SPOILER !! Week Mar 25

Actually, have not heard that Lucas Adams (Tripp) is leaving......however, this headwriter seems to like to have "visits" from various characters, (which does save money in re: budget), so who knows. Chloe & Claire are departing.

Probably Leo, Diana, as well. Nicole is returning, I think Xander, too. Not much for Tripp, really. I honestly cannot imagine Haley is here for any long length of time either. Time will tell...
Right now, the only "for sure" exits are Chloe & Claire.
I have to say, when Stefan first came on, I wasn't thrilled, but I've really grown to like Tyler Christopher. Yes, the fact that Stefan is in love with an alter ego, makes him a little looney, but the actor in general has a really likeable quality. I thought they said he was only out temporarily, so I hope he'll be back. Please take Tripp, Claire, Ted, Sarah, and Leo on that slow boat to oblivion so we can move on to something interesting. P.S. Can someone perhaps shove Diana off a cliff? :drunk:
With her mother being a legal US citizen, she is automatically one at birth
I don't think Melinda was a citizen when Haley was born. If Melinda moved to USA after Haley was born -- and left Haley behind with Melinda's parents -- Melinda could have gained citizenship here after 5 years [at least]. By the time Haley came here to live with Melinda, she [Haley] may well have been too old to have been granted citizenship based on her mother's status. She would then have to go through all the steps of becoming a citizen in her own right.
I don’t hate combo names, but some of them are awful & I can see why many don’t like them. Cin is supposed to be a play on the word Sin due to Ben & Ciara having a “forbidden love”, but of course everyone is not going to get that automatically.
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Cin is supposed to be a play on the word Sin due to Ben & Ciara having a “forbidden love”, but of course everyone is not going to get that automatically.

Oh... I get that it was supposed to mean forbidden love.... and all...... but it doesn't really help figure out who these magical folks couples are supposed to be....
@Poirot, this was posted in the Arrivals and Departures thread in Feb. "Rex will be leaving in August, as will Tripp, Claire & Chloe." I am hoping this is still true, as it related to Rex, especially. He is just too cartoony in this iteration. And I also need Diana to be gone. Since Leo is leaving next week, the DNA lies are uncovered. Can they also find Diana guilty of attempted murder by then, too?
I remember months ago there was a picture in the makeup room and people thought the monitor in the background looked like it showed Will in a hospital bed with Sami at his side. I really hope that's not the case and it's someone else sitting with him.
I sure hope it isn't a Rafe baby,

Rafe has been on the show over 10 years. Why shouldn't he have a child of his own? Same goes for Eric.

Since Leo is leaving, I guess that means that the DNA test is fixed and Diana is outed and maybe arrested for trying to kill Marlena? That would be a nice way to wrap her up and get her out. We knew Leo was leaving in the spring, but I hadn't seen when Diana was out, so this will be

How do "we" know Leo is leaving in the Spring? Do you have a link to a source?

Could she be Melinda's daughter?

I think so

Haley could've been born here, but only thinks she was born in China. (IF Melinda was her birth mother and they pretended that Melinda's mother gave birth to Haley for some reason)

I like this theory and hope it's correct

I remember months ago there was a picture in the makeup room and people thought the monitor in the background looked like it showed Will in a hospital bed with Sami at his side. I really hope that's not the case and it's someone else sitting with him.

There is a spoiler for the week of April 1 about Rafe coming back from California with shocking news. I bet it's Caroline's death and that and Will's ailment are what brings Sami back.

As for the video, Ben looks feverish in the beginning. However, he looks perfectly fine sitting up in the hospital bed lol. Still I can't recall a scene like that since Carrie was taking care of Austin after he got beaten up back in the early 90s so I will take it. I'm also excited for Brady and Chloe.