On the show, I really miss


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Shane Donovan. He is one of my favorite characters, played by an actor I admire tremendously. He was clever, smart, always helpful, just a great asset. The show did not always treat him well in re: "family", but he just stood out for me.

Stefano.......who, yes, is dead. But the actor brought so much life to that character, that even when the storyline was stupid, he managed to make you enjoy it. He was evil, dangerous, manipulative, and yet, due to the actor, a character you loved anyway.
I miss them too. Was watching a few old clips of Stefano marrying Kate, among others, a few days ago. I also think there's definitely room for Shane on the soap with some of these stories, but I know the actor is on General Hospital and I doubt they'd do a recast.

I miss seeing Victor more often. And dare I say it, I even miss Eve Donovan-Larson. I wasn't watching so much at the time, but I didn't think she was a bad match for Brady (chemistry-wise) from what I saw.
I miss Bo. It's too bad that Peter Reckell left and never wanted to come back. I would love to see Bo with Ciara expecting her first child. Of course, if we had Bo we would need to have Hope as well. I always loved Hope with her kids.

I miss Valerie. She is a character that existed on the show since the 1970s and she was great as Eli's mom.

The most iconic character I miss is Alice. I always love Frances Reid's portrayal as the matriarch of this show. What made Alice so loveable to me was the way she was not only an upstanding member of Salem's community, she also worked well with characters like Bo. I loved the two of them breaking Roman out of jail with her donuts caper. She was also so welcoming to Lucas when she realized he was Bill's son.
Stefano. Sometimes I wish that Re-Ron and company would find an actor who could do a spot-on imitation of the Phoenix's voice. That would allow DiMeras to have conversations with Stefano's portrait.

Bo Brady: I really miss the world's worst cop. It was always fun to point out all of Bo's illegal acts. (Bo Brady is a criminal!)

Dr. Baker: Salem's leading baby-broker and gambling addict never failed to enhance the scenes in which he appeared. His interactions with Nicole were especially good.

Nick: In small doses, Salem's leading dork was a nice break from the steady parade of handsome hunks who populate Salem.

Ann Milbauer: Salem's leading participant in the Pub's happy hours was really good a sticking it to Jenny.
I miss Bo and Hope. I always liked Kristian Alfonso (Hope), I doubt she returns but maybe they should recast the role. I'd like to see interact with Ciara and see her enjoying her grandchild. I miss storylines that included houses, celebrations (like July 4th) and families.
I agree with all submissions...even Nick...I really enjoyed him in the Christmas special, too bad they ruined then killed the character. With all the redemptions...they could have "fixed" him, too..

I really miss Eugene and Calliope...they were always fun and we could sure use some comic relief these days!

And for the Hortons, would love for Mike to come back (Michael T Weiss was my favorite, after Wesley Eure...he was Mike when I first started watching), and Scotty Banning (Julie's grandson). But they would have to come up with some story for them and since they can't get story for those on screen now..I can't hold out much hope.
I really liked Maxine and would enjoy having her back. But I'll pass on Ann Milbauer. I never could warm up to her.

Dr. Baker was fun but I know the actor has passed and I don't think anybody else would fit for the character.

I miss Caroline. I always liked how Victor had a tender heart for her.
Bo & Hope are the ones I miss seeing as well as Shane & Kim.

However, I hope they all stay far way from this show as I can only imagine what they would do to these characters and what kind of garbage story lines they would give them. I don't see Peter Reckell or Kristian Alfonso ever returning as from what I have read, their displeasure with the story lines their characters were getting is a major reason why they both left.
I do miss Maxine, sorry she has not been able to return. Some characters just cannot be recast, Maxine is one. I never got to see Eugene & Calliope, but sure have read a lot about them.
Days could use dashes of humor for sure.
(While we don't like to admit, actors age, just as we do, & just can no longer be as adventurous as they were in their youth).
I miss the lively Abby & Jennifer. And I do miss Eric!
Kat, I forgot about young Ciara. Lauren Boles was so good in that role. My favorite scene with her was the one when Sami was trying to ger her earring back from her that was in that pink backpack. Sadly, Victoria Konefal does not measure up as adult Ciara.