SPOILER !! Week March 9

[The warden] could have then called the governor, saying he had a confession from another man, whose DNA has been verified to have been found on the body.
People make false confessions all the time, and who's to know when and how the DNA got there? The warden did what he was supposed to do. Besides, the governor wouldn't have accepted a second-hand statement either.
It was not 2nd hand, the man was right there, and could have spoken to the governor. However, delaying the execution for 24 hrs. at least, if there is the slightest indication an innocent person is being put to death would be the moral thing to do. Ben would have still been in custody, while all the facts were being confirmed. If it all proved false, then back he goes, very quickly.
Read an article this morning about a guy (Nathaniel Woods) who was executed yesterday after spending 15 years on death row for the shooting of 4 police officers (3 died). Many people/groups were trying to get a last minute stay, including Kim Kardashian and Martin Luther King III. The basis of the pleadings was that Nathaniel didn't pull the trigger; his friend did. His buddy, the actual shooter, wrote a letter saying he was 100% responsible, not Nathaniel. The Governor and the warden both said no and let it proceed.

I wonder who this is?

You know, Kat......at first I thought this was a mistake......as on New Amsterdam, the doc took on, as his asst. (last couple weeks) this homeless woman in a wheelchair - who used to do that in her previous job. However, looks like Salem hospital has an employee we have not seen before, thus we now have.....who, what, when where, why? :)