Better Than Revenge

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I sort of recall a time when Stefano had Marlena clones all over the place. Was it a ploy to prevent the real Marlena being found? Was it during the Queen of the Night kidnapping?? Help...who remembers?

E.J.: Please...have pity...
E.J. DiMera has been murdered.
OFFICER: You're under arrest for the murder of E.J. DiMera...
Everyone thinks that Marlena is the killer. But, is she really?
MARLENA: I'm being set up...
Find out who's setting up Marlena next week as “Better Than Revenge” continues...
Chapter 10

The day of the trial came. The courtroom was silent as Marlena and Justin walked in.
BAILIFF: All rise. The court is now in session. The honorable Judge Fitzpatrick presiding.
FITZPATRICK: Please sit.
The gavel banged.
FITZPATRICK: Dr. Marlena Evans, you have been charged with breaking-and-entering the DiMera Mansion as well as the kidnapping, torture and murder of Elvis John Aron Banks-DiMera. How do you plead?
MARLENA: Innocent.
FITZPATRICK: Very well. Prosecution, you may present your case.
The prosecutor was a strict looking young woman named Lauren Order. As Justin had warned, the prosecution pulled out all the stops to make Marlena seem like a cold-blooded killer. However, nobody who knew Marlena believed a word that Lauren said. After she had finished, the Judge continued speaking.
FITZPATRICK: Thank you, Ms. Order. Defense, please state your case.
Justin stood up.
JUSTIN: Thank you, your honor.
And, so, Justin began to make his opening remarks. Everybody in the courtroom believed him much more than they had believed the prosecution. After that, Justin called up his first witness.
JUSTIN: I call to the stand Dr. Marlena Evans.
Marlena made her way up to the stand.
JUSTIN: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
JUSTIN: Dr. Evans, could you please describe for the court what you were doing on the night in which Elvis DiMera was kidnapped?
And Marlena did. She recounted every single detail of the night. When prompted to by Justin, she also described where she was on the night of E.J.'s murder. But then, it was time for the prosecution to question Marlena. And Lauren Order was a very tough lawyer.
ORDER: Dr. Evans, in your testimony, you stated that on the night of Elvis DiMera's kidnapping, you had a gun in your hand and were contemplating shooting him. Is that true?
ORDER: Aha! You seen? Why would Dr. Evans even contemplate killing another human? She is a doctor, is she not? She took an oath to do no harm, didn't she? Why, then, was she seriously considering killing another human being?
JUSTIN: Objection! Dr. Evans has already stated that she was sick with grief over the pain that Mr. DiMera had caused, not just her daughter, but her entire family. She also has already stated that she dropped the gun and ran from the room before doing anything that she would regret.
ORDER: I object to your objection! Just because Dr. Evans second-guessed herself, it does not dismiss the fact that, seconds earlier, she was plotting to murder another human being.
The judge banged her gavel.
FITZPATRICK: Mr. Kiriakis, I will allow your objection. Ms. Order, your objection is overruled.
Order continued her questioning of Marlena. However, Justin was able to object most of what she said, and Judge Fitzpatrick allowed the objection. This was the case with most of the oter defendants. But, when Sami came up to the stand, Lauren Order went a little too far.
JUSTIN: Ms. Brady, what is your relationship with the accused?
SAMI: The accused is my mother.
ORDER: Objection! The witness is a direct relative of the accused and will, undoubtedly be biased!
FITZPATRICK: Overruled! Ms. Brady is under oath to tell the whole truth.
ORDER: Objection! The witness was not there while the crime is committed, and as she is a relative, she could easily lie for the accused!
FITZPATRICK: Overruled! As I have just stated, Ms. Brady is under oath to tell the truth, and she will be acting as a character witness.
ORDER: Objection! The witness is a pathological liar and is still a relative of the accused!
FITZPATRICK: Overruled! Need I remind you that Dr. Evans is the one on trial here, not Ms. Brady! That is the third time you have objected in the last five minutes! All three times, you have objected to the exact same thing and all three times, I have explained to you that the relationship between the two is irrelevant as Ms. Brady is under oath to tell the truth! If you object for the same reason again, I shall hold you in contempt. Ms Order, you are being very out-of-order! Do I make myself clear?
ORDER: Yes, your honor. Sorry, your honor. The prosecution rests.
Lauren Order might be tough, but Judge Fitzpatrick can be even tougher. After a few more witnesses, the two teams made their closing remarks and the jury went in to deliberation. After only an hour, they returned.
FITZPATRICK: Jury Foreman, please read your findings.
FOREMAN: Thank you, your honor. For one count of breaking-and-entering, we find Dr. Marlena Evans...innocent. For one count of kidnapping, we find Dr. Marlena Evans...innocent. For one count of torture, we find the Dr. Marlena Evans...guilty. And, for one count of murder, we find Dr. Marlena Evans...guilty. We recommend a sentence of life in prison with the possibility of parole in thirty years.
FITZPATRICK: All right. Dr. Marlena Evans, for the crimes of breaking-and-entering as well as the charge of kidnapping, this court finds you innocent. For the crimes of torture and murder, this court finds you guilty. You are hereby sentenced to life in prison with possible parole in thirty years.
Just as Judge Fitzpatrick banged her gavel, a woman who looks exactly like Marlena ran into the courtroom. For the purposes of this scene (and the next) she is referred to as Marlena II
MARLENA II: I object!
Interesting court scene, Andre! I love the name "Lauren Order" LOL. Too funny. I knew there had to be a Marlena clone. Unless it's Samantha back from the dead. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Laur - en Order? hahahahahahahahahahahahy

Ms Order, you are being very out-of-order!

When is the Judge going to say "Order in the court!" or did I miss that?

I knew there were clones left from long ago...
LOL It didn't even dawn on me Lauren Order.


Another wonderful chapeter. Can't wait for more. Thanks Andre!
I'm thinking it's Marlena's twin too. But will Salem's finest be able to figure that out? LOL. Nice work Andre!
Chapter 11

A second Marlena ran into the courtroom.
MARLENA II: I object!
Judge Fitzpatrick looked up.
FITZPATRICK: You can't object. The trial is over.
MARLENA II: This trial is exactly what I'm objecting to! Marlena didn't kidnap, murder, or torture E.J.!
FITZPATRICK: And who are you?
Roman stepped up.
ROMAN: I think I can answer that. This woman, who by the way, is an exact look-alike of Marlena, is Hattie Adams. Hello, Hattie. I should have guessed it was you.
MARLENA II: Nice try, but my name isn't Hattie.
ROMAN: Okay then, I'll bite. If you're not Hattie, then who are you?
MARLENA II: Marlena knows.
MARLENA II: You suspect.
MARLENA: Well, if you're not Hattie, then I don't know who you could be.
MARLENA II: Yes, you do. Just think about it. Think about who it is that looks exactly like you.
MARLENA: Aside from Hattie? Well, there's only one person! No, you can't be! That's impossible! You're dead!
MARLENA II: No, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive.
SAMANTHA: That's right, Marnie. I'm back. Have you missed me?
Yes! It's Samantha! How cool...Sami's namesake killed EJ. Very nice! :cool:
Funny. I never even thought of it being Hattie. I forgot alllll about her.
I wonder how Samantha is back from the dead....

Thanks for another great chapter Andre!
Chapter 12

FITZPATRICK: I'm only going to ask you this one more time: who are you?
SAMANTHA: I'm Marlena's identical twin sister, Samantha Evans.
FITZPATRICK: Okay, Samantha. So, tell me, why do you say that Marlena didn't commit the murder of Elvis DiMera when we have video footage that shows her coming out of the room where Mr. DiMera was held captive and murdered.
SAMANTHA: That was not her. It was me. Marlena and I are identical twins. We look exactly alike. I killed E.J., not Marlena. Marlena is completely innocent in all of this.
SAMANTHA: I had heard about the way E.J. was treating Sami/ Now, not only is Sami my namesake and my niece, but she's also my goddaughter. Marlena and I promised each other that, if either one of us ever had children, that we would be both that child's aunt and godmother. As Sami's godmother, I vowed to protect her. And, that's what I was going to do. E.J. had hurt Sami and gotten away with it too many times. I wasn't even thinking. I knew that I had to stop him, and I would have gone to any lengths to do it. And, I did. One night, after Marlena left the Salem Inn, I snuck in to her room and stole a pair of black gloves. That's why all of the fingerprints matched Marlena's. I also went out and bought a Ronald Reagen mask. Then, in the dead of night, I went over to the DiMera Mansion. I snuck in, and I shot E.J. in the foot. Then I dragged him out of the mansion and took him to a hidden room on the pier. There, I set up a makeshift torture chamber. I tied him to a wall to make sure he couldn't escape. I covered his body with fire ants. I watched and laughed coldly as they ate him alive. I splashed hm with cold water to wake him up. I wanted him to feel every second of his torture. I never gave him any food or water. Then, I took a sledge hammer and shattered his ankles. And then, just to make his torture complete, I injected him with a fast-acting poison. Within less than 24 hours, he was dead. And I enjoyed it. I enjoyed every single second of it! That sick s.o.b. hurt my niece! He raped her twice, kidnapped her baby and made her think that her baby was dead! He's tried to steal her own children from her! He's blackmailed her on countless occasions! And I couldn't just stand back and take it anymore! I had to do something! E.J. DiMera had to be stopped!
FITPATRICK: I see. And then you let your own sister take the fall for you?
SAMANTHA: Ah. Now there, I was at fault. I never meant for it to happen. Marlena was never meant to be punished for what I did. I learned long ago that trying to get my sister in trouble only ends up hurting me twice as much in the end. Yes, I did steal her gloves, but I meant to get rid of them before anyone ever found out. The only reason you all even thought it was Marlena was because the security cameras saw me. I can't help it that Marlena and I look exactly the same in every way. But, please, believe me when I say that I did not mean for Marlena to take the blame for me! Marlena would never do anything like that! She's not a killer! She's never even gotten a traffic ticket! If there is any crime Marlena has committed, it is loving her children. And if loving a relative is a crime, then we're all screwed. Marlena is not the bad guy here, I am! Please, take me away. Cuff me. Send me to jail. Lock me up and throw away the key.
FITZPATRICK: Unfortunately, we cannot do that until you have your day in court. All of this is off the record until your actual trial. An attorney will come and meet with you in prison within a few days. Gentlemen?
Bo stands up and handcuffs Samantha.
BO: Samantha Evans, you are under arrest for the breaking-and-entering of the DiMera Mansion, as well as the kidnapping, torture, and murder of E.J. DiMera. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?
Marlena watched as her supposedly-dead identical twin sister was carted off to jail.
I am shocked they never asked how the heck she was alive first! LOL
Great story! Love the twists and turns and suspense of it.

Thanks Andre for another great chapter! :) I love hearing her describe the torturing of EJ. I could never hear it enough times. LOL
Just caught up on story. I KNEW it was Samantha!!! Though I do wonder how she is alive....but I am sure all will be explained.

Great Story! :clap:
Chapter 13

Although Samantha's confession was, technically, off the record, Marlena was released from jail on the condition that she did not leave town until she was fully proven innocent. Marlena had no intention of skipping town, though. She had to stay and help her sister. And, that's just what she was going to do. She went to the Woman's Prison to see Samantha.
MARLENA: Hello, Sam.
SAMANTHA: What are you doing here?
MARLENA: My sister who was once dead is now alive again, and she's in jail. What do you think I'm doing here?
SAMANTHA: But, aren't you mad at me?
MARLENA: I wouldn't say mad. Disappointed, maybe. But, not mad.
SAMANTHA: You mean you don't hate me?
MARLENA: Sam, you're my sister. I could never hate you! I'm not mad that you killed E.J. To tell you the truth, I thought about doing it, myself. I'm not even really that mad about you letting me take the fall. At least you came clean about it before I was given life in prison. However, there is something I'd like to know.
SAMANTHA: What's that?
MARLENA: You were thought to be dead after the Salem Strangler murders in the early '80s. How is it possible that you're still alive? And, why didn't you try to get in contact with me?
SAMANTHA: I escaped from the Strangler's grasp. And, then I met Stefano DiMera. Because I look exactly like you, he immediately became obsessed with me. But, if he couldn't have the real you, he wanted to make sure that nobody else could, either. He wanted me to kill you, but I refused. You were the only one who ever believed in me. You're my sister. So, I refused. He threatened to kill me. So, I ran away. I had to keep changing my location so Stefano couldn't find me. I couldn't contact you. It would be too risky. But, I did keep tabs on you. All of you. And when I found out about what was doing to Sami, I knew that I had to come back. I couldn't just sit there and let that s.o.b. hurt my niece. So, I kidnapped, tortured, and killed him. And then, I heard that you got arrested for what I did. And I couldn't let that happen. Not after everything you've done for me in the past. I knew I had to reveal myself. And, now, here we are.
MARLENA: I see. Well, you'll be glad to know that I got you a lawyer.
Justin walks in.
MARLENA: Sam, this is Justin Kiriakis. Justin, this is my twin sister, Samantha.
Justin and Samantha shake hands.
JUSTIN: Hello, Samantha. It's nice to meet you.
SAMANTHA: You too.
JUSTIN: I'm here to help you with your upcoming court case.
SAMANTHA: So, what do you have in mind?
JUSTIN: Well, since Marlena contacted me about you and your case, I've done some research. How do you feel about an insanity plea?
SAMANTHA: I think I like the sound of that.
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