The Towel

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I've read various interviews with soap stars who say when they find out they'll have a scene in a towel, sheet, bathing suit, skimpy undies, etc., that many times they begin serious diets and hard core workouts to look better onscreen.
Towel is good as a treat. When overused, as Days is doing, it is a joke. Maybe that is what they intend. I would think 99% of people who come out of shower have some kind of clean items in the bathroom they don. And they certainly do not open doors, not knowing who is knocking, wearing nothing but a towel. Was really glad to see JJ struggling into a pair of pants over his shorts when there was knocking on his door the other day.
Was really glad to see JJ struggling into a pair of pants over his shorts when there was knocking on his door the other day.
I was shocked that he wasn't wrapped in a towel for that scene. It was surprising to see him pulling on the pants as he made his way to the door. Bonus points for him looking through the peephole, too.
If I was wearing nothing but a towel and someone knocked on the door they could just keep on knocking until I was dressed or go on their merry way. Honestly, I don't like to answer the door even when I'm dressed if I'm not expecting visitors. :rotfl:
It might not bother me as much, if they didn't look naked--the towel is so low. This ain't a porn show---yet.
That opening door to anyone, while dripping wet with towel is overdone on Days. I mean, what if that was little girls selling Girl Scout Cookies? Or a couple nuns soliciting donations for a homeless shelter?
Heck, someone could call a cop as a pervert tried to come on to them. LOL
Oh Poirot - my girls would all probably cover their eyes and freak out seeing a man in only a towel answer the door, gave me a good chuckle this morning, I think the leaders with the girls might enjoy it though.
I love how he's MORE tan and it's winter. LOL Seasonless, weatherless Salem strikes again.
That opening door to anyone, while dripping wet with towel is overdone on Days.
Heck Poirot, I was thinking they haven't done it enough! I mean I would love to have someone open a door in a towel if they looked even close to the men of Days!
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