Monday, March 31st

Thanks for the recap ,I have a doctors' appt. Monday and thought I would read the recap, BUT I could ONLY read the first 2 pages after a post said to "deal with it" I hope I didn't miss anything that might have been added story wise)
I wanted to see the grave scene and Chelsea's digs. :)
I hope that guy doesn't hurt Hope.

* sorry about the color codes lol I put them there to be easier to use and forgot to remove it :oops:
Thanks for the update! I am so excited to have EJ & Sami back - I've missed them :)
They were so funny together I loved the interactions. My favorite line was EJ saying to Sami you just have to do what you are the best at. Lie through your teeth. It was the look on Sami's face that got me laughing.
Question---Does this change in Max's character remind anyone else of Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting?

The "blue collar" genius angle? Hmmm?

Thanks for the summary Poirot. Normally I fastforward past the Sorority Girl scenes, but I think I will watch just to see the interaction between Nick and Morgan.

Good Will Hunting was what the story line seems to be. It was a really good maybe this will be good.
Thrilled to see EJ and Sami back. :D
I actually enjoyed the scenes with Ej and Sami, Ali does comedy really well. The show was great with the exception the college crowd, I just think watching them is like watching paint dry. As for Ava and Hope thier scense where great, Hope telling the story of Shawn dying make me cry and when Ave when to the grave I think we saw a different side of her. She is off balance to say the least, but I really want to see Tamara stay on the show she is an awesome actress. Days is really turning around.
if both are fertilized (one with one man's sperm, one with another) then twins can have different dad's, but this would all have to occur in within the same day or so.

Within a few days of each other anyway. As I posted earlier, according to Planned Parenthood, it can take *up to* 6 days for sperm to fertilize an egg. So it appears that the different partners could even be a few days apart and still have the twins have different dads.

My head is stuffed full of trivia, and I occasionally wonder about some oddball stuff.