, how he took it, and how Roman let them all walk. She sees “the look” on Kate’s face, makes her promise to keep it to herself. Yeah, right!
Earlier, at the Brady house, Chelsea has come downstairs, as Nick comes out of the kitchen with coffee for them both. He is raring to go back upstairs, but Chelsea puts him off. She is clearly uncomfortable for some reason, even refusing an “eco-friendly shower” together. She finally gets him to go shower alone, calls Stephanie to come over right away. Nick leaves for work, Stephanie comes in from the kitchen, and now the two exchange boring, boring, but supposedly hip conversation about sex, boys, the first time, the times after, etc. Chelsea claims she kept seeing Nick & her mother as they were “doing it”, Stephanie tells her she has the hots for Jett Carver, Chelsea says no, they are friends. Sorry, folks, but this all was FF material, and I did not, but wish I had. Stephanie leaves, saying she will see her at work (evidently today is their first flight to Sin City.

At the hospital, Marlena is with Sami, sharing a very poignant mother/daughter heart to heart. Sami is so worried about Lucas, and her baby. She says Lucas used to always talk to the baby, touch her stomach, and want to feel the baby move, but ever since he learned of the possibility that EJ might be the father, he does not do that any more. She is so afraid of losing him. They talk of the rape, of her marriage. Sami wonders what man would want to raise another man’s child, and then realizes what she said, as she remembers that John did so. As they talk, Marlena tells her she can make sure that the results show Lucas as the father. Sami is stunned to think Marlena would tamper with the test results, and tells her no, absolutely not. The truth will out, and for Lucas, it would then be even worse. She will not put him thru that again. Dr. Jacobs comes in, with another doctor, who would be administering the ultrasound.
Meanwhile, Nick arrives at work in the lab, and within a couple of minutes, the wicked witch of the east arrives, too. (yeah, I mean Kate). She lets him know, in no uncertain terms, that she wants the results of Sami’s amnio to show that, without a doubt, EJ is the father of Sami’s baby.
Over in Sami’s room, Lucas arrives as the ultra sound is beginning, prior to the amnio. As the two doctors watch the monitor, one calls attention to something, the other cannot believe she did not see this before, Sami, Lucas & Marlena are worried. Oh, no need to worry, sorry. There is nothing wrong with EITHER of your babies. Mr. & Mrs. Roberts, you are having twins. Congratulations!

So now Days is promoting teen sex....yes, I know Nick and Chelsea are not teens, but that is who these summer s/l's are targeted to, teens. We all know that Chelsea does not love Nick and Nick himself has flip flopped on why he shouldn't get involved with Chelsea regardless of his crush on her. Chelsea blatantly speaks of "doing it" with Nick with no respect, feelings of love, warmth or anything else. Yes, Days you are now promoting teen sex just for the sake of sex, when each year, almost 750,000 teenage women aged 15-19 become pregnant, and since the epidemic of AIDS began over 20 years ago, over 50,000 teens have contracted HIV and progressed to AIDS, many of them dying before the age of twenty. Shame on you Days of our Lives, shame on you....
Now on a lighter note....
Kate, Kate, Kate....I'm surprised nobody has done away with you by are one useless life form.
It's often been pondered why Kate hates Sami so much, could it be only because Lucas loves her and she doesn't think she's good enough for him? Is it because she just hates the girl whether Lucas is with or not? Or maybe it's just become a habit. I imagine it's all of these BUT the biggest reason, in my opinion, is she's just flat out jealous...!! Yep, jealous of her youth, her looks, her charm, her ability to skate and now her connection to EJ....!!! Kate, Kate, Kate......
Poor Lucas....indeed if the babies are EJ's (at least if tests show they are), the DiMeras will poison those poor babies from birth and teach them to hate Lucas. He doesn't stand a chance. If they go through with having the babies EJ's, it's the end of Sami and Lucas. Before they even got started....
In re: the teen sex......the conversation, especially that coming from Stephanie, was truly unpalatable. And while HIV and Aids are certainly something to be concerned about, there are so many different forms of STDs.... Stephanie is recklessly and admittedly hooked up with a guy who cheats on her right and left, and she comments that if she did not make the sex good enuf for him, he would dump her in a nano second.
I honestly hated the entire scene.

As to Kate.....the woman needs to get a life. After being off screen for a few weeks, she is back, and still determined to break her son's heart.
Hi Everyone, I'm new to the club. So I have this so predicted on the twin thing with Sami. They will do an amnio and they will say the babies belong to EJ. But of course there will be room for error and in the end it will turn out one baby belongs to EJ and the other to Lucas. Just like they did it on Passions with Theresa who was implanted with Gwen and Ethans baby and then got pregnant on her own with Ethan. What does everyone else think?
Welcome've got a good idea sure would solve a lot for everyone but Sami if one of the baby's Lucas' and one EJ's.....I didn't like that they let Willow's baby die since it was such an advanced pregnancy, but I wouldn't mind seeing Samantha miscarry.....
I hope and pray we do not have another "tamper with the DNA results" story. How many times has that happened now? I hope Nick has some integrity and not give in to Kate's blackmail. (How many people has she blackmailed?) Don't let Kate once again interfere with Sami and Lucas. With all the problems Salem has had with DNA results, you would think they would be extra careful.
Once again, I HAT KATE. I am a HUGE EJ and Sami fan so i really want the babies to really be his. I just can't believe kate would ever do that, these could possibly be her grandkids too. If there are two children and one is ej's and one is lucas', i think that will just make things even MORE complicated then they already are. EJAMI TWINS!!!!
I really don't like the new character of Stephanie. NO ONE turns that fast! And her going from the innocent to the sleazy is just not even fun to watch - it is unbelievable.

As for the promoting of teen sex... this type of story line is nothing new for DOOL. Julie had her son David at about the same age as Chelsea and Stephanie are...and was not married at the time she found out she was pregnant. Sami - was a teen when Will was you can see this is just the newest version of an old story.

What they could do is to make it a public service and talk about STDs that result from careless unprotected sex.

We'll have to wait and see.
I really liked the "old" Stephanie, she had the qualities one would expect from Kayla being her Mom. (nice sweet caring). This new steph is so anti old steph! Sometimes the writers frustrate me when they bring in a new actress to replace an old one and they totally do a 360 with the character! The way new steph treated Steve upon his return, was pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be interesting to see when Kayla returns and how this new steph interacts with her, because I cannot see Kayla putting up with all of this nonsense! Thanks for listening to me vent! :)
We know that Kate is going to force Nick to change the results so that E.J. appears to be the father.

But what if Nick didn't change the results? Or what if Marlena goes behind Sami's back and changes the results after Nick has (or hasn't) changed the results?

I don't think University Hospital should even be allowed to do paternity tests anymore!
ok, hi this is my first post as well. I have been reading for a long time and this is the first time I have had something to say. I agree that probably one will be EJ's and one Lucas's. But what if one gets switched? Man total hysteria for years to come. Sami having twins shouldn't be a shock after all she is a twin... Kate needs to keep out of it. Hasn't she hurt Lucas enough? IT looks like she would want to heal old wounds if she is going to be grand mother. EJ is just stupid to think Stephanie would ever consider calling a truce. Where is John's head he is usually pretty bright about this stuff and he hasn't hardly said anything...PS I agree get rid of the new stephanie. I hate her new personality.
OOOH wouldn't that be funny - Kate has the changed and Marlena changes them too?? Or even and maybe even Tony - or Stefano changes them too...that could be funny!! We wouldn't know for sure who is the father - but to see Kate's face when they say Lucas is the father - when she thought she had it changed!!!

But I agree - hasn't anyone ever caught on to the lax security they have in that lab?
They wouldn't have to get rid of the character of Stephanie - or even replace the actress who portrays her...just re-write her personality. It really stinks!