Better Than Revenge

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The crazy lady likes the sound of the insanity plea. LOL.
Thanks for the chapter, Andre!
Chapter 14

Justin worked hard on putting together an insanity plea. By the time that the trial day came around, he had everything ready.
BAILIFF (singing): Hear ye! Hear ye! The court's in session. The court's in session. Now, here come the judge. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. Here come the judge. Stop eatin' that fudge, 'cause here come the judge. Don't nobody buzz, 'cause here come the judge. Judge Fitzpatrick is presidin' today, and she don't take no stuff from nobody, no kind of way. Hey, boy, take off that hat. Where do you think you're at...?
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Cut!!! Bailiff, what do you think you're doing? You're supposed to announce that Judge Fitzpatrick is presiding over Samantha Evans' case, not doing some kind of rap song!
BAILIFF: It's R&B, actually. And, I was just trying to have a little fun with it.
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Well don't. I hate fun.
BAILIFF: Oh, all right. Have it your way.
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): And...action!!!
Andrea Hall (Deidre Hall's twin sister) walks in
Dorkay (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch) turns around.
DORKAY (Borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Whoa! The original Samantha and Hattie?
ANDREA: My name is Andrea. Dick, after almost 30 years, I would expect you to know my real name.
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): I try not to get into my people's personal lives. Anyway, what are you doing here?
ANDREA: I'm working with André DiMera from the Salem Spectator on his current storyline. What are you doing here? You usually work with kpatch, don't you?
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Normally, I do. But, she's off taking another vacation and André is borrowing me again. I was just telling off this bailiff for not doing his job correctly.
ANDREA: Oh, lighten up, Dick. Have a bit of fun.
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): I hate fun!
Andrea sighs
ANDREA: This is gonna be harder than I thought. I might have to get Molly in to convince you. But, while I'm working on that, let's let the viewers get back to the story. You cutting in in the middle is very distracting to them, Dick.
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Okay. Whatever you say, Hattie.
ANDREA: It's Andrea! Andrea, do you hear?!
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): And...action!
ANDREA: Cut! Dick, why is it that whenever you start a sentence in this story, you start it out by saying “borrowed, with permission, from kpatch”? You never say that when you're in one of kpatch's stories.
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): It's because I am being borrowed, with permission, from kpatch. Also, André DiMera of the Salem Spectator wanted to make it clear that he has permission to borrow me from her. If he hadn't gotten permission to borrow me, then kpatch could have sued for tens of dollars.
ANDREA: Fair point. Okay, and...action!
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Cut!
ANDREA: Oh, what's wrong now, Dick?
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): We've run out of time.
ANDREA: What do you mean run out of time?
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): We only have a very limited schedule on which we are allowed to broadcast this story. We'll have to wait and do Samantha's trial on Monday.
ANDREA: But the reader's can't wait that long, Dick!
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Yes, they can, André
ANDREA: It's Andrea!!!!!
DORKAY (borrowed, with permission, from kpatch): Whatever. Anyway, we'll just have to hold off on the trial until Monday. Sorry.
Andrea groans.
ANDREA: This really is going to be a LOT harder than I thought!

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Dick Dorkay appears with permission from kpatch.
:rotfl: This was fabulous! I think this is my favorite chapter so far. My favorite line:

Dorkay: If he hadn't gotten permission to borrow me, then kpatch could have sued for tens of dollars. :clap:

Can't wait for the trial on Monday. :) Good job Andre!

That kpatch is sooo freakin' generous.

Note to any other authors or interested parties who wish to borrow Dorkay: There will be a nominal fee amounting to tens of dollars.


Thanks for the promo, the rap song, and the chapter, Andre!
THanks for another awesome chapter Andre. Very creative!
Can't wait for more! :)
Ok people at work now think that I am crazy sitting here in front of the computer laughing so hard. Just loved the chapter.

SAMANTHA: I object..!
Marlena has been set up for E.J.'s murder by her own twin sister...
SAMANTHA: I never meant for you to take the blame...
Samantha Evans is back...
MARLENA: My twin sister who was dead is now alive again...
But will she be around for much longer? Find out next week as “Better Than Revenge” concludes.
Chapter 15

BAILIFF: All rise. The court is now in session. The honorable Judge Fitzpatrick presiding.
Fitzpatrick sits down at her desk.
FITZPATRICK: Please be seated. Samantha Evans, you have been charged with breaking-and-entering into the DiMera Mansion and the kidnapping, torture, and murder of Elvis John Aron Banks-DiMera. How do you plead?
SAMANTHA: Not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.
So, the trial started. The opening remarks were simple. The prosecution tried their best to make Samantha seem like a cold-blooded killer. Justin argued that there is no way that Samantha could have been in her right mind when she committed those crimes. However, he would have his work cut out for him. As with Marlena's case, the prosecuting attorney was Lauren Order.
JUSTIN: Ms. Evans, is it true that you have been professionally diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder?
SAMANTHA: It is, yes.
ORDER: Objection! I don't see what relevance this has to the case.
FITZPATRICK: Overruled! The defense has not yet had the chance to explain where this is going.
JUSTIN: Is it also true that you are on prescription medications for said disorder.
ORDER: Objection! I'm still not seeing the relevance here.
FITZPATRICK: Overruled! The defense still has not had the chance to fully explain.
JUSTIN: Ms. Evans, what would happen if you were to stop taking your medications?
SAMANTHA: Well, my Bi-Polar Disorder would come back.
JUSTIN: And what would happen then?
SAMANTHA: I would have sudden fits of uncontrollable anger mixed with aggression and a tendancy for violence.
JUSTIN: I see. And were you taking your medications at the time of E.J.'s kidnapping, torture, and murder?
SAMANTHA: I was not, no.
JUSTIN: Had a doctor advised you to stop taking them?
SAMANTHA: No. I had forgotten my prescription bottle at my last place of residency, in Colorado. I did not think to get a new prescription until after I had murdered E.J.
ORDER: Objection! Your honor, I still do not see the relevance of these questions.
FITZPATRICK: Overruled! You must be the only one who does not. I believe that the relevance is quite clear to everybody here except for you. Defense, could you please explain the relevance for Ms. Order? She seems to be having trouble grasping this concept.
JUSTIN: Yes, your honor. The relevance of these questions has to do with the very basis of my client's case. Temporary insanity. As you have already heard from the her testimony, Ms. Evans has been diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, is on medications for said disorder, and had not been taking her medications for several days at the time of Mr. DiMera's kidnapping, torture, and murder. As she has Bi-Polar Disorder, and as she was not taking her meds, she was prone to violent spurts of anger. This lack of medications mixed with the troubling information of how Mr. DiMera was treating her niece, Samantha Brady, caused Ms. Evans to go off the edge. She did not commit these crimes intentionally. She was not in her right mind at the time. She cannot be held guilty for something she did while in an altered state of mind. If anything, the only thing she can be held guilty for, is for forgetting to take her medications. Something of which thousands of people around the world are guilty of every day. The defense rests.
After many hours of various witnesses, questionings, and objections (mainly from Lauren Order, whom Judge Fitzpatrick had twice threatened to hold in contempt), the two sides mad there closing arguments. Justin's last sentence or two was very powerful.
JUSTIN: While Samantha Evans may have committed murder, she cannot be held entirely responsible. She is not, truly, guilty of any crime. She is only guilty of loving a woman who is both her niece, her goddaughter, and her namesake, and for forgetting to take her prescription medications. That is her crime. And that is her punishment.
After the closing statements, the jury went in to deliberation. After only an hour, they came back.
FITZPATRICK: Jury Foreman, please state your findings.
FOREMAN: Thank you, your honor. For one count of breaking-and-entering, we find Samantha Evans...guilty. For one count of kidnapping, we find Samantha Evans...guilty. For one count of torture, we find Samantha Evans...guilty. And, for the one count of murder, we find Samantha Evans...guilty. We suggest ten years in a mental institution followed by life in prison.
FITZPATRICK: Very well. Samantha Evans, for the crimes of breaking-and-entering, kidnapping, torture, and murder, this court finds you guilty. You are sentenced to ten years in a mental institution followed by life in prison, with the possibility of parole in twenty years.
The judge banged her gavel. There was complete silence in the courtroom.
Nooooo she should be given a prize for what she did. Not life in prision. Great chapter Andre. Why is it only the Dimera's get away with their crimes.

A few days after Samantha's trial, Marlena came to the Bayview Sanitarium, where Samantha was now staying.
MARLENA: I have someone with me who'd like to meet you.
Sami walked in.
SAMANTHA: Well, you must be Sami.
SAMI: Yes, I am. You must be my Aunt Samantha.
SAMANTHA: That's right.
SAMI: Well, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for taking care of E.J.
SAMNTHA: Your welcome. But, please, don't thank me for killing someone. It doesn't matter how sick and twisted E.J. was. What I was wrong.
SAMI: Oh, I know. But, still, at least you got him to stay away from me. Thank you. It's great to finally meet the woman I'm named after. Mom's told me so much about you.
SAMNTHA: Well, it's good to finally meet my namesake. Your mother has come to visit me. Both when I was in prison and now that I'm in this sanitarium. And she's right, you are very beautiful. Just like your mother.
SAMI: Thanks. I gotta go. I'm meeting my boyfriend, Lucas, in a little bit. But, it was really nice meeting you. Maybe I'll come back and visit you sometime, if that's all right with you. I'd like to get to know you. You seem kind of cool.
SAMANTHA: Well, thank you for saying that. I'd like that very much. So, I'll see you soon?
SAMI: Definitely.
SAMANTHA: Good. Goodbye, Sami.
SAMI: Goodbye, Aunt Samantha.
SAMANTHA: Please, call me Sam.
Sami and Samantha smiled at each other, and then Sami walked out.
SAMANTHA: Marnie, could you stay back for a minute?
MARLENA: Sure, Sam.
Marlena sits down next to Samantha.
MARLENA: How are you?
SAMANTHA: Okay. A bit concerned.
MARLENA: Concerned? About what?
MARLENA: Sam, E.J. is dead. You of all people should know that. Then again, it is common for people to feel concerned when it comes to the DiMera's, even if one of them is dead.
SAMANTHA: So, you're saying what I'm feeling is normal?
MARLENA: Well, I wouldn't go THAT far.
SAMANTHA: Ugh! Are you still doing the “I wouldn't go THAT far” line?
MARLENA: What's wrong with “I wouldn't go THAT far”? I like “I wouldn't go THAT far”. I thought “I wouldn't go THAT far” had a certain ring to it.
SAMANTHA: It's just...oh, never mind! I promised myself that if I ever met up with you again, I would be nicer to you than I was in the past, and I'm gonna keep that promise. Anyway, I'm concerned because of what E.J. said before he died.
MARLENA: What did he say?
SAMANTHA: He said, “you'll never figure it out”.
MARLENA: What did he mean?
SAMANTHA: He was talking about something called “The Pattern”.
MARLENA: And he said this right before his death?
MARLENA: Well, there you are, then. You injected him with poison. His mind was off in some other place.
SAMANTHA: No, he meant what he said. Now, before I injected E.J., I checked out that poison. It kills you, but it doesn't alter your mental state. E.J. knew exactly what he was saying.
MARLENA: All right, then. So, what is the Pattern?
SAMANTHA: I don't know. I was hoping you would know.
MARLENA: Well, I can't say that I do. I've never heard of this Pattern.
SAMANTHA: Well, do you think you could do a bit of research for me?
MARLENA: Of course I will.
SAMANTHA: Thank you.
MARLENA: You're welcome.
Marlena and Samantha hugged, then Marlena walked out. Samantha felt a bit better knowing that she was with her sister, and that she was going to help her figure out what this Pattern was. But, she was still a bit concerned. Just what is the Pattern?

:idea:Me thinks someone is alluding to another story soon to come!?!?!?

Great story! :clap::clap:
I hope this pattern isn't something like the baby phoenix will rise again! No way!
Wow. Great ending. Love that Marlena and Sam are going to work together. Hoping that another story is going to follow to find out what the pattern is. I am very curious. Thanks for the story.
Oooohhh, I hope this means there is another story on the horizon...thanks for another great story Andre!
Cannot wait to read the previews tomorrow morning. Thanks for keeping us on the edge of our seat Andre. You have quite a way with the words.
You know it has been my beleif that EJ , being he was responsible for Rafe 2 and putting him in the place of Rafe, then the rapes she had to endure was EJ's responsibility too.
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