Monday, June 25th the Friday, June 22 thread, you said something about wish something would wipe that smirk off EJ's face. Just an FYI that in the previews for Tuesday, Stefano does just that - a big smack across the face.
Thought I would give you a smile this a.m. LOL
It seems like you have to stand in line to take a shot at EJ. There was Steve, Bo, Sami, Lucas(twice), and now Stephano. Also, all these talks about sex that Stephanie and Chelsea have been having should be very familiar to Chelsea. After all, it wasn't that long ago that Chelsea was having the same talks with Abby. Just now her role seems to be reversed.
Billie looked great. I like seeing her achieve success with her innovation (the security system). You can sort of tell that all this progress is probably due to not having the burden to deal with her very self-absorbed daughter. I mean, it's not her choice that Chelsea doesn't talk to her anymore, but I think that it's good for Billie. She needs a break from all of Chelsea's drama. And it seems to be doing her good.

As for the Stephanie & Chelsea dynamics, it's not working at all. Especially, since the writers have switched their personalities. Stephanie's turned into Chelsea, and Chelsea's turned into Stephanie/Abby. I rolled my eyes watching Stephanie talk in such a raunchy way. But I also rolled my eyes the way Chelsea acts like she has always been a good girl and a saint.

Despite her claims, Chelsea never was being pressured into sex by Nick. She's the one who was trying to seduce Nick for weeks, and Nick kept putting it off. And she has always had no real qualms about having sex with people even if she didn't have deep feelings for them (i.e. Max, Patrick, etc.). She tried numerous times to get them into bed, but just due to pure circumstance, her plans always fell apart. So, this "I was saving myself for that special someone" is total crap. I just don't like the way writers totally rewrite everything just to drive a storyline or a scene.

I feel sorry for Nick, though. They need to end his relationship with Chelsea for his sake. Their relationship started with real promise, but Chelsea's just too wishy-washy and immature, and Nick has turned into her doormat. And now it's turned into a train-wreck. Nick needs a real woman - not some self-centered girl.
So. Kate blackmails someone to alter paternity results, Correct me if i'm wrong, but are'nt those the same reasons that she claims to hate Sami. There's a word for that: its called hypocricy.
Hello everyone, I am new to the site and posting my opinion for the first time. As to the disregard for the viewers who are teens the sex talk was a little annoying. Days needs to tone it down a bit for the viewers sake. I love Days have been watching since I was 14 years old, and would not want to see the ratings sour over a topic that really does not need to be expanded on as much with our younger set.
AS for the sex talk and downplaying of disease and such, as a mother there is NOWAY I would ever let my daughters or son watch SOAPS, not as children or teenagers especially teenagers. It is not just Days, I think all of the SOAPS are inappropriate for children and teens. Days can write whatever they want and I will watch but not my children!
I must be missing something...What does Kate have over Nick? I thought everything was out in the open. Also I like the actress playing Stephanie now, the other was too whiny and good two shoes for days, but they need to tone her down a bit.
Wouldn't be funny if one of the baby's is born with a MUSTACHE!!! :rotfl: :laughing:
I'm wandering if Sami will ever give birth. At least to both babies. I can't see her pregnancy completing normally. There sure are some depressing stories on Days now days. I wish the writers would write a few happier stories.
The writers could never had suggested that the babies are Lucas' It would kill the storyline. Sami is in jeapordy because she may be carrying a Dimera ... STEMS CELLS!. If they were Lucas's that storyline would be dead.
ShaSha wrote:
Wouldn't be funny if one of the baby's is born with a MUSTACHE!!! :rotfl: :laughing:
Also, if one is Lucas' and one is EJ's, then one will probably smack the other as soon as they are born.
I am a new poster & just wanted to add my two cents...

I agree these repeat story lines are getting WAY old, its like you can see the writing on the wall as to exactly what is going to happen... Just like the Willow pregnancy we knew it was going to turn out not to be Shawn's just like Claire turned out not to be Philip's. Has anyone noticed that anytime there are tests taken in Salem someone is always trying to fudge them & the best part is that they always learn the truth right before its too late.

In regards to the whole teen sex thing... I agree we do not need anyone else promoting what is already promoted pretty heavily, but at the same time hindsight being 20/20 wouldn't that be a good time to talk to your teenage children about the pros & cons of sex? I mean what better than having a mom & daughter moment while watching soaps together seriously! The other thing is if we as parents find it inappropriate for our children to watch isnt it our responsibility to make sure our children are not watching it then? Summer does mean alot younger crowd watching but it our jobs as parents to explain to our children that this is TV those kids go from a month to 6 years within 6 mos. this is not reality they in real life they grow a little bit each day, month by month.

To me it is really no different than when they did the drug & underage drinking scenes of Chelsea's, it is not realistic that everytime you go to club get sh**faced and drugged up that someone is going to be there to save you from this guy you threw yourself at... Yet for Chelsea there always was!
Hi, I'm a NP too; Had to ask:Did anyone else choke when Sami said 'These things always come out.'?!LOL.Jenn-E
Thanks for the welcome. I must say, I liked Marlena's offer. Wouldn't want her to really do it, but it was demonstrative of a mother's love for her child (a healthy love, unlike Kate's Oedipus-esq obsession with Lucas). Kate is a waste of Salem's oxygen. Please, PLEASE let her get smacked for this one.