

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Hmmm, interesting. I know Diedre Hall (Marlena), on a daytime talk show, slipped and said something about a few weddings coming up, tried to cover, and also added "love stories". And now I am reading.........with NO confirmation, that

the expected weddings would/could be John/Marlena, Brady/Theresa, & Lucas/Adrienne. Seems Bryan Datillo (Lucas) tweeted that Lucas proposes to Adrienne on 6/21! And of course Kate objects, Bryan says Lucas says so what else is new she always disapproves of any woman Lucas loves, she is crazy.

Eve is returning.... But also there is Steve & Kayla who have not yet wed, or rewed...and then we have Hope & "?????. I sincerely pray that Hope is not even close to considering marriage to anyone.
Could not agree more. Lucas needs to have his daughter here.

Forgot to add to above. lst post......Sonny's return involves him being not happy with this. As old as he is, he does the soap staple of teens.....wants mommy & daddy to reconcile and be together.
I'm all for Allie coming back. At this point, if it gives Lucas screentime, I'd take a Lucas/Adrienne baby!! :eek:

As old as he is, he does the soap staple of teens.....wants mommy & daddy to reconcile and be together.
UGH. I'd be okay if he had reservations about his mother marrying his dead husband's father, but this is just stupid. Also out of character for Sonny given his previous feelings about his parents' divorces. I really am not anxious (though I loved the character and actor) for his return given that he's likely to be paired up with the terminal stalker Paul and now, this. :angry::angry:
Belle and Shawn also need to get remarried but I think the easy way to fix this is to say the divorce papers were never filed. They can do a simple vow renewal with their parents, siblings and Claire.

Hope is still technically married to Aiden. Hopefully that will come out at some point.
Why??? Why is this happening?? I love Lucas but I can't get on board with him and Adrienne, it's so weird. I don't see the chemistry. I don't see the compatibility. What do they have in common except that they're lonely?

Seriously I can't take it. These cougar stories are killing me. They aren't even in the same generation. She was married with kids by the time he showed up in Salem. What the heck would they talk about? Oh, nothing because they are never on.

Anyway sorry for going off, but come on, this is bad. Just like Rafe and Hope. She is a grandma. He was married to her niece. They force it on me 4 days a week and it's still not working
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Technically, the actors who play Lucas and Adrienne and Rafe and Hope only have a 7 year age difference between them in real life. So hardly a cougar situation like Kate and Rafe.

However, on the show I agree that neither couple has chemistry and both couples have characters at different points in their lives. Not so long ago, Rafe was discussing his desire to have children with Sami and then Jordan. At the very least, we should get a scene with him having that same discussion with Hope. That's where the age thing will come into play. If they are going to go this route, they need to address the age difference. At least with Lucas and Adrienne, both characters have adult children.
Hope is still technically married to Aiden. Hopefully that will come out at some point.
For this to come out the Salem shyster would have to admit that he didn't back out of Andre's murder plot until after the ceremony. Hope could then get the marriage annulled on the grounds of fraud. Any man who takes wedding vows planning to kill the bride on her wedding night is not in proper mental state to enter into a valid marriage.
I fear if the weddings will happen they will have 4 guests at most invited and everyone else will be off being angry with someone or something.
With all these weddings coming up in a seemingly short time frame maybe potential guests would say: "Sorry, I can't make it. I'm being married myself that day." And Sami might say, "Why are all these people getting married all at once. Now I have go out and buy a whole bunch of gifts. I HATE that."
Oh, for sure, Days doesn't know how to do happy, nice weddings any more
It might be nice if the writers relearned how to do this. It might increase the recent miserable ratings. Viewers would take a nice romance and festive wedding over such nonsense as the Yo-Daddy and Summer story lines.
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It's hard to give a hoot about Lucas and Adrienne when we haven't seen them in months (together). Now all the sudden he is on proposing? Um, yayyy (golf clap) whoopie. And I agree, I'm betting these weddings will be in the bubble style and we won't see important loved ones that SHOULD be there.
O.K. let's remember something. Just because Lucas proposes.....doesn't necessarily mean that Adrienne accepts! I mean she could say NO!

Next....outside of of Bryan Dattilo. (Lucas) tweeting that, Deidre Hall (Marlena) mentioning weddings.....there is NO confirmation on prospective brides & grooms, mostly just guessing.

And then, well, whatever or whoever this all concerns....Next week, they are filming it seems that month off did not put them just 5 months ahead, they are 6 mos. ahead, whoever got married, already it is done.

Could be Belle & Shawn, Kayla & Steve, John & Marlena, maybe even JJ & Gabi or Paul & Sonny! LOL
I'm not convinced Hope is actually married to Aiden. Acccording to the lies he is now telling, he was "replaced" long before the wedding. So Hope married the replacement (believing he was Aiden), and then the replacement died. That marriage is over. If I married John Smith, and he died, and another guy named John Smith showed up, I wouldn't be married to the new John Smith, my husband is dead.

Of course, this is Days. They will tell whatever story they feel like telling, and it will have nothing to do with logic or facts.
Except...we have seen that Hope married real Aiden, had the wedding night, he went out to the car to "get something for her", but used that excuse in order to change into the dark clothes, get the ski mask, etc. etc. He then had second thoughts, could not do it, and in came his "replacement", with Andre' injecting him with knockout serum.....The lookalike is dead, and Aiden could say whatever lie that made him look good.
Right now, Aiden is lying about the "when" of being kidnapped, as he doesn't want Hope to think he entertained the idea of killing her for a second. When she mentioned the beneficiary being changed, well, with Aiden's lie about when he was taken.....he made it seem the lookalike did it. He doesn't want her to know it was him that did that either.
Yes, according to Aiden's lie, Hope should not think she's married to him; she'd have supposedly married the imposter.

And, real Aiden or imposter aside, in the real world, the marriage certificate would've had to be filed at the courthouse to make it legal. With Aiden's supposed death on their wedding night, it's doubtful the certificate would've been filed. But, as you said, this is Salem, so none of that would matter.