Wednesday, October 17th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Episode #10,678 Taped 9/26 Director – Grant Johnson

Another very emotional show, have tissues handy, but lots of things going on. At Nick’s apt., he returns to find Jeremy rough housing with the boys, who are enjoying it. He sends the boys off to do homework, and chides Jeremy for all the noise. He could hear them down the hall, and someone could report it to the cops, the last thing Jeremy needs. Knock, Knock…….no it is not cops, but is Maggie. Nick leaves to get the boys ready for bed, so Maggie can try and talk some sense into Jeremy. She tries her best, tells him his father has been calling a dozen times a day, and he should do the right thing. Jeremy seems not to be having any part of it. Maggie leaves, and he begins to pack his things. Nick comes out, and no, he told no one else. Nick wants him to turn himself in, but Jerkemy says he is wanted for smuggling in illegal aliens, and he already has spent time in jail. Jeremy asks him for a few bucks, Nick gives him all he has, the boys come out, Jeremy hugs them both, asking them to give the cheer. They yell “Go, Bears”. LOL. He leaves.

At the sorority house, Morgan is having tea with Stephanie, and confronts her about following her and Max all evening. Stephanie denies it, saying she goes to the race tracks all the time, she has friends in the pits. And as far as the Pub, she meets Chelsea there all the time. Morgan isn’t buying it, telling her that Alpha Chi doesn’t take their sister’s guy. Stephanie finally admits she was following them to make sure no one got hurt. (did you ever hear a lamer excuse?) Stephanie is about to leave when Billie arrives with Jett. She asks about Chelsea, who is not there, then tells the girls there was an incident on campus. A girl was nearly raped. Someone drugged her drink, and then outside, tried to rape her. Billie was warning everyone to be aware, go out in pairs, etc. She & Jett leave. Stephanie is about to leave when Morgan lets her know there are a couple of rooms vacant at the house, if Stephanie & Chelsea want to move in. (Oh, please, NO!). Stephanie cannot wait to tell Chelsea. Morgan tells her to be careful, but Steph says her car is right in front. She leaves, stops as she thinks she hears something out there in the dark. Nope, she continues on., and we see Jeremy come out of the shrubbery behind her.

At the hospital, EJ is with Stefano, talking of his father having arranged the hit on John. Stefano just sighs, asks how John is doing. EJ tells him John is not expected to make it. Stefano says that is too bad. EJ is puzzled, as John has been Stef’s greatest adversary, and now that he has finally succeeded in vanquishing him, he is sad. Stefano replies that he does not know why EJ keeps insisting that Stefano arranged this accident, when he did not. EJ does not believe him. Stefano wants him to go check on John. EJ leaves the room.

In John’s room, we have Marlena, Bo & Hope, Steve & Kayla, Sami & Lucas, Belle all around John’s bed. John’s breathing has become labored, the machines show his heart rate is slowing. He suddenly asks for Claire, and Belle says Shawn took her home, she was getting fussy. Marlena says Shawn will bring her back in a while. Belle wants Kayla to do something, but there is nothing that can be done. He is at limit of pain med, and no, any further surgery. Marlena tells John to take it easy, to rest, to breath thru his nose and out his mouth. Everyone, every single one in that room is crying. (as probably are all who view these scenes). Bo talks to Marlena, asking what she remembers about the accident. She says it all happened so fast, it was a sedan, but she cannot even tell him the color. John asks if he is hitting on his woman. LOL. Bo says no, he is taking food orders. John says you know what mine is. Bo says, yes, clam chowder. He sits down next to John, tears streaming down his face, as he talks to John about family. There is family you are born into, and family you choose. And how you all stand together, have each other’s backs, and that John is as much a Brady as he is. John tells him to win this fight, and Bo tells him he needs ALL his brothers standing with him. He gets up, telling Hope he has to get out of there, he needs some air. Bo goes out in the hall. John seems to have gone unconscious, as Kate arrives. Lucas is surprised to see her, but Kate said she had to come. Marlena assures her that John can probably hear her. She tells John that the last time she saw him, he seemed to be disappointed in her. She wants to know if he was. John struggles to answer, finally managing a “never”.

Bo paces, smacks a wall in frustration, spots a tray with drugs on it (no, not hardly likely, those are usually locked up), grabs a bottle, and a hypo needle from a drawer and marches down to Stefano’s room. He wants to know who ran down John, Stefano is full of his usual bravado, says he doesn’t know anything, and rolls up his sleeve to make it easier for Bo. Our hero does not back down, he has unwrapped the syringe, and is about ready to inject Stefano when Roman comes in. Roman tries to dissuade him, but Bo is determined. Bo is injecting, Roman trying to stop him, EJ comes rushing in, and Bo says it was nothing but saline, not to worry. He & Roman leave. Out in the hall, a cop comes up to Bo with a sealed bag containing pieces of headlight found at the scene. He tells the cop to find a magnifying glass. Hope comes out, the cop brings the magnifying glass, and Hope guesses he is looking for a serial number. Inside Stefano’s room, EJ and Stefano are talking of Sami having signed the papers and not Lucas. Stefano is going to Italy for some peace and quiet. EJ protests he cannot leave before the wedding. Stefano does not want to stay in Salem, especially if John dies. EJ says then the annulment and divorce will just have to be moved up, so Stefano can be present. Smiles all around, as they sort of high five each other.

Back in John’s room, his breathing has become more labored. Steve sits down next to him, also telling him about being family, teasing about him perhaps being sick of all the Brady that surround him all the time. Kayla talks of them all being loud, but loving. John still has his humor, tho. Marlena says she has to do one more thing for him now. It is time. The family stands around the bed, every single one in tears, as Marlena leans over her husband, telling him she loves him and that he has to do something for her. Close his eyes and rest. He says he can rest later, but she tells him it is o.k. She will never ever leave him, and he will always, always be with her. That he should close his eyes and rest now. He has always been the one and only great love of her life, and when she comes to join him, she knows he will be standing there, with his arms wide open to welcome her. John’s breathing slows, we hear the machine beeping slowing down. The various couples have arms around each other, tears flowing freely. Marlena holds John, telling him it is o.k. John draws his last breath. We hear the machine go into a steady hum. It has flat lined. Belle on the other side of the bed, sobs aloud.
Sami rushes out , followed by Lucas. She is crying as she shoves the paper at him. Sign it, she cries, sign it. Lucas signs, and they embrace, both crying.

I think John is really gone this time, and Days is not even dragging it on like they do most of the time.

I wish they would at least mention Brady
OMG, this is awful. I'm in tears just reading this.

And where the heck is Brady??? Eric?? How about pretending to call Shane or someone else?? :(
The previews at the end (for Thursday) show Bo & Hope at either the church or funeral parlor. There is a stained glass window behind the flag draped coffin.....and Hope is asking Bo "who did all this". We can also see a picture on an easel of John & Marlena.
Don't know about Brady, but rumor has it that Chloe will be back in November and single. She is suppose to stir things up with Philip, Belle and Shawn.
Brady now has no mother or father. You would think that days would have Johns only son at his funeral, even if it is another actor...
We will have to wait and see if mention is made of the missing. Days DID manage to say Kayla was at Caroline's funeral (Salem Stalker story) but always had her in another room.

Since the funeral has not happened yet, can we just stick with the Wednesday show here? Thanx.
I wonder if John Aniston is well enough to come back as Victor for the funeral? Victor would want to be there for Brady
I think one of the things that makes this so hard to watch is that - from what the interview of Deidra Hall said - all these tears from everyone are real. Deidra said she couldn't stop crying for an hour and a half after this scene. I know it is "only a soap" but John has been a part of our lives for a long time.
@darktruth........John Aniston is listed in the credits for this week.
Poirot, from what I understand all the actors whether recurring or cast regulars are listed in the credits. I always seen John Aniston as well as Tanya Boyd(Celeste) in the credits every day. Unless my eyes deceive me, lol.
John Aniston has not been listed in the credits for quite some time. He is recurring, and all recurring actors are listed after the contract players, and after the recurring are listed the day players. (those with 5 lines or more)

I have particularly noted the absence of Aniston's name, as I thought perhaps Days had quietly let him go. So was very happy to note he was listed this week.

And I check particularly, because it tells me who will be on during the week. Celeste will appear this week, too. She also has not been listed for a while.
I wonder if Victor is the one who decorated the church/funeral parlor. Perhaps he did it in behalf of Brady. Poirot - is that what Hope meant (the place being decorated - pics, etc.) when she said "Who did all this?"
Thanks so much for your summaries. I've cried every day since Friday and wonder how I'm gonna make it through this week. If John isn't really going off "Days", I think we will all be pleasantly surprised. I can't believe the writer's would take off such a beloved character, but then again, he hasn't been John Black for a year at least. As someone mentioned, knowing the tears are real makes this even more heartbreaking. One thing's for sure, if Drake is coming back, the cast doesn't know anything about it. :thinking:
daysfan2..I just watched the clip again on another site.and it does look like that is what Hope is talking about (not knowing where things came from)

But I dont think Victor..unless he would have pics of John and Marlena
It might be Victor, or perhaps this will be the show's way of incorporating Brady.

Perhaps, we will not see him on screen, but he did this all. I could see Vic doing it, because he also loved John like a son.
I wish they were bring him back as ghost like, Alan Quartermane on GH. or he can play a twin. I wished they killed off Roman and kept John. :sick: :cry: :rant:
@daysfan2.....yes, it appears in the preview Bo & Hope are at the doorway, and they see the coffin, etc. And that is what she means......
If this is the next day after John's is awfully quick work.
Thanks for the right up Poirot. I really don't know what to say. It's just SOOO heartbreaking. And knowing that the tears are real is going to make it that much harded to watch. :cry:
Poirot wrote:
@daysfan2.....yes, it appears in the preview Bo & Hope are at the doorway, and they see the coffin, etc. And that is what she means......
If this is the next day after John's is awfully quick work.

Almost as though someone knew that John would die and planned his funeral in advance....