Truth and Consequences

University Hospital

It’s the next morning. Sami and Lucas stayed in Johnny’s room all night waiting for him to wake up. Lucas has just walked back into the room with a cup of coffee for Sami as she is groggily waking up after sleeping the chair next to the bed.
Lucas: Here ya go. I thought you might need some coffee.
Sami: Thanks Lucas.
She looks down tenderly at Johnny sleeping and gently takes his little hand in hers.
Sami: I was hoping when I woke up this would all just be a nightmare.
Lucas: Oh, Sami. I’m so sorry. I still feel so guilty about Johnny getting shot. I hope you can forgive me. I hope Johnny can forgive me.
Sami: Lucas, stop doing this to yourself. You were trying to protect me. You had no way of knowing Johnny would be the one to take the bullet. And Daniel says he’s going to be fine. The only one to blame here is EJ.
Johnny starts to stir a little bit.
Johnny: <barely whispering> Daddy…
Lucas: Hey buddy. Your mommy and I are right here. It’s going to be ok, alright?
Johnny: What happened?
Sami exchanges a nervous glance with Lucas.
Sami: Um, well, Johnny, there was, uh, an accident and, uh…
Lucas: Don’t worry about that right now, big guy, ok? We’ll talk about it later. Right now, you just need to get some rest, ok?
Johnny: Ok. Where’s Nigel?
Lucas looks perplexed. Sami smiles.
Sami: I’ll have Rafe bring your favorite penguin for you. Now, get some sleep. We’ll be back in a little while.
Roman is waiting outside Johnny’s hospital room when Sami and Lucas come out.
Roman: How’s Johnny doing?
Sami: Pretty good all things considered.
Lucas: I’m just so thankful he’s going to be ok.
Sami: All because of you.
Lucas: Right. And we may have never known if those damn DiMera’s had their way. Any updates on that situation, Roman?
Roman: Well, actually yes, I do have an update for you.

To be continued...

Coming up tomorrow, Nicole gets a custody ruling from the judge. Then tune in for the two day finale on Monday and Tuesday. Thanks for reading everyone! :)
I have a feeling that the update on EJ is not going to be good. So sorry to see this story come to an end. I am sure hoping that the end of this story well mean the start of a new one. Thanks Sparkster.
Hopefully he was killed or attackled while in prison! Can't wait for more Sparkster! So sad to see it ending already!!
I feel the same way.. it's ending soon???
I am so glad that Sami shares NO children with EJ and all her children have the same dad - LUCAS!!! Yeah Sparkster what a wonderful story.

Nicole and Justin are seated at the front of the courtroom awaiting the judge to make a ruling in the custody case for Sydney. Brady is sitting directly behind Nicole. The judge walks back into the room and takes a seat at the bench.
Judge: In light of the new evidence presented in the case of custody of Sydney DiMera, I hereby grant full custody to Nicole DiMera. It is my recommendation that Sydney be given back to her mother immediately. Also, due to the legal issues of the father, Elvis DiMera, I hereby revoke all of his parental rights indefinitely. This court is adjourned.
Nicole stands up, turns around and gives Brady a tearful embrace.
Nicole: This is it! It’s finally over. I can finally get my little girl back! Thank you so much Justin. This means so much to me.
Justin: Glad I could help.
Just then the courtroom doors open and Caroline comes walking in with Sydney. Sydney lets go of her hand and goes trotting down the aisle toward Nicole.
Sydney: Mommy!
Nicole: Oh my baby!
Nicole scoops her up in her arms and twirls her around.
Nicole: Thank you Caroline. I know this is really difficult for your family. I appreciate you doing this.
Caroline: Well, this isn’t easy, you know. Just promise me you’ll take good care of her.
Nicole: I’ll guard her with my life.
Caroline: And if it’s not too much trouble…
Nicole: What?
Caroline: Do you think we can see her from time to time?
Nicole: Of course you can. We all love Sydney. That’s never going to change. We’re just more of an extended family now.
Caroline smiles, tells Nicole thank you, and hugs Sydney goodbye. Nicole turns to Brady and smiles as she cradles her daughter in her arms.
Brady: Well, should we head home?
Nicole: Home?
Brady: Well you can’t take Syd back to that rinky-dink one room apartment. I want you both to come back to the mansion with me.
Nicole: Really? I wonder what Victor will have to say about that.
Brady: Who cares? I’ll have Henderson start getting things ready. We’re going to need lots of stuff, huh Sydney?
Sydney: Yeah!
Nicole: Aww, Brady. I love you so much.
Brady: I love you too. Now let’s get this little girl home.
Nicole: Ok. But there’s something I want to do first.

To be continued...
Ohhh my I wonder what Nicole wants to do first. I have tears in my eyes from Nicole reuniting with Sydney, and I was never a fan of Sydney being Nicole's daughter. Just loved the way that Nicole was willing to let the Bradys still see Sydney. It is great that Brady and Nicole are going to be together.Thanks for the chapter Sparkster.
I'm so happy that Nicole is getting her happy ending. She truly deserves it. Thank you for making everything right in her world. Looking forward to the last couple chapters. Thanks Sparky!
Great story! I've been doing a marathon reading of it the last couple of days and I love it! I can't wait to see how it ends.
University Hospital

Sami: So, Dad, are you able to nail Stefano with altering the paternity test? What about EJ?
Roman: Well, unfortunately all we have to go on is that Stefano had a piece of paper stating that Lucas is Johnny’s father. We don’t really have anything to implicate him in the actual alteration of the test.
Sami: Dad, come on, you know Stefano changed those results for his own sadistic purposes.
Roman: I do know that Sami. Unfortunately we just can’t prove that right now. However, I do have some good news regarding EJ.
Lucas: Please tell me that b*stard is going away for a very long time.
Roman: On top of the air tight case we have against him with the shooting and then him kidnapping Sydney, we’ve had some new evidence come to light.
Sami: What kind of evidence?
Roman: It seems EJ was recognized by someone in jail as the ring leader of the Salem drug ring. He’s willing to testify against EJ and turn over quite a bit of evidence in the case in exchange for protection. I think we’ve got EJ this time.
Sami: Oh, Daddy, you don’t know how good it feels to hear that. I still wish we could get something on Stefano.
Roman: Me too. I’ve spent a good part of my life wanting that b*stard dead.
Lucas: He’s got to slip up sometime.
Roman: Let’s hope so.

DiMera Mansion

Stefano is blasting one of his lawyers on the phone.
Stefano: What?! How is that possible? Salem Drug Lord? Oh Dio mio… damn you Elvis! So what are you saying? He will not be getting bail?! Do they know who I am?! I am Stefano DiMera, damn it! I can afford any price they set. Just get my son out of jail, NOW!
He slams down the phone and then throws it across the room.
Stefano: Damn it, Elvis! Why do I constantly have to clean up after you?! You idiot! What the hell were you thinking showing up at that pier with a gun? Now, my grandchildren have been taken from me, Katherine has left me, you are in prison. Hmm. What to do. It’s all because of those filthy Brady’s. Well, I’ll show them. No one takes on Stefano DiMera and lives to tell about it. I know exactly what I have to do.

To be continued...FINALE TOMORROW! :)
OMG. Is it tomorrow yet?????? Wow what a cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what happens. I am hoping that whatever it is does not work and that once and for all Stefano and EJ pay for the crimes they have done. Thanks for the chapter Sparkster.
Of course it is Stefano, those Bradys are always to blame for every horrible act that any Dimera has ever committed in the history of time...

I love that Nicole and Sydney are reunited!!! I bet Victor will secretly be okay with Nicole being around once he realizes that Sydney is part of the deal ... he's a big ole teddy bear underneath all that gruff when it comes to sweet little girls (like Ciara...and Sydney).
Is it tomorrow yet? LOL
Actually, I don't want it to be cause I don't want this story to end. Thank you so much Sparkster for giving Nicole her happy ending. Glad to see that she is willing to let Sydney still be apart of Caroline, Sami's, etc. lives.

Hopefully this story will soon be followed with another great story from Sparkster! :D
AHHH! Tomorrow is my late day. First thing I'll be doing when I get home is reading the final chapter.
University Hospital

Sami: Hey, I just got off the phone with Rafe. He’s going to bring Will and Allie up here later to see Johnny now that he’s feeling better.
Lucas: Yeah, he’s really improved a lot since this morning. He’s a tough kid.
Sami: Takes after his dad.
Lucas: <smiling>That’s going to take some getting used to.
Sami: <sighs> How are we going to explain all this to Johnny? You heard me earlier. I couldn’t even come up with a reason that he would understand as to why he’s here in the hospital. I was so glad when you jumped in and covered for me.
Lucas: I’m always going to be here for you. And our kids. All three of them. We’ll figure this out together, ok?
Sami: <smiling> Thanks, Lucas. She hugs him. You always know the exact thing I need to hear.
Just then, Rafe, Will, and Allie come around the corner.
Sami: Hey, I thought you guys were coming up later!
Rafe: They wanted to see their brother.
Allie: Can I see Johnny?
Lucas: You sure can, sweetie.
Allie: What about Sydney? Where is she?
Sami: Oh, Allie, um, Sydney is, uh…
Nicole: Right here.
Nicole, Brady, and Sydney have all walked up.
Sami: Oh, Sydney… Nicole, what are you doing here?
Nicole: We just came from the courthouse. I’m sure you’ve talked to Caroline.
Sami: Yeah. So, what? You wanted to come down here and rub it in?
Nicole: No, not at all. I wanted to offer an olive branch. Sydney obviously still considers Will, Johnny, and Allie her siblings. I was hoping for the kids’ sakes we could put aside our animosity so that they can continue their relationship. Plus, Sydney loves you and I’d like you to still be a part of her life.
Sami: Really? You’d do that? <starting to tear up> I don’t know what to say. I guess I just thought after everything that’s happened and our history you would try to keep her from me.
She kneels down to Sydney’s level.
Sami: Hi Sydney. It’s so good to see you. Would you like to go see Johnny?
Sydney: Ok.
Sydney takes Allie’s and Will’s hands and they walk together toward Johnny’s hospital room.
Sami: Thank you Nicole. This really means a lot to me.
Sami and Nicole somewhat awkwardly embrace in a hug.

Kiriakis Mansion

Later that night Nicole and Brady are back at the mansion having gotten Sydney all settled in. Nicole comes down the stairs and into the living room where Brady is waiting for her.
Nicole: Oh, my goodness, Brady. Sydney is so excited about her new room here. She said she’s never seen so many stuffed animals. She wanted to start naming them all but I told her to pick her favorite two to take with her to bed. She picked a duck named Quacker, only when she says it, it sounds like “Cracker”; and a dog named Sparky which sounds like “Barky”. <laughing>
Brady: <smiling> God, you’re beautiful.
He hands her a glass of champagne.
Brady: Just listening to you and watching you as you talk about Sydney…I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.
Nicole: That’s because I’ve never been this happy before. I couldn’t have done this without you. I love you Brady Black.
They clink champagne glasses and take a long sip.
Brady: I love you, Nicole. I’m so happy you have your daughter back and I’m glad you moved into the mansion. I hope it’s long term.
Nicole: Long term? What are you trying to say Brady?
Brady: I’m saying I want you and Sydney to stay here and for us to be a family.
Nicole: Oh, Brady…
Brady: I mean like a real family…I want to be Sydney’s daddy, and I want to do it the right way, so…
He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a little box, takes Nicole’s hand, and goes down on one knee.
Brady: Nicole Walker, will you marry me?
Nicole: Oh my God! Yes, yes, YES!!
Brady puts an exquisite sparking ring on her finger. Nicole admires it for a second then wraps her arms around Brady as he picks her up and swings her around. They both are smiling and laughing, happy as can be.
Brady: May I kiss my future wife?
Nicole: Thought you’d never ask, future husband.
Brady pulls Nicole close and leans in for a long lingering kiss. He then lifts her up and carries her upstairs to celebrate their engagement in the bedroom.


Post-script to come later today. A big thank you to all of my readers! I truly appreciate the comments and kind words. :hug:
Oh Sparkster....:cry2: That was so wonderful. I hate to see it end, but it was the best ending to a fantastic story. Thank you so much for writing a story about something i have wished for all year!. :hug:
Sparky is a stuffed animal! LOL.

Love the happy ending for everyone. It gave me the chills. Fantastic job, Sparky. Bravo!