My Issue with "Discussions" on

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As a Melanie fan, I have had to deal with my share of negative comments.
Same here, but with Jack. Barb/Poirot and I have been friends for years but we butt heads over Jack all the time. She loves him as much as I despise him but I don't remember a time she was ever rude to me about my opinions, nor I with hers. If I feel put upon because someone likes a character I dislike, and vice versa, that is my problem.

Scarlett O'Hara and I disagree all the time about Sami and EJ but, to my knowledge, we have never been rude to each other and she's one of my favorites on this board.
You know what? Every single member/poster here has a valid opinion. No matter about what or who, their opinion is valid. And they ALL have the right to express it. And when they do, and someone doesn't agree and says is because they have a right to express THEIR opinion. And so it goes. If a person's feelings are hurt because others don't agree, then perhaps they do not belong on a message board. Any message board.

I know I am repeating myself...but I have been posting with some of our members for years. Like 10 years. Maybe more. Because of that, we are friends, long time friends, and we definitely disagree about various things.I dislike naming names, because I know I will leave some out...but...ShaSha was one who helped me decide to form this board some years ago. She adores EJ as most of you know, and I don't. It never stops her from expressing her views in a positive way, being blissfully happy at what she perceives as current story, and never ever dissing those who do not feel as she does. She does not ever, ever say those with a different point of view are berating her, bashing being disrespectful, etc.
And the same goes for KathyLu...She has disliked Sami from Day l in the 90s, and we have gone head to head at times. She doesn't like Jack, and I do, tremendously. She applauds those who think like she does but never has thought/expressed the view that those who disagree with her are berating her. Red Squirrel is another who is a long time poster with me, doesn't like Jack, and never ever says anything negative to those who do. There are others...heck, I know my fellow moderators have differing opinons.

I was part of the Early Edition, a group trusted and beloved by thousands, I am not bragging, it was a fact. I moderated 3 soap boards at another site for several years. I am obviously a huge Days fan. I have books galore, LOL I have been to the studio.
Recently, when Days shut down for two weeks, I tried to keep you all a bit entertained with some trips down memory lane, via the Early Edition archives. Not too sure everyone appreciated it, but the thing is....I tried.

And now, let me say this. You have a problem? Can you not PM me or the other moderators? Do you really have to create an issue on the board? If so, I would hope the idea would not be to "gain sympathy" for whatever the issue. Cuz the thing is....any problem with the board would only be resolved by the moderators, & administrators....not the members.
And a post! if you feel you have been bashed, insulted, etc. REPORT IT. Do you see spammers? REPORT IT. Do you note spoiler in a non-spoiler thread...a reference to something that has not happend yet? REPORT IT!
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