Monday, March 31st


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, March 31, 2008

Episode #10,794 taped 3/11 Director – Albert Alarr

Chelsea is laying on a huge bed, being checked by a nurse, as Nick walks in, admiring the digs. The nurse leaves, Nick has some great news, but is waiting for Max & Stephanie to get there. Now Morgan arrives, raving about the digs, bringing some flowers, as Chelsea says yes, her grandfather is taking really good care of her, even hired a nurse. Finally Max & Stephanie arrive (gee, glad those girls get so much time off from those internships) and Nick announces that his grant has been approved, both by the State & the Feds. Some squealing by the girls, congrats from all. Stephanie notices Max on the side, but he claims to be happy for Nick, then has to leave to take care of some stuff.

Ava is still talking of reuniting with Patch, convinced that he will be coming back to her. Hope asks what if he doesn’t. Oh, Ava knows as soon as he sees her, he will remember what their love was and want her again. Hope mentions he saw her at the airport, and Ava goes into the fantasy she had, that the pilots would announce the plane had problems, everyone would file off, she would be standing there in that beautiful fucia jacket with the hat he loved on her, he would see her, they would go off, have coffee and a drink or something, talk about old times and the love they had. Hope keeps bringing her back to reality, reminding her Steve did get off the plane. Oh, but Ava fled because she could see Patch was angry. Hope yells that 3 people died on that plane, she let it take off, 3 people died. Ava asks about her father, and Hope haltingly relates how Pop Shawn died, telling her about the lack of controls, the oxygen masks not working, and how sick Bo was, & Pop sacrificing himself to help save his son. Ava is in tears, then asks his name. Now she has to leave to meet Patch. She calls Angelo, who does not want to let her out, but caves as usual. Ava leaves.

EJ comes waltzing into Sami’s apt. full of good news. Sami is abrupt with him, scolding him for swinging her around like a rag doll. Well, seems he has just comes from Immigration office, and they have been taking a further look at his case, meaning they are having second thoughts. (of course!). Sami doesn’t like him barging into her apt. all the time, wants him to knock. So, what is going on. EJ says all they have to do is show Immigration they are married more than in name only.. She tells him she already has done a lot for him, lied at the altar, lied to immigration, and it is enough. Later, we see him holding Johnny, talking of doing anything for his son, and badgering Sami to agree to help him. O.K. she would do anything for her son, what is it. EJ is smiling as he tells her all she has to do is what she loves best, does better than anyone else in the universe, and that is to lie through her teeth. LOL.
Now we see them all dressed up, arriving at Chez Rouge to meet the immigration agent. Maggie seats them, Sami is too funny, as she coughs to remind EJ to take out her chair. Maggie asks if they want anything to drink, the agent is happy with his iced tea, EJ starts to order a…..and again gets the cough from Sami. He gets the hint, asks her what she would like, and she says, nothing. This is all too funny. He orders a martini. And now they have their food, the agent questions them about the living arrangements, EJ claiming he still has an apartment he pays rent on, because he cannot bear to get rid of his stuff. And what is their daily routine? Oh, between taking care of the babies and the incessant lovemaking, their days are filled. Sami very sweetly tell the waiter that her husband’s fish is overdone, to take it back to the kitchen. He really like it very much less done, in fact just a few seconds on each side, he likes his fish flopping. LOLOL, as the agent asks why EJ has this sick look on his face. (don’t mess with Sami). Now they are asked how they pay their bills, EJ says he has been looking for a job, but Sami interjects with a “EJ, you just have to take a break from all the lovemaking and get out and find something. The bills are piling up. Maggie comes up with a phone call for EJ, who leaves with her, but stops to kiss Sami first. And kiss her, And kiss her. (payback!) Maggie tells him no phone, she just did not like the guy taking all those notes, asking all the questions. EJ mentions the guy is after him about having a job. Maggie gets an idea.

Max arrives at Pop Shawn’s grave, bringing him a couple beers, cause he knows he doesn’t like flowers. He sits down, opens one, and talks to Pop, telling him that Nick got his grant. He adds that Nick is pretty smart, but he does make mistakes, sooooo, he just needed a bit of guidance. He says he knows he wasn’t much for going to college, but neither was Pop, and you are the greatest man I know. He adds he doesn’t much enjoy working at the Pub, but he is helping out Mom who has so much to do now, and he is taking care of her, just like Pop would. He hears a noise, and Ava is there. (amazing how she found this exact spot in the dark) Max asks if she knew Pop, no, but a friend told her about him, and she wanted to pay her respects. She asks Max to tell her about Shawn Brady, and Max gives a rather moving eulogy, talking of him raising 6 kids, loving family, friends, willing to do anything for any of them. How he ran the Pub, and spent his spare time in the Salem Center, working with at risk kids. Big heart. Max leaves, and later we see Ava in a car, talking to Daddy, thanking him for something. Now she has the same flashback memory of her roll in the hay with Patch, and says aloud, he only has one more minute to get there.

Max returns to join his friends in Chelsea’s room, saying he finished whatever he had to do, so figured he would come back. Nick is going on and on about his idea (something to do with fuel alternative, environment, efficiency, etc )as Morgan sits listening, raptly engrossed, while Steph & Chelsea look bored beyond belief. Nick is going on about hydrogen & ice, Max chimes in with some explanation, Nick says he is right, and is surprised, but Max claims to have seen it on TV. Nick, Steph have joined Chelsea on the bed, (must be king size, lol, all are talking of having a party to celebrate. Morgan gets Max on the side, asking about that paper Max took from Nick’s notebook. Max evades, but comments that the machine wouldn’t have worked anyway, then talks of just needing paper for a phone number, comments that she told Nick, he returned the paper, what is the big deal. One can see Morgan’s brain cells at work.

Hope has taken advantage of being alone to try and escape. She finds some heavy object, uses it to pound at the window locks. She succeeds, opens the window, alarms go off, she is partially out when Angelo comes rushing in, pulling her back into the room. He closes the window, yelling for someone to turn off the alarm, and telling Hope that if she was gone when Ava returned, Ava would be very angry. He tells Hope to just take it easy, relax, and enjoy the ride, as he seems to be pawing her, and Hope is pushing him away.

Thanks for the write up Barb!

Show sounds great! Better than Ever!!!!!

I Love Maggie - glad she's back and helping EJ - I guess Maggie is the one who suggests to Mickey that he hire EJ! Maggie is Brilliant!

Does Johnny look older?
Thanks for the recap, especially since I'll be skipping this episode. Watching a rapist kiss his victim is nothing but vomit-inducing material for me.
Are we supposed to talk about the rape thing anymore? I read that it was off limits and only started conflict? And when has Sami ever been a victim? I know I am new, but them's fighting words...and I don't even like EJ and Sami!

Either way, thanks for typing all of that up, Poirot! Looks like a great episode.
Have we decided if Max is a genius or something yet?
Sounds like good one! The little chance meeting between Max & Ava had me worried. Also what the heck is going on with this Max & Nick thing. I dont understand what the writers are doing here??
Glad to see EJ & Sami back. I do miss Lucas, but EJ & Sami are humoruos together!
You know, Days is pretty obvious when it comes to storylines and I still can't figure Max's storyline out yet. What is going on with him and Nick? And what is Morgan holding over him? Doesn't Nick know that Max ripped his paper out?

Can't wait to see Sami and EJ banter again. Hope it is better than the last time they met with the INS agent! I love it when they play each other!

Surprised that Ava cared enough to visit Shawn's grave. Doesn't sound like something she would do.

Thanks Poirot! Muchas gracias!
I can not wait for the kissing and kissing and more kissing Monday show....

FINALLY the EJAMI drought is over!!!

My thoughts

I think the reason Max was looking at Nick's grant was to fine tune it. Max used to be a racecar driver, had his own shop and is familiar with mechanics, so I think that's what he was doing was fine tuning the grant, not messing it up. I envision Nick getting into the project, realizing something isn't working properly and Max comes in and makes it all better. As far as Sami and EJ, he is a weasel, I'm sick of seeing him and Sami together, and want them to let Lucas out so they can be a family again. Is it even possible for twins to have different dads, I may have to research that one, because it seems so ridiculous that it just ticks me off. EJ sucks, and they need to write him off the show.
O.K. in re: Max/Nick. Teal is right. It is obvious that Max corrected the mistakes he saw in Nick's proposal, in order to help him, and did not want him to know it. And yes, Morgan told Nick that Max took out the paper, Nick asked Max about it, Max admitted & returned it, asking him if he had his superiors look at it. Nick took the advice, & the superior found the error.

As to EJ & Sami.......I would not say they are the best of friends. But she puts up with it all, and reluctantly agreed to help him for the sake of little Johnny (who has grown a bit, but not as much as I thought he should be). Sami does push him off when he overdoes the kissing bit.
With Chelsea being all about the new doctor, I'm not happy with Nick's story being centered around how Max is helping him. I don't understand why Max can't just be the blue collar guy he is, why must he be super smart too?

Sounds like Morgan is all over Nick, I wonder if Chelsea even bothers to notice.
Thanx Tripp for reminding me. At one point, Morgan is hugging Nick, and Chelsea DOES notice, and her smile goes to a frown.
And Max is really being a good friend to Nick, helping him without him knowing it. Max DOES know a lot about engines, so it is not that he is super smart, just that he has knowledge in that field.

I think Max wants to do something more with his life, but money is stopping him from moving forward. So, that is why he mopes when he is around Nick who is moving on. JMO
Sooner or later Sami will fall in love with EJ. I do like EJ and he is so handsome. JMO
I think people are forgetting about Lucas already. It is easy to do when your out of sight.
Thanks Barb for all you do, as I read it here first and if it doesn't meet my fancy I Tivo Days and fast forward to the parts I am not liking.
Have a good day and week end everyone.
Seems like Max is spending more time with his pop now than he ever did while he was alive.

I've said from the "paper" incident that I believe Max is a lot smarter than he's been letting on and will end up with an important high-paying white collar job. He's been whining lately about not being good enough, etc..and I think TPTB are setting him up for a real career. That way, he won't have to waste the six weeks it takes to become a doctor or lawyer in Salem.

I just don't think it's realistic that the Hortons and Bradys are rallying around EJ, making him feel at home and possibly getting him a job. Even if Sami suddenly realized that she was head over heals for Li'l Elvis, it would take Sami's family and friends some time to finally come around and be able to stand him after all he's done to their families and they only know a fraction of what we viewers know. They do know the events surrounding Johnny's conception and Sami's marriage to EJ and I don't think they would accept him at face value.

Enjoy the write ups, didn't they call Steve Patch when he an Kayla first started up together?
Just an FYI........This is MY board, and I go to a lot of trouble and time to write up the Day Ahead. You want to argue with it privately and not in the public forum. But if you want to go public, fine. elvisjrdimera........I edited your post because you insulted a POSTER! THAT was the bashing. You can bash characters all you want. Posters have insulted Lucas a lot. Some folks like EJ, some like Lucas. Some despise what EJ has done to Salemites and especially to Sami IN THE PAST COUPLE YEARS, & some have no problem with it.
Do not tell me to deal with anything. And do not try to tell me how to run my site, or what is or is not permitted in the forums. We are not ANTI any character here, and perhaps YOU had better realize that.
I try to be very fair when I write the summaries, as nearly everyone would agree. I realize you are a new poster, but you will NOT come to MY board and insult me, and break guidelines right off the bat.

CJ....I really appreciate your comments! :)
@gramsx5.......yes they did. I think that question is discussed in another forum here. Thanx! :)
Man things are getting heated. Here is my opinion. You can't please everyone all the time. We haveSami/EJ fans & Sami/Lucas Fans. If we knew exactly what was going to happen, then we wouldnt be watching Soaps. But the writers are not going to please everyone no matter what they do. There are times I see Lucas & Sami together & think, ahh so cute, they need to stay together. Then there are times I see EJ & Sami together & think, Ahh so cute, they need to stay together.
As far as Piorot editing things...I have never noticed. Hate that this is upsetting so many people in this site. Overall I think the site is informational & fun. We are all entitled to our opinions, but should not bash the actors. We can talk about how we feel about the characters, but the actors are just doing what is being written for them to do.
It's a Soap Opera not real life. I am sorry so many people are getting so offended.
I enjoy seeing everyones ideas & opinions personaly.
I'm glad to see EJ and Sami back as well. The first time in almost a month we get to read a preview about them, and the arguments start. I would like to enjoy it for once, without having to read the Bashing...which is almost always started with a rape comment.
Poirot has the right to delete inappropriate comments, which IMO should include the big "rape" debate.

It has been done to death.