RUMOR - upcoming storyline

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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I read a RUMOR that after Jake dies, Rolf does a FrankenDiMera procedure to put Stefan O's "essence" into his dead twin to resurrect him. Same as he put Stefano's "essence" into Steve Johnson. :rolleyes: Again, this is strictly a RUMOR.

Take it with a grain of salt, but it's ridiculous enough to sound plausible with these writers.
It would make the most sense, unless Rolf was able to grow a new heart in a FrankenLab somewhere. Or Julie actually got psycho Dr. Shah's heart instead of Stefan's back then.

IF this is the case, I want to see a crazy story where Julie and Stefan are drawn together because his heart beats in her chest. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Egads, JS, don't give them any ideas.
If this RUMOR comes to pass as close to actuality. makes you wonder how the blazes Rolf managed to save/get Stefan's "essence".

There was a lot of sudden (and seemingly unnecessary) blather on Monday, 7/25, between Jake & Ava in which he was professing his love for her, that he did not expect to feel that way, blah, blah. She apparently needed reassurance in regard to their relationship, whatever it is.

I think it was a hurry up as they are heading towards (spoilers show) Jake being shot, probably dies, & thus the aftermath of Ava being devastated, etc. Someone must've got a clue that they had so far written nothing to indicate any super feelings between them.

And thus, the rumor about Rolf doing his essence thing. (Why not do Jake's essence???)

ReRon really needs to go write for the Twilight Zone since he likes all these supernatural, SCI-FI histrionics. LOL

So then if Jake has essence of Stefan, does this put Ava & Gabi at odds? And then what about Li?? How will he react if all comes to pass?
Ehhh, just my imagination workin overtime.
I think the more important question than whom will Ja-Stefan-ke love is what does the DiMera charter say about his voting shares? Will he vote for both himself & himself or will Gabi retain control of Stefan's share? Or will Stefan's essence be enough to claim the share, and Ava's engagement allow her to claim Jake's? It will be sooo interesting!!
We're all going to get dizzy with this story line.

What bugs me on Days is a character dies, and quite often, no mention of a funeral, burial, cremation, etc. Now they did mention one for Abby, but always makes me wonder if the dead bodies are frozen in the morgue, wasting away in the basement of the Town Hall, just WHAT was done, where are they, since so many come back to life???? AT least, back in the day, when Steve died, they showed him being taken from the coffin at the gravesite, , which was then filled with stones, so it would be heavy when lowered into the grave site.