Wed. 7/21 - No show


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry folks, no idea why, but the tape was as blank as blank can be. No Days feed at, in spite of me being up bright and early, I have no show to watch or write up. Doesn't seem to be any sort of special sports programming to pre-empt the no idea.

Have a good day.
Barb....for all you do for us...maybe its a sign....get out and do something for you!
and tomorrow too!

We all love your write know that you often do a better job of telling the story better then the writers...but don't you worry about us...we will get by. :) case you need a chuckle..........

Sorry you did not get the show Barb. Enjoy the day and tomorrow as well.

It was a great show here is a short recap as I have work this pm.

EJ and Arianna are talking about him going to leave town suddenly. EJ assures her that he is not going now. She is still not sure as he may just decide to go again. He convices her that he is not going anywhere and she agrees to keep him as her lawyer. Johnny comes and EJ is holding him and telling him that he has to finish the meeting and then will come up and read him a story.

Bo and Hope are at Bo's house. He is asking what is going on with her. That he wants to talk. Hope says it will be a long night and makes coffee. Bo is drinking as they are talking. (Boy is Hope acting creepy) Hope tells Bo that there marraige feel apart after Zack died. Bo admits that he was wrong for taking over with Ciaria's kidnapping and not listening to her point of view. He said he was broken up when she left. Hope wanted to know how long after was Carly sleeping in her bed. Bo asked if it would be better if he left Carly and came back to her. She yells at him to stop drinking. Bo has finished the cup. Hope is upset till Bo says he was just pointing out that Carly was not the problem. Hope says he is the only one to blame. That she is going to get revenge. Bo now sees that she plans on hurting him. He passes out. Hope runs her fingers through his hair and talks about all he did wrong. She leaves and goes to Doc Baker's place to get the other things that she needed. She tells him that Bo is going to burn (She got matchs and a container of gas) Baker is upset and says he can't let her do that Arson is one thing, but murder is another. Hope leaves and goes back to the house. Bo is on the floor after trying to get up. Hope pours gas on the ground and all over Bo. Then she walks over to the fireplace and lights a match (She is wearing black gloves on I thought they would be full of gas, but nothing burns.)

Brady and Nicole are talking she wants to get back together with Brady now that he is not with Arianna any more. Brady tells her that even though they broke up his feelings for her are still there it is too soon. One thing at a time. He still thinks Ari is innocent. Nicole goes to see EJ and tells him she is going to blackmail him till the end of time. EJ gets out of control but gives in in the end. Nicole wants him to make sure that Ari is found innocent and quickly leaving her out of it. (Very well acted scenes)

Rafe and Sami are at the FBI She tells him that she is moving into the Dmansion. Rafe tells her that it is not the right thing to do and that she will not be happy and that is not good for the children. Sami again says how a good loving father he is and that the kids adore him. She also tells Rafe that EJ loves her. Rafe wants to know if she loves EJ, but does not get an answer. The new girl that got the job Sami wanted comes in and they talk about it. Sami then leaves.

Hope that helps till you can see the show. The previews for tomorrow shows Abe doing CPR on Bo and telling him not to give up.
Thank you DJM.
I was sooooo hoping that Nicole wouldn't go the blackmail route with EJ. Under the Influence Hope really creeps me out.
Even though I'm upset with Bo, I don't want him doused with gasoline.
Thanks for the recap Donna. Too bad Bo didn't light up like a christmas tree oh well.

@Ana, LOL on your post about Bo lighting up like a Christmas tree....I agree.:)
Barb and DJM, thank you both very much for your wonderful efforts on our behalf! Sounds like a good show. Hope makes me shiver!

I thought Sami had already moved into DiMansion. I guess maybe it has been temporary and now she means she is moving in permanently? I only hope we get to see this decision come back to bite her. Not as a vengeful thing, but this kind of stupidity shouldn't be rewarded.
Thanks Barb...hope you went back to sleep. Donna...our hero!

I guess NTHope had second thoughts for a second. Then DumbBo went and opened his mouth again. He just can't stop can he? Christmas Tree Bo...that would have been something. Why would she have Baker get her matches...lighters are right u p on the have to ask for matches. Wonder if they will trace it back to Baker?

I think Sami was trying to get Rafe's goat, saying EJ loves her. Stupid stupid Sami...jealousy is what YOU feel. DISGUST is what made Rafe leave, and there you go just proving that it's true, you are not only stupid, you are easy too.
DJM said:
Bo asked if it would be better if he left Carly and came back to her.

So much for Bo's new-found love for Carly. Bo is so full of himself he thinks all he has to do is "go back" to Hope and everything will be Okay. What would that do to Carly after he has strung her along for months? If I didn't know it before, that statement tells me what kind of a person Bo Brady really is and why I cannot stand him now.

Sami is so stupid she doesn't know she has already moved into Stefano's house!! :rotfl:
Even though the NTHope scares the **** out of me, it sounds like this show will be a lot more interesting than being forced to watch Philip & Melanie in bed, Steph & Nick sucking face in public or the zillionth replay of Chloe & Philip's moment. By the way, does that loud slurping noise Phil & Mel make when they are kissing bother anyone else as much as it does me? Or am I just being supersensitive?
By the way, does that loud slurping noise Phil & Mel make when they are kissing bother anyone else as much as it does me? Or am I just being supersensitive?

:idea: Seems Lucas and Sami made a similar sound....must be brother thing.