SPOILER !! Week May 20

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Now why would Eve want to punish Ben? What did he do to her? ooohhh, maybe asked for a recount? LOL
Or at this late date, has she decided revenge for Paige's death?

P.S. I honestly find it so hard to believe Jack won that election. He had no platform, other than smearing Abe, and advocating running Haley out of town on a rail. Maybe tar and feather her as well.
Please tell me that Nicole isn't the one who staged Holly's death in cahoots with Xander. I can't deal with that.
I sure hope she and evil Xander are not working together; but if so, it means she fears something he can do like the tape again. This explains why she told Eric she didn't want him to see her scarred body. Maybe there are no scars and she would have a hard time explaining how she escaped so cleanly from the burning warehouse.
When Eve and Claire were bonding and Claire told her about starting the fire, Eve said they should blame Ben so she could get back at him for killing her daughter. But, it seems like an afterthought, since she never even mentions her departed daughter or getting revenge.

JACK WINS???????? So, I guess we know who fires Hope.
Hope should be fired. She sent the DA alone to retrieve a kidnapped child. No wire, no back up, nothing. We know Holly is not dead and this was all a set up but even if it wasn't and things went down they way everyone thinks it did, it would not be Rafe's fault. It would be Hope's. She did not handle the situation properly at all.

Also, what kind of people vote for a rapist to be mayor of their town? That's less believable than people coming back from the dead!
After reading these spoilers, I think Maggie may not be the only one who turns to drinking. Some of us Days viewers may follow. :rolleyes: I can't stand that Jack won the election! This means we're going to drag on with more and more of him and Eve (mainly Eve) and their stupid plots and cartoonish personal behavior. I truly can't watch the two of them together, and even separately they're not much more tolerable.
Nothin' like having a mayor who has no memory, therefore doesn't know the laws of the town, who heads up various city depts., who currently doesn't seem to have any morals, or conscience.
It is a crime what the writers have done to the character of Jack.
Monday May 20:
John offers to help Marlena find Rolf's diary. [Hopefully, this won't lead to some event that puts John into yet another coma.]

Tuesday May 21:

Jack makes a surprising move with his first appointment as mayor. [Jack won? Oh barf. Pity poor Abe, another fan favorite who's been mistreated by the writers.]
Claire blames Eve for Tripp breaking up with her. [She ought to try blaming herself.]

Wednesday May 22:

Eve sets out to punish Ben. [This is a dumb move. She's messing with the mighty Ciara's true love.]

Thursday May 23:
Doug and Julie celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. [Hopefully, their celebration won't be interrupted by gunshots or unwanted guests.]

Friday May 24:
Chloe discovers Gabi and Stefan in bed! [The only surprising thing about this is that it took her so long.]
A major secret is revealed. [Big woop. Salem is a town built on secrets.]
Doug and Julie celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

has it only been 25 years? they were married 1994 if my math is correct.... with the SORAS of children it seems odd to keep marriages/anniversaries in "real" time I guess....

I will enjoy the entire 3 minutes they give to the anniversary.... spread out over the 43 minutes of actual show...... it might be the only happiness allowed in Salem for the week.....

is it becoming obvious to anyone that I am completely put off by all the gloom and doom that surrounds Salem, I know I'm not the only one:back:
Nothin' like having a mayor who has no memory, therefore doesn't know the laws of the town, who heads up various city depts., who currently doesn't seem to have any morals, or conscience.
It is a crime what the writers have done to the character of Jack.
As far as I'm concerned Jack can leave again any time!!