Thursday, March 6th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Episode #10,777 taped 2/12 Director – Herb Stein

Caroline is setting up tables in the Pub, when in comes Sami & EJ bringing the twins for a visit, but actually to eat lunch. Caroline coos over Johnny, who begins fussing, and takes the twins in back to give him his bottle. (Let’s see now, Caroline is running a busy Pub at lunch time, but Sami & EJ have no problem foisting their babies off on her to babysit, so they can have a peaceful lunch. Something is wrong with this picture. LOL) Both order, with Sami making sure there are no tomatoes on her burger, EJ teasing her about not liking toMAHtoes, she replies she doesn’t like tomatoes on her burger, he does the “tomatoes, toMAHtoes, let’s call the whole thing off” line (from the song), they laugh. Sami wants to talk about his problems with the government, EJ makes light of them, saying he put his devious DiMera brain to work, and thinks he will be o.k. Their food arrives, she proceeds to pour ketchup on her plate, he reminds her ketchup is made from tomatoes, she asks if he wants some for his fries, he replies no, no, that in England they have malt vinegar. She thinks it is disgusting, he says delicious.
In walks a man asking if he is Elvis DiMera. Yes, he is, and the man is Leonardo Burke, from Immigration & Customs. He has had a hard time tracking Elvis down. Call me EJ, and the FBI had me in a safe house because I had turned evidence in on my father. Mr. Burke does not care. The government wants all undesirables out of the country, and that means ALL the DiMeras. (Hmmm, does that mean Lexie, Tony & John, too?) Mr. Burke has asked Sami to get lost, but she just goes in the back, managing to hear all they are saying. Mr. Burke wants to know if theirs is a valid marriage, EJ assures him they have a child together. Burke is not impressed. EJ is not gainfully employed, but EJ says being married to Sami is a job in itself. Burke is writing things down, and is giving EJ a hard time, Sami comes forward to more or less give some support. Now he wants to talk to her privately….so EJ goes to the back where he also can hear every word. Burke asks her if she & EJ married because they were in love….Sami sidesteps, saying why would people marry if not in love. Burke retorts that she was married to Lucas Horton, and their records show that Mr. DiMera forced her to have sexual relations with him, and also forced her into marriage. Sami tells the guy that he doesn’t know the first thing about love, that he has probably never experienced it, and he would be lucky to find someone to love him half as much as EJ loves her. The entire restaurant hears her, as she has raised her voice, then tells him this is her family’s restaurant and she wants him out of there. He closes up his folders, but says he will be back, and leaves. EJ comes out, ecstatic at how she told the guy off. He insists he will get a job, so he will be “gainfully employed”, and the government will not have any case at all.

Steve comes into the Abe’s office wondering if there are any leads on the whereabouts of Ava Vitale. Nope, but they have feelers out. The report came back from the FAA on the plane crash, and there is nothing to tie the crash to anyone in particular. Without proof, they can do nothing. Steve knows Ava was responsible, but just her word against his. Kayla comes in, Steve scolds her for not being home and resting. She is sick of that, her brother is sick, she wants to help and is going back to work. They argue back & forth, he insists he only is worried about the baby, she is suspicious something else is going on. Finally, she says she is going back to work, she has to try and help her brother. He agrees, she leaves, and he calls someone needing a favor. He wants to put a guard on his wife.

Ava paces, constantly looking at Hope’s picture, & calling her Kayla Johnson. She picks up a picture of her & Patch, flashes back to a beach scene with the two of them, then in comes Eddie. She tries to wheedle a computer from him, no dice. When he returns to pick up the tray, she whines about being so lonely, and needing to get out. He tells her that her father considers her his little princess, and if she didn’t run away all the time, he might let her out more. But after her escapade in Ireland….she insists that was HIS fault, she just did not want the plane to take off. She did not want it to crash. Now she brings on the crocodile tears, saying even caged animals are let out at least for a walk. Eddie caves, and agrees to help.

Lexie wheels Bo back to his room, getting him into bed, saying Hope & Chelsea are down in the cafeteria, will soon be back. Bo thanks her for taking such good care of him, and as much as he appreciates Victor getting Dr. Jonas on the case, he wants her to keep an eye on him. He confesses his stomach hurts a lot, and all the time. She will give him more pain meds if it gets too uncomfortable for him. Chelsea is down on the docks, where Hope finds her. Chelsea is missing her grampa, and worried about her father. She loves him, and did all the horrible things to him, and to Hope, too, and apologizes. Hope tells her it is all in the past, over, and Bo is going to get well. She is not sure about Dr. Jonas, even tho Victor went out of his way to bring him in. Along comes Daniel, assuring both ladies he understands exactly where they are coming from, but that he will do his very best for Bo.
Back at the hospital, Bo has pestered Lexie to call Abe, he wants at least some paperwork to keep him occupied, he feels so useless. Hope & Chelsea return with Dr. Jonas, who wants to go over this morning’s test results with Lexie. Abe comes in, with a folder for Bo, against his better judgement. Bo takes a look, saying these are cold case. Yep. He is studying them, when Victor comes in, protesting Bo doing any kind of work. Bo suddenly has some sort of relapse, everyone is shooed out of the room, and we can hear Dr. Jonas & Lexie’s voices as they work on Bo. Later, Bo is hooked up to IV, but asleep as Hope comes in, telling him he is a fighter, and he has to continue to fight this. She lays her head on his shoulder. Out in the hall, Chelsea asks Dr. Jonas if her father is going to die. Not on my watch, he replies. She looks thru the window at Hope & Bo, remarking how in love they still are after all these years, and hoping she will have a love like that.

excuse me?

"Out in the hall, Chelsea asks Dr. Jonas if her father is going to die. Not on my watch, he replies. She looks thru the window at Hope & Bo, remarking how in love they still are after all these years, and hoping she will have a love like that."

umm... has she forgot about nick, who will do anything for her? nick, who has already done so much for her? :P

great, the whole restaurant heard sami declare feelings for ej. this will get back to lucas, of course. just sign the papers already and let him be deported or something. thats a good way to get rid of him. or lock him in a freezer,LOL

the steve/ava thing has my attention, even though i am thoroughly sick to death of pregnant kayla. :P

thanks for the writeups!!!!!!
Thanks so much for the write up - really appreciate it Barb!

Having experienced immigration problems with a friend from England, I know that the argument that EJ is married to an American citizen won't fly. The INS insists that if you are getting married, you have to tell them in advance and have permission. My friend had to wait 18 months before he could get married.:D:D
I just wish Steve would tell Kayla what is going on and stop acting so goofy around her. Anyone would be able to see he is up to something, which is worrying her more then knowing the truth.
great, the whole restaurant heard sami declare feelings for ej. this will get back to lucas, of course. just sign the papers already and let him be deported or something. thats a good way to get rid of him. or lock him in a freezer,LOL

In Sami's defense...she only delared EJ's feelings for her, not her feelings for EJ!!

Sorry...I feel like I have to help cover Sami's <<back>> she is always getting the bad end of the deal! Poor Girl
As far as Steve & Kayle...yes Steve should tell Kayla. She knows he lost his memory in the past & I am sure she would be hurt that there was another woman in his life during this time...but she would be able to deal!!! Sheesh!! Tell her Steve!!

Now for Chelsea, I do think she is forgetting about Nick. It seems like he is 100% in love with her & she is just in like with him. I have to say I used to love them together untill he did that whole married thing in Vegas & took in those kids. For me, Chelsea & Nick just dont have that spark for me anymore. Their relationship is boring to me. She had a better spark with Jett. So I guess I could deal with it if they put Chelsea with someone else.
Thanks for the daily write up Poirot. I wish if EJ and Sami are going to be together that they just get it over with. I love Lucas and Sami but this is playing out to long. Also wish that Steve would just tell Kayla what is going on with this Ava chick. I hope this does not play out to long, hate that the writers are using Hope has a set up. She is going through enough with Bo being sick the last thing she needs is this crazy woman coming after her.
Anyone know of any spoilers that pair Chelsea with Dr. Jonas? Seems a little unlikely to me. She is only about 21 & he would have to be at least 35 or so to have been through all that schooling for all his specialized knowledge. Poor Nick. We hardly ever get to see him anymore.
@RubyRat......thank you. I was about to reply to Kassie, and see you already did. Yes, Sami only commented on EJ's love for her, and very neatly did not answer any questions about herself.

@dobiecat.......I read an interview with Sean Christian (Dr. Jonas) and his storyline, and it did not say anything about hooking up with Chelsea. She is actually coming off like this poor little waif, and acting as if she is the only one in all of Salem who is affected by events of late.
She would do well to remember that Roman, Kayla, Bo & Max all lost their father, and also that it is their brother who is so very ill. And her gramma lost her husband, and now her son is terribly ill.

She really pours it on to Victor, how she is never going to forget to take the opportunity to tell her family she loves them. At this point I think Dr. McStudly is just being a friend...and we do NOT really know any of his personal background, or what kind of baggage he could be carrying.
I agree that deporting EJ wouldn't be as satisfying as locking him in a freezer, or shooting him on the docks...

I can't wait until they bring back Lucas!!!
Immigration sure seemed to know alot about EJ raping Sami, Stef arranging the fast annulment and forcing Sami to marry EJ. It seems if this was so widespread and accepted, EJ would be tried for rape and Stef for extortion, rather than in this matter. The feds and ploice seem pretty forgiving of all of these details, but willing to believe them to kick someone out of the country that is already a US citizen? DOOL writers, get real.
I just wish Steve would tell Kayla what is going on and stop acting so goofy around her. Anyone would be able to see he is up to something, which is worrying her more then knowing the truth.

No kidding...she knows something's wrong because he's being so weird around here about everything. "Let's just go home honey", "Are you ready to go home yet?", etc, etc. Like he walked up to that guy on the pier thinking there was gonna be a confrontation.

It's just like when Hope knew Bo wasn't telling her something (when he found out he was sick). These women aren't stupid, they KNOW when something doesn't seem right!!! Don't you think she could better help to protect herself if she knew about it? He's worried about stressing her out, but it's probably putting her through more stress that he's acting this way.

Thanks for the writeups Poirot...they're great as usual!! :)
Thanks Poirot. Sounds like a good EJ and Sami day. Looking forward to Sami finally sticking up for her man. :clap:
Thanks for the write up. Loved the part with EJ and Sami. So funny how she answered the agents question. You think he would have picked up that she didn't really answer the question as asked. Poor Bo is looking sicker and sicker. I found him more yellow today.(Maybe just the color on my TV.) It sure was a good show today.
I agree with most of you that the dialogue has been less then stellar ... Steve and Kayla suffering the worst dialogue of them all ... I feel bad for the new actors coming in and this is what they get for Dialogue? Those actors must laugh and laugh and laugh when they have to say this stuff. Cheesy, Cliche', insignifant and just plain dull ...Tamara is thinking if I have to look at these pictures one more time ... Shawn C first scene is Chelsea wiping snot on his pants - o my! Steve and Kayla have to stop talking about chip and dip (I almost went out and bought some) so just stop with the junk food talk already!!!! EJ and Sami - the banter was cute and all but EJ and Sami should stick to snarky and avoid too much cute it will just ruin their vibe, cute in small dosage with this pairing please. John now John can still be snarky at least his lines are clever!
My husband having been from Venezuela, had to reenter Venezuela, apply for a marriage Visa and have 3 sponsors, before we could marry.

So EJ is S O L..........
Okay so will someone explain to me how EJ plans to get a job if his visa has expired?! Last I checked you needed one of those in order to get a job.