Movies we watch over & over


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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just watched Casablanca for the umpteenth time.....there are some movies for whatever reason, we will watch no matter how many times we already did. That was one...others are Wizard of Oz, Dirty Dancing, It's a Wonderful Life, The Magnificent Seven...

What about you?
Two of yours - Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life. Also A Christmas Carol (1951 Alistair Sim).

Any Judy Garland movie.

Most of the Star Trek movies. If I see them on a schedule, flip goes the channel.
A Season for Miracles
Is that the Hallmark movie where the young woman takes her little niece and nephew and goes on the run, ending up in a small town right before Christmas? The people in town think she's the niece of an old woman who lived there for decades and died? Then the young woman moves into the dead woman's house (a beautiful old Victorian house) with her little niece and nephew?
Love the lists y'all posted, some movies I have not yet seen and will at some point. For me, anything with Tom Hanks, also Jamie Lee Curtis' Freaky Friday, Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith. When I need a good and silly laugh, Norbit. I also love Titanic. Several more I can't think of at the moment.
Oh, my gosh, ....yes, That Henry Winkler one.... The Most Wonderful Time of the Year; When Harry Met Sally, and Shop Around the corner plus it's (In the Good Ol Summertime, You've Got Mail)
JS ~. The 2 kids in A Season for Miracles remind me of my son's 2 kids when they were about that age. My grandson even looked like the little boy in this film. And he was very dependent on his older sister as the safe person in a chaotic life. I cry every time I watch it.
Funny how we will just watch some movies over and over....even if we note it on and is half over, near the end, etc. And others, we will say to ourselves, oh, that was a really good movie........but we won't bother to turn it on again.

There is a recent Hallmark movie, starring Tyler Hynes (he is such a good actor!) called It Was Always You. I have watched it completely twice now, and then 3rd time for the last half. No idea why it strikes me so.......I always try to watch any movie he shows up in.....but to me, he just is so .....well, something in this one. Can't put my finger on it, but...touches something within me for some reason.
Interesting to see what everybody likes to watch. Ordinarily I don't watch movies over without a space of 10-20 years in between. Probably the two I've watched more than any others are "Outlaw Josie Wales" and "Shop Around the Corner."
"White Christmas", "Mamma Mia 1&2" "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" "Music Man" (I'm an old maid librarian as was Marian). Obviously, I kinda like musicals. Also "You've got Mail". Truly too many to name.
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Heck some movies are on 3 or 4 times during the year. LOL. And others just are hard to find. Admittedly, I watch the free ones, don't pay for the extra cable channels. Would love to see Fried Green Tomatoes again.....but just don't see it ever listed. Maybe come summer. LOL, I would love to see Elvis again.....but it is still being shown in theaters. They already had it here once, so won't bring it back, and it won't come on TV for ages, me thinks.

Music Man is one I have seen a few times now, love it. I honestly find it hard to see anyone else in the role. Saw it done in our community theater here, the guy was really good, but Robert Preston owned that role.