
The dress choices have been all over the map this season on Days -- from *bleep* (poor Eve) to stunning. But I have to confess, I pay more attention to the men's wardrobe. Chad looks good in the suits, but not very comfortable. Will's hipster look reminds me of my 14-year-old nephew. And Eric killed in that sweater this week!
I have personally seen many of the clothing options used on Days at Macy's. Sometimes I just think they buy a size too small.
How else are they going to attract viewers? The storylines sure aren't doing it. :rolleyes:

Moving to Salem tends to make you lose your mind, so maybe you just lose your body temperature as well. No more worrying about coats in December!
Kristen's eye shadow has been driving me insane. Soooo overdone and dark, like she has black eyes.
Jennifer is nearly always dressed in a ridiculous manner and her hair?! Don't get me started.
Eve's attire is another one I've had enough of...the exact same dress over and over again in a different pattern.
Except for her animal print pants the other day.
I kind of get the weird clothes for the Midwest....in Kansas we were 50's yesterday and 80's today.
It's the inconsistency between characters clothing that drives me nuts!
I don't care for Will's hipster look either. But maybe that is also because I can't stand the 'hipster culture' as a whole. The cardigans and ugly button-up shirts are awful. Even Sonny's wardrobe has started to go from fab to drab.