SPOILER !! Week Sept 26

Regarding Thursday's episode, it was a very touching day of scenes for Chad and Abigail. I know he's hurting still but it seems a little self-absorbed that he feels he's the only one hurting beyond belief, and that he has nothing to go on living for, especially, when he has two beautiful children, who must still be devastated themselves.

While Chad had been ranting, and raving, all over town, flying off at every possible suspect (Salem's finest at work yet again), shouldn't he be spending time with his kids and let the cops do their job? (It only took them going through every "villain" in town to get the right one)

I've been fortunate enough to not have lost too many people close to me, except my grandmother, so maybe I'm miss-stepping here but I would think he needs to focus more on his little ones. They already lost their mom, and now daddy is like a loose cannon, all over the place. I hope now that Clyde is out of play, at least for the time being, Chad can get back to the kids, but it seems by the previews that he will shortly be fulfilling Abigail's wish for him to move on, in love, with Stephanie (Possibly)

One more tiny observation about this episode, it seemed that when it went back to Allie and Chanel, in the apartment, near the end, that Chanel mentioned about their argument being a couple of days ago, and they kissed and made up, and then yet we see in previews on spoilers that next week, Allie is still talking about it to Will. Seems there's an editing issue, if I saw things right on today's show. Minor but thought it odd, that and the fact that they started out with a very "pointed" effort to show Johnnie's netherlands at the opening...No face, at first....ALL netherparts....Just saying :rotfl:
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What does Kristen want from Rolf? Another mask? Does Kristen know why Marlena, Kayla
and Kate are sick? Will she save them so Brady lets her see Rachel? stay tuned.
Ah come on now, enough with Kristen. I really like Stacy Haiduk (Kristen) in character but there is far too much of her sinister science fiction antics and getting away free & clear