TODAY @ the Salem Spectator


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I am not too sure exactly where I want or should post this, as it is rather personal, but directed at every single member/poster in our Spectator family. So, first let me say, I am in a rather reflective and maudlin mood, so forgive me if you think I am being silly or overly ...anything.

It is just that sometimes I get overwhelmed at the sense of family here, of the accomplishments of so many of it's members, of how they pitch it with their expertise when a question is raised, suggestions when a member needs help, a shoulder & a big hug when someone has a personal problem, the outpouring of support when a poster is in dire need, all in all, how so many just pitch in to try and help. And especially, the humor. Oh, my, the fun, the quips, the sassy remarks, the cartoons one sees in the mind, the recipes that are shared, the jokes, the friendships. We worry when a constant poster is absent, we welcome with open arms the lurkers and long time readers who finally join in the chats.

Just this year, Jade & Fraggle gave birth to babies most loved and welcomed, Lil0 realized a life long dream and finally moved into her very own home, designed by her, and built with much of her own sweat & tears. André graduated, some of us got new jobs, some lost theirs, some had to move into different areas, some had to make drastic lifestyle changes. We have prayed for each other, for each other's family members and friends, and for each other.

When I began doing the Day Ahead, it was so well received, and I know it was because so many came, having missed the Early Edition, where I used to "work". And when I lost the feed in September (not knowing that the feed had gone digital) we lost quite a number of that forum's viewers. But when push came to shove for a way to get it many of you pitched in. I just was so surprised and greatful, and tho it took some doing, we eventually, with all your help, got back on track. And in that interim, others pitched in to provide summaries....DJM (Donna), KathyLu(Kathy) and Norma.......who provided me with a video clip so I could post the show for the U.S. today early in the a.m.

And let's just mention The Writers' Bench, which had some participation at times, but not real story telling.....that is until kpatch & André began telling their wonderful tales. And this has encouraged other posters to try their hand at some story telling, adding more enjoyment for the rest of us. I love it, and am so thankful for the imagination and creativity our posters have, and not just in that forum.

I knew I would get wayyy too wordy, and yet not say all I wanted to say. So let me just say this. Today is Father's Day, and so many of you are spending the day with, or at least calling yours. Mine is gone, so is my husband's, but one does have a chance to perhaps recall memories, conversations, etc. And to be thankful for the time we had or continue to have with our fathers, or those who have been like a father to us. And while that is not the case here, I was reflecting on greatful I truly am for all of you here, how appreciative I am for the friends I have made, how pleased it makes me to know how some of you have connected together and become great friends, (even if cyber) because of this board. And of course, I have to give thanks for Wayne.....without his knowledge and expertise, with his pushing me and then having the knowhow.....we all would not be here. :)

But truly, this post is for every single one of you, every single one. YOU have made this site what it is, YOU have come here, liked what you saw, jumped in, joined the party. We agree, we disagree, we tease, joke around, praise, complain, rant, and drool. We share, commiserate, get mad at each other at times, but never hold a grudge. Sounds like family, right? LOL.........Just thank you, thank you all. I truly appreciate every single one of you. Did I say that already. Who cares? I do. :wink:
What a wonderful person you are....I am so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and get to know you here in our little village.....and there are so many here who I look forward to "seeing" each day....many have come and gone since I found my way here and I miss them, but there is always a newbie to get to know and "talk" with....this site has certainly helped me through some tough times in the last couple of years by just being here to absorb my attention and mind talking about Days......feels like home doesn't it.... :D :D
Thank you so much for all you do. I really enjoy this site and all the friends I have made here. Thanks for all the work and effort you and Wayne put into keeping this site up and running. I am so greatful for every person here. There are many days when I don't have time to post, and I miss it when I don't.

Thanks to all.....
Thank you Barb, for all that you do for us. Thank you to all of those that supported me though my tough time that I was going through. Without all of your thoughts, prayers, and support I wouldn't have made it through as well as I have. I am now back to my normal self and I have many of you to thank for that. It is nice to have a "family" here and I will take advantage of that and be here to support those when needed.

I'm getting all ferklempt. That was such a lovely, heartfelt post. Thank you.

PAllison chose the perfect word when she called this place "home." I would make it my default home page, but I share my computer with my husband. We both lost our fathers in June some years ago -- mine on June 1st, my husband's on June 30th. I lit a candle today to honor both of their memories.

I was aware of the term "social media" but didn't understand what it meant until I started posting here. This is truly a social place and I feel like I have hundreds of friends here and there's a party to go to every day. It's amazing how we can get to know each other's personalities so well in this virtual environment. I wish we could all meet in person!

Thank you, Barb, for acknowledging my small contributions to this site. The Writer's Bench has become my favorite hobby and I'm grateful that you have provided me with a creative outlet.
Oh, my gosh, I cannot believe that I did not acknowledge the enormous contribution PAllison makes to this the gallery is all her efforts. She has shared her personal collection of Days photos, and combs other sites for interesting additions.
Bless her heart. The gallery is just fabulous.

And honestly, I was not looking for any thank yous.....I just am so happy & greatful that so many of you enjoy the atmosphere here, and have made so many friends among your fellow posters.
God Bless you all.
And I don't know if I mentioned this before.........but I also thought it would be so nice if some of us could somehow meet........and so remembered that Salem, Ill. used to host a "Days" fest, on a weekend in Sept. I checked their site a couple months ago.....and alas, the people who used to arrange it no longer work for the Chamber of Commerce.......and will not be doing it this year.

Thank you so so much. Not only for creating the Spectator, but also for being such a wonderful person. I don't know if I ever told anyone this, but back when I first joined up, I was rather cross, for I had just been kicked off of a different forum (not a Days one, but one for one of my other interests). However, I found this forum to be different, and ultimately a whole lot better. You, Donna, kpatch, and so many others here showed me what a foru should be like. We're nto just a group of fans who come and talk about a show we like, we're like a family. We laugh at each others jokes, we pray for others when they are in need of help, we rant and rave about a show we all love. This truly is a family and, hopefully, will continue to be so for a very long time. Thank you all so much, just for being who you are. I love each and every oen of you as a family.
I must also thank you for mentioning my little stories here on the forum. Much like kpatch, the Writer's Bench has become one of my favorite boards on this forum.
kpatch, I have heard of member meetings on otehr forums. You know, times when members of a certain forum all agree on a place to meet up and just have a grand day out chatting and having fun.

Barb, I must thank you once again for all taht you have done for us. This place truly is a home for me, and I, like many people here, enjoy coming here every day to see what is new in the lives of all of the friends we have made here.
thank you that was very sweet! Thanks to you and Wayne for all you do on the site.:clap:
Barb and the rest of my family here at the Spectator, I do feel like I am part of a big family. I look forward to starting my day checking in to see how everyone is. You are all appreciated. I wish I had joined earlier after lurking for a while.
:love: Margie
Thank you Barb and Wayne and all the others who make this such an enjoyable site. This site is my only experience with cyber community and I find it absolutely fascinating that thru this medium we are able to come together into such a close-knit family. It's the modern day version of pen pals. [Did any of you of a 'certain age' ever have pen pals in your youth?]

I came to this site when Dustin left his site -- and it just wasn't the same without him. But I missed him so much. And then I found this family here at the Spectator. I'm so glad I did. Bless you all.
I'm sitting here with tears (My assistant just walked in , was afraid something terrible happened, then walked out when she saw what was on my monitor). Barb,I love the wonderful family that we've made, but it wouldn't have been possible without you and Wayne. You are the "parents", and we are the children. You laugh with us, kiss our boo-boos, give us encouragment, prepare our daily lessons, and practice tough love when necessary.
Barb, I want to say thanks so much for all you do. Your daily recaps and even this post are always so well written. You bring so much to them I as many times I feel like I am actually watching the show, and not reading. You have such a great gift, and I thank you for sharing it with us. I love coming to this site everyday to see everyone ones thoughts and oponions even when I don't agee.

Thanks so much again.
Thank you for all that you do for us here Barb and Wayne. I know that you said it wouldn't be possible without us, but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the two of you either. You know the saying - "It take a village to raise a nut........" :)

Seriously though, this site has helped me through some tough times in the short time that I have been here. I love everything about the site and the people who are here. The way that you welcomed me and offered advice and prayers right off the bat just overwhelmed me. I couldn't have found a better family if I had picked them out myself. To everyone - Thank you and I love you all!!! :hug:
We are an interesting "family here" -we are such a mix of personalities and so great to chat with and meet.
Thank you for putting us all together and helping all the kids to play nice at times. It is work -but hopefully it is fun for you most of the time Barb~
I love the fact that we all get to know people all over the world from the comfort of our homes and sometimes in our robes... good thing we are not useing the video cameras for chatting!!! lol --that would actually be fun now that I think about it!!! We could do a "meet an greet" one day!! All have coffee and donuts together one morning.
Take care all~:smile:Debbie
There are so many people that put so much effort into this forum to make it the wonderful one it is. I am very happy here especially after the disaster one I was in previously. Barb, thank you for all you do and for giving props where needed. And you too Wayne! I am looking to post here a long time!
So much has already been said that I will just say ...Thank you to both
Wayne and Barb for this wonderful board.:)
Somehow I missed seeing this thread all week, until just now. As Newt just said, so many have already expressed sentiments of gratitude, there seems little left to add to what has already been stated. I also appreciate your efforts, Barb and Wayne, as well as those of everyone who has helped out and all the others who contribute. I enjoy observing and hearing all the different viewpoints, and interacting with people, not just from all over the USA, but from all over the world! And I especially like that there are people of all ages relating to one another here. It seems pretty unique to have teens, seniors, and every age in between, exchanging ideas and expressing concern for and interest in one another. Not only people of all ages, but from ALL walks of life, with very different jobs, education levels, cultural and religious backgrounds, personality quirks, health issues, senses of humor, family situations, talents, and okay, somebody stop me......the list could go on and on, but all of these things bring interest to the board and yes, sometimes require some monitoring and managing from our ever-capable administrator. :)
Old Cowgirl, just my sentiments. THis is the first time I've been able to read this particular one. And Barbara--you are truly one of a kind. One of the things I like so much about this post is how so many people have expressed their faith in ways that aren't pushy. So many talk about "at church today" or "I on my way to church (or coming back)". Things have been kept clean and friendly without not allowing expression of ideas and thoughts.

I especially appreciated the comments about the problems and how people help each other out. I guess that's what I have hesitated to do until you said that and I'm not sure this is the place or not. Please put it elsewhere if you need to. Our family needs your prayers. Our daughter-in-law walked out on our son and their three children (ages 2,7,9) seven years ago and said he could have the kids. Just recently she has decided to sue for custody. So far it looks good for "our side" but you never know when it's the mother sueing. Please keep us in your prayers. I just don't want to lose three wonderful grandchildren who are now 10, 14, and 16. :(
I too just found this thread and just want to throw in my thanks to EVERYONE at The Spectator. Instead of echoing what has been posted before, I'll just say this:

You Folks ARE The BEST.

I read this site everyday. Everyday I look forward to getting online and seeing all the wonderful people here and what they have to say. I don't post or reply very often simply because someone has already put my thoughts into words.

You are a very special person as are the many other posters to this site.

I want to thank ALL of you who post regularly. You give me a little something extra to look forward to every single day.

May God Bless and Keep you ALL.
