Prayers for Katelyn & Olivia Grace


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
I need prayer warriors!

It's kind of a long story- I'll do my best to sum it up.

Katelyn is 18 years old, just graduated high school last year. She does not know her biological family. The foster family that raised her, kicked her out at 18 as "they no longer receive funds from the state for keeping her, so she's old enough to get a place of her own". <- this bothers me. WHY can't people just love a child that needs to be loved? Is this not worse than the biological parents losing custody in the first place? anyways...moving on...

Katelyn moved in with her boyfriend, and got pregnant. They were due to have a baby.... a beautiful baby girl named Olivia Grace.

At one of the ultrasounds, they discovered a serious problem. Baby Olivia's intestine's were growing on the outside of her body. Her records were transferred to MUSC. Katelyn began driving down to MUSC every two weeks for her OB check ups. She would need to have the baby there so that surgery could be performed immediately to put her intestine's in place. (NOTE: I removed info about the boyfriend) Please just know Katelyn doesn't have anyone and needs any and all prayers. May God's Angels surround her.

My friend helped Katelyn then find an apartment of her own, and we have all showered her with baby gifts. She is ready for when baby Olivia comes home. The last few weeks of pregnancy, she moved to Charleston. The boyfriend has since come back into the picture (how convenient)...sorry, I just don't like him much.

Katelyn was supposed to be induced next week. the team would be ready for Olivia next week. Olivia had other plans.

Olivia was born at 8pm last night, weighing in at just over 5lbs. She had meconium in her mouth. (I probably spelled that wrong, I'm sorry)... Before they could have surgery, she had to fight the affects of the meconium. she was not doing well. she had to be put on life support. God has blessed this baby though- this morning she is off life support and breathing on her own, we will know this afternoon when they plan to do surgery.

Doctors say Olivia possibly has a mental disability from the meconium. Olivia does have liver damage, but perhaps will grow out of that. Her heart also was not beating properly. We won't know until later on down the road how all of this will affect her mental development. But we almost lost baby Olivia last night. and her mother Katelyn is all alone. The nurses gave her something to help her sleep, but it's really not helping.

We are too far away to reach her, just texting her and sending her love on facebook....and reaching out to all prayer warriors.

Specific Prayer Requests:

For Baby Olivia Grace: pray that her heart beat is strong. pray that her breathing continues to improve. pray for the hands that will be operating on her tiny body. pray for Olivia's brain to heal and that it is not damaged by the meconium.

For Katelyn: pray for comfort. pray for God to wrap his arms around her. pray for the nurses trying to care for Katelyn as well as Katelyn's baby girl.

Thank you all for reading all of that... you guys mean the world to me. Prayers work - and I appreciate every single one of them. I will update when we know what time baby Olivia's surgery will be. my friend (Allie) can't go down to be there with Katelyn until this coming weekend. Pray for her safety as well, it is a long drive and she is emotionally drained.
At this important time, in this precious baby's life, and the stumbling blocks put into her life, and her fighting just to live, one cannot help but bleed inside a bit for the very existence of this sweet Olivia, and we just know she is in the loving hands, of our Lord in Heaven, and we know that the Healing Hands of God our Father will guide the hands of the surgeon, when they get around to repairing the hernia, and replacing the intestines into the lower abdomen as they were designed by the great human designer, and engineer, I know that every once in a while the oddest things can happen when we get around to having our young. The prayers for the family, and the friends, who are traveling back and forth to visit the mother, and keep her spirits higher, and for the surgeons who are going to do the work on Olivia Grace, and also for the nursing staff who are a most important part of the surgical team, and He can bless all of them, and guide them, and give them strength.... May God Bless You Too Days Lady. You have done a special thing bringing this matter to us and allowing us to add all to our prayer lists... God knows the deeds of the heart... Love Him, as He loves Us....
First of all , thank you so much for your prayers! Please continue!

UPDATE: Olivia has completed 3 separate surgeries to put her intestine's inside her body. They did a 24 hour brain scan, but I've not heard the results of that yet. Prayers needed for her brain to recover from the lack of oxygen due to the meconium at her birth. (I am probably spelling that wrong, sorry.) And if she isn't going through enough at such a young age, Katelyn (Olivia's mother) had to have surgery. Part of a membrane was still inside her that they discovered last weekend (had been in there since Olivia's birth) and Katelyn had to have surgery to get it out and fight/prevent infection. Surgery went well, however she has been very sick from the entire ordeal. She is too sick to visit her baby, Olivia, in NICU. Please pray that Katelyn feels better soon and has no more side effects from the leftover membrane.

I have a sweet picture of the baby, I will figure out how to get it off my phone and onto this site sometime this weekend. :) We are all in love with this precious little girl, who is showing us all just how big of a fighter she is.
UPDATE #2: We got the results of baby Olivia's brain scan back last night. GREAT NEWS! Neurologist says that baby Olivia had 3 small spots on her brain, but that they were only scar tissue, and that they wouldn't affect her at all - he believes she will live a long, healthy, and normal life!!!
More good news, after the blood patch yesterday, Katelyn is feeling much better. If she is well enough to get out of bed today...and well enough to take herself to the NICU... TODAY is the day that Katelyn will hold her baby, sweet Olivia, for the first time. EEEKKKK WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!! Praise be to God!