UPDATE on Day Ahead capability.....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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And the news is not good. I know some of you read the only other site that provides coverage of the show ahead. I have been in touch with Prevuze, who evidently has some readers who were able to get some information.

"So here's what we know (subject to change at a moment's notice). The DOOL feed is gone from the satellite we have been watching it on for years. As we predicted, the feed has gone digital. But it's more than that. NBC has bought into a new technology which will allow it to customize the feed for individual local stations. Each local station will have equipment which allows it to separate out its feed from the rest of them. I guess this will allow the stations to customize the marketing schlock they spew. Anyway, Prevuze doesn't have any special equipment to separate out the feeds. We are continuing to look for a way to find either a master feed or one of the individual local feeds to pick up. At this point it it unclear whether we will be able to do this."

And I am in the same boat. So unless they resume the feed in analog, which is unlikely, I cannot provide a Day Ahead any more. Boy, I have been watching Days with my early a.m. coffee and breakfast for nearly 20 years. It is tooo sad.

Now I know there are folks who cannot watch the show at all for various reasons, or may only get it once or twice a week. We will have to try and figure something out.
Boooooooooooooooo :(
Oh well, thanks so much for all you've done though! I haven't been able to see the show for more than a year, but I've read your summaries daily. I actually find them better than the real thing!
thank you for all the time and dedication that you have provided over the years, I for one will miss you
@ Poirot. If there is anything I can do to help you let me know. I just hate it when they make changes that are to make things better and it makes things worst.
Oh, this is such a bummer! With 3 young kids, it's usually impossible to just sit and watch the show. Most days I have the show on and listen. If I hear a good part or my favorite characters come on I try to watch that segment. Without these summaries I think I will really get out of the loop of some of the storylines. Like you Poirot, I have my morning coffee while reading the summary. Breakfast just won't be the same without you!:cry2:
GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I WILL get my revenge!!! Stefano is a nobody compared to Nurse Hamster!! Blue gas is for sissies. Somebody's gonna die....:evillaugh:

This makes me so sad. This is my first post because I wanted you to know you are the only way I have been keeping track of days for the last few years. You do a great job. I really hope there is a way for you to continue!:(
Wow! This is horrible news. I dont get to watch much at all so I depend on the write ups! & Barb has the best write ups ever!
I will even take Barb writing the day after summary. This way I will know what is going on when I cant watch!

By the way NH...I'm not going to mess with you!!! Dont ever want you taking Rrrrrrrrevenge on me!! LOL!!
Oh pleeeeeezzzzz say it isn't so!!!! I never get to watch the show because I work and it doesn't come on til after I go to bed on soapnet. I know it sounds crazy but watching (reading) Days is like sitting next to my mother (who is passed) and watching and drinking a cup of coffee.:cry2: Well...... Thank you Barb, Wayne, DMJ, and everyone that has given us Days everyday. You are very much appreciated even if the show don't show that day for some reason or another. You try real hard to appease us all. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!:hug::clap:
awwww, you all are tooo kind. It has honestly ruined my day not to be able to see it in the a.m. with my breakfast. And I was able to see it without commercials. Man, it drives me nuts to have to wait thru them to watch, which I did twice this week, and will again today. Talk about being spoiled. I am gonna have to figure out something. Wish Days came on here in the a.m. LOL

Maybe I can do some sort of summary for Today, which might be "Ahead" for some of you. I don't know, tho. I know DJM has been fantastic in putting something up for us when I wasn't able to get the show because of power outages, VCR snafus, etc. and now she filled in again with the no signal problem. But it is very time consuming and she works full time, doing that during lunch time, and we can not ask her to do this daily. I know one thing tho.......I definitely would soooo appreciate her doing it on Fridays, when she has already seen Monday.......and we sit with the cliffhanger. LOLOL :wink: at DJM!
If anyone has any ideas.....just PM me. O.K.?
Thank you so much for all you have done.

I'm sure that something will work out.

Of course for me being on the west coast, anything that you put would be an early addition for me.

But, I'm sad that you will not be able to enjoy your a.m. coffee along with the show.
well, it feels like rai-ain drops, falling from eye-eyes...

as i sit here crying and getting my keyboard all wet, i can't tell you enough how much i appreciate you (poirot) and wayne for this website. in the old days, when i was working for the V.A., i used to read your posts on the "early edition" website so i could get my days fix, (that was before the soap channel, ya know), and i would always read it first thing in the morning when i got to work. it was my DAILY DAYS HABIT! hehe

so now, after all these years, i feel like i'm losing my bestest friends and i have to say, it hurts. i hope something can be resolved, (damn NBC) and they put up some sort of "days the day before" feed for you and for us. (blows nose)....

thank you, thank you, thank you....

Thank-you for doing the day ahead when you can. I have classic/basic cable and some of my channels are going dignal too. We are waitting to see what happens with cable in Feb 09. I use to watch days of lives on channel 69 witch is the soapnet channel but it went dignal and we lose it. Now I have to watch it on channel 13 NBC or get it on the internet. But back to the topic thank-you for doing the day ahead as long as you did and if you get it back great I come back and read it. Thanks again for doing it.
And the news is not good. I know some of you read the only other site that provides coverage of the show ahead. I have been in touch with Prevuze, who evidently has some readers who were able to get some information.

"So here's what we know (subject to change at a moment's notice). The DOOL feed is gone from the satellite we have been watching it on for years. As we predicted, the feed has gone digital. But it's more than that. NBC has bought into a new technology which will allow it to customize the feed for individual local stations. Each local station will have equipment which allows it to separate out its feed from the rest of them. I guess this will allow the stations to customize the marketing schlock they spew. Anyway, Prevuze doesn't have any special equipment to separate out the feeds. We are continuing to look for a way to find either a master feed or one of the individual local feeds to pick up. At this point it it unclear whether we will be able to do this."

And I am in the same boat. So unless they resume the feed in analog, which is unlikely, I cannot provide a Day Ahead any more. Boy, I have been watching Days with my early a.m. coffee and breakfast for nearly 20 years. It is tooo sad.

Now I know there are folks who cannot watch the show at all for various reasons, or may only get it once or twice a week. We will have to try and figure something out.

Well shoot...that stinks! :rant:
Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you have put into posting everyday so that we could have a peek at what was coming.
Barb whatever you do will be great, you are wonderful and it is a shame that they ruined this for you and everyone else. Love ya, and just give us a recap everyday.
Maybe you could create a new forum called "Days Today" and post the summary from the current day hot off the press. It wouldn't be in bits and pieces as it is when one or more poster starts new threads or posts comments about today on your summary from yesterday.

It may keep us from starting too many duplicate threads and people who don't/can't watch at all could still get your daily fix and the wonderful descriptions in your writing style.