SPOILER !! Week Oct 21

I'd be happier about Justin & Adrienne if it weren't for the fact that he never really said he was sorry for Elsa.

Also I liked her better with Lucas.

Also since they didn't bother to do anything with them until now, this is just likely to blow up in their face. Especially with Justin (Wally Kurth) on contract.
Is that the new Bistro, above Sextons'....way high up so one can see the whole square???? (Jack's words)

Once upon a time, long ago, Salem had a lot of restaurants....Penthouse Grill, Chez Rouge, Java Cafe, The Pub, Club TBD, Cheatin Heart, Common Ground, Edge of the Square, Doug's Place #1...and now #2. Yes, there were others....Am glad to see a new set....Wonder what happens to present Doug's Place? Nothing ever was said about Maggie's restaurant.
I think Salem needs a new restaurant dedicated to Alice Horton. They could have Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" as the name and theme song on the jukebox. The wait people could be dressed casually, wearing t-shirts that state "I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more." Thank you Bob Dylan.
But not that she sold it, leased it, or has any hand in running it any more.
The one time, she did say something about doing Chez Rouge paperwork (she was talking to Victor, I think).

When JJ and Lani were still together and he thought he was the father of her baby, he had planned to take her to Chez Rouge for a romantic dinner.
Sigghhhh, so just WHY is Ciara wearing shorts at end of October in the mid-west? Temps are in the 40s and 50s.......can Days pay attention at all to seasons? Salem is not in CA,

Can I say that I dislike the way Days deals with the females on the show who have long hair? I hate it hanging all over their eyes, swooped to one side over their shoulder...it just does not work. There is a reason medical people wear nets/caps. Who needs stray hairs everywhere. Sorry, just in lousy mood I guess.