SPOILER !! Week June 17

My takes: Xander lying to Maggie - maybe about something in his childhood that caused them to bond? He's already given Rolf's diary to impress Sarah by this time. Ted gets kidnapped and then Xander is ordered to make him disappear by Kristen because Ted thought he could look like a hero to Hope by telling Nicole that Holly is alive, but didn't know she is Kristen in a Nicole mask!

Comment: How does Rex solve medical mysteries when he can't even solve the mystery of Nicole not acting like Nicole with a book about facial prostheses right there on his desk?!
Seems like the only Bradys who show up for Caroline's memorial are Roman, Kayla, Carrie, Eric, Sami, Shawn-D, Belle, Claire and Ciara. Probably Rex, too.

Ron Carlivati said Patsy Pease (Kimberly) had surgery and couldn't return. Jen Lilley (Jeannie T) was tied up and couldn't be there either. I'm guessing they'll say Kim isn't well enough yet to travel and Shane, Andrew and Jeannie T (and Tate) are staying in California with her.

No Frankie, Max, Cassie, Stephanie, Joey or Chelsea. Doesn't appear that Sami has brought Johnny, Allie or Sydney with her. I'm guessing Noah will be at home with Austin.
This is a good one
