SPOILER !! Week July 10

And just as a side note, I am tired of seeing everyone's boobs. Is that really necessary? The majority, if not almost all, of the viewers are women. Who are they trying to impress? Even the younger girls are into it now.
Heavens to Betsy, me too!!!!! It's funny to see how they try to lift those babies up, pump 'em up, strap 'em in. I expect one to just pop right out!
Somebody should tell poor boozy Shawn that any resemblance between the resurrected Bo and the romantic hero of yesteryear was purely coincidental. As for suspending him for drinking on the job, it might be a mistake. Shawn was never that effective as a cop, so maybe having few belts to start the day just might improve his performance.
Honestly about the only characters I currently enjoy watching lately are Gwen and Leo. I love the comedy these two dear friends play off of each other. They love and accept, each other just as their own wonderful/terrible selves, but it seems from what happened in Friday's episode, and what is brewing in the previews/spoilers for next week, and beyond, that there may be a strain put on their wonderful friendship. They are the most light-hearted, and fun, part of the show these days.

I hope that this lip-lock that Dimitri placed on Leo's lips is just a ploy to distract Leo from delving any further into the particulars of the reason why Dimitri wants to marry Gwen, for the money he will inherit, and not that he has an actual attraction to Leo that is going to put a wedge between these two entertaining friends. I know that we can only hope this won't happen because we, the viewers, need to be able to root for some of these characters. And let's face it, Leo is a little weasel, but his love for his old friend is real, and he is at his comical best when he's making some of his classic snarky Leo one-liners.

Back to Dimitri, when he first appeared on the fishing ship, he seemed almost dastardly enough to perhaps make a good run as the next newest baddie in Salem. But now with all that has occurred with Mommie Dearest Megan, he has just become more of a wimpy momma's boy, rather than an actual viable villain. And since Megan is obviously out of the picture, for the time being, well, next!

Even EJ has sort of softened in recent times. I remember when EJ first came on scene in Salem, in the very lovely package of James Scott (original EJ). (Not to diminish current EJ's work), but EJ was larger than life, and so dang charming with his megawatt smile, and reflecting back, I believe, he had those big beautiful brown eyes (if I remember right, but when has a little thing like details ever derailed TPTB from doing a recast that didn't even closely resemble the character they were replacing, i.e. new-Chad's blue eyes vs old Chad's original brown eyes). The writers can't seem to commit to a semi-decent version of EJ, or ruthless EJ. I don't know about any of you, but I'm kind of tired of the waffling back and forth.

TPTB, please, please, please reward us your devoted fans. Even when our faith has been largely ignored and brought us many terrible storylines these past few years, please don't mess with the Gwen/Leo friendship! Let us keep the funny, and genuine feelings that these two flawed, but still loveable (in their own way), characters show us nearly every time they are on screen.
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was Jerry's shirt made from scraps of Chanel's dress?

Drugged Abe Carver (James Reynolds) experiences hallucinations. He sees himself in Body and Soul, the popular soap within a soap. Lorna (Lauren Koslow), Kassandra (Mary Beth Evans), and Sandra (Jackee Harry) are among the people he encounters. He says to Sandra, who is taken aback, that they have a daughter together.

Yes Body and Soul is more popular currently than Days.... at least at this house.....