Daniel, Nicole & the papers


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Interesting so many different thoughts expressed about Nicole shredding the much sought after evidence, and Daniel piecing together what went on after he found them.

The fact remains that Daniel has always been Nicole's good friend, he has had her back, helped her, took her in, etc. etc. And the fact is that Nicole lied to him again and again. She admits she is grateful to him, considers herself to be his good friend, has even said he is her only best friend. And yet, she lied over and over, even when confronted with the truth, with the evidence of the truth.
Sadly, Nicole digs her own holes.

Daniel was desperately trying to help his friend Eric. Nicole joined him in the efforts. They worked together, eventually putting themselves in danger, but in the end, Nicole betrayed Daniel's friendship and trust.
Don't misunderstand me, I love the character of Nicole, and think Ari Zucker, who portrays her, is the best on the show. Nicole is a victim of her own insecurities. She loved the Eric of years ago, and he left. He returns and is a priest. Does she really know this Eric? Would she really be happy with this Eric? I don't think so. She already has expressed unhappiness over his decision of no sex before marriage. She definitely is not religious at all and Eric is. She felt she wanted him, no matter what. If he loved her, as he said, she wanted him out of the church, no ties to it whatsoever.
And so, what is very disappointing, is that Nicole was willing, in the end, to have Eric remain disgraced in the eyes of the church, the eyes of his parishioners, the nuns at school, the children.

She joined Daniel in his journey to ferret out the truth, and when found, hid it from him. And from Eric. And in Salem, the truth will eventually come out. As Daniel asked, she cannot possibly succeed in a relationship based on lies. I think she is going to try anyway. and this will all drag on as Daniel waits for her to 'fess up to Eric, and Nicole thinks up ways to avoid doing so, and get Eric for keeps.
I feel so bad for Nicole, she really feels she needs someone and that is her biggest problem.
When the writers took away her child to love that was their biggest mistake.. but then again we would not have had the free spirit Nicole running all over if she was pushing a stroller all the time.. (yes, I know there is an unlimited supply of sitters there )
But now She is so desperate to be loved that she grabs and hands on to so tight at whomever will hold her. So sad....
If they finally break up Eric and Nicole .. what will Eric do?? He is nothing around Salem, yes good eye candy sometimes but...
Ah, Nicole -- she lies and schemes and loves too much, and never wears the same thing twice. Isn't she the bad girl we'd all like to be, but never will be, for practical or moral reasons? I know she's heading for another hard fall, but I'm enjoying her efforts to delay the inevitable. And, perversely, I'm looking forward to her stomping on Eric's heart -- he needs a good knock right now. I'd like to see him take the same dissolute route as his knucklehead brother Brady (aren't they a matched set?). Some drunken nights and surly hungover days would do Eric a world of good.

I agree with basically everything you said. Daniel has every right to be aggravated with Nicole. He was the only one who believed her when Eric was insistent she was the one who raped him. Daniel risked his life to clear Eric and IMO it was just as much about helping Nicole as it was Eric. I think Daniel really loves Nicole and wants to see her happy and she lied to him so many times. Any friend would feel incredibly betrayed by what Nicole has done. Not that I blame her everyone treats her like the biggest piece of crap, but Dr. Dan was one of the few people who have ever believed in Nicole. She needs to realize she is betraying the ones who really care for her for nothing. Eric isn't going to stand by her through this, and if it wasn't this something else would happen.

Nicole isn't meant to be a wholesome upstanding individual she is flawed and that is what makes her so enjoyable for all of us and why we love her. Yeah she has done shady stuff but who hasn't in Salem and they seem to get a pass when she doesn't. I love Ari Zucker's acting she is just fantastic. I got hooked on her back in 2008 when she was in the middle of the baby switch with Sami and have loved her since. I would love for writer's to give her a chance at happiness. I would love for her to finally get a baby to have and hold forever.

This whole situation has just proven why Eric is not the right guy for Nicole. If he was the right guy she wouldn't need to scheme and lie to him. She wouldn't feel like that was the only way to keep him. If only Nicole would have an aha moment and realize she is belittling herself for Holier than thou Eric. I have liked her better with everyone but Eric. Ej is a slimebucket but I did enjoy the chemistry between him and Nicole. I think her and Brady are 2 peas in a pod. Rafe and her have a weird dynamic that sort of balances each other. And even with her and Super Dan I felt like Nicole was shining better than she does with Eric. He acts like his twit of a judgemental, hypocritical sister Samanther.
The fact that this thread and many others contain sympathetic comments about the Nicole character is a testimony to the abilities of Ari Zucker. On the face of it, Nicole is a terrible person. Her resume includes such misdeeds as plotting to kill Victor, faking her pregnancy, blackmailing Dr. Baker, briefly kidnapping baby Sydney, election fraud, faking a pregnancy test, falsely accusing prissy Jen of shoving her down the Town Square steps, and now betraying the Love Doctor by trying to destroy the Chyka papers so she can live a life with Eric that's based on a lie. Speaking of lies, Nicole tells them so often that if she said the sky was blue, Salemites would look out the window to check. All this should put her at the bottom of the Salem popularity polls along with the likes of EJ, Nick Fallon, Stefano, Ian McAllister, and Vivian Alamain, but instead viewers like her and sympathize with her. For this, Ari Zucker deserves every award that Soapland can come up with.
The one thing that I did like about those scenes was that before Nicole arrived was Daniel thinking it all over and realized that she had tried to tell him a couple of times which is why he was forgiving. I see it as Nicole knows the reality of it all. She knows Eric loves her but that he loves the church and being a priest more. Had Eric just listened to her when she said "but I (or we) found" and he just cut her off and spoke over her she would have told him, he would have returned to the church and she would have accepted that just as she did when she left the church. Nicole knew deep down Eric was fooling himself and full of crap when he told her wants to spend his life with her regardless of any evidence coming to light. And now Eric admits and agrees with Jenn when she said that Nicole would have lost him if they had found the evidence.

Eric is every bit as bad as Nicole because he has told her a whopper as well. I would love for Nicole to take all of it in and get back to not accepting being second choice. I would love it if she walked up to him and said "I love you but you would choose the priesthood if you could" and handed him the ring and then the evidence and walked away. Also if Nicole has to be skewered so should Eric because if any one thing destroyed her and all the progress she made was Eric with his abusive relentless verbal beatdowns accusing her of drugging and raping him. If anything brought her deep insecurity back it was that.
I feel so bad for Nicole, she really feels she needs someone and that is her biggest problem.
When the writers took away her child to love that was their biggest mistake.. but then again we would not have had the free spirit Nicole running all over if she was pushing a stroller all the time.. (yes, I know there is an unlimited supply of sitters there )
Nicole would totally still be out roaming around scheming with baby in tow. She was always out plotting and threatening with Sydney in the stroller trying to cover up those lies. While Sami has Harold raising the children Nicole actually was always shown with Sydney. This is why I really wish writers would give her a living child of her own. I want to see Nicole's character development when she finally gets what she has wanted for so long.
First and foremost I got to say WOW, Dan and Nicole what great actors they played their scenes so well off of each other. You could see the look on Dan's face was of torment and he didn't want to hurt Nicole but the crap had to hit the fan and he had to tell her you have got to tell Eric now. You could really see the love on his face and how pained Dan was and how desperate poor Nicole was. Yes I think it is time Nicole fess up and tell Eric all. And I hope Dan doesn't tell anyone about his discussion with her.
Some great thoughts expressed in this thread.

I think Daniel is caught in a hard place right now because of his desire to help everybody, and helping Nicole overcome her insecurities and helping Eric clear his name are now at odds with each other. I saw Nicole's lying to Daniel yesterday as more or less compulsive. I think once she started on the path of shredding the evidence and lying about it, she fell back into those old habits, much like Brady falls into his old habits once he takes his first drink. I also think the longer this drags on, the bigger the threat seems in Nicole's mind. That's why she can't just tell Eric now that she's confessed to Daniel despite the fact that Daniel's non-rejection of her could reasonably give her hope that "hey one of the people I love is still in my life after learning the truth, maybe Eric will be too."

I'd like to see Nicole come to the realization that she did this to herself. I'm worried she will see Daniel as having betrayed HER because he doesn't want to keep the secret and that could lead to a whole lot of crazy behavior that could make everything 100x worse. Whatever happens, I hope Nicole continues to grow and I hope that eventually, given time passing and the secret coming fully out, she can repair her relationships with both Daniel and Eric. I'd really like to see Eric stand up to Marlena once all is said and done and no matter what his decision is about the relationship, tell Marlena to to say another negative word about Nicole in his presence.

I know for me, I root for Nicole despite, as others have mentioned, some pretty awful behavior on her part over the years, because I can identify with her struggles and like Daniel I see the person she is underneath all that insecurity. I understand why Daniel is doing what he's doing as well, but as I said on another thread I think pushing her to confess to Eric is counterproductive.

I agree with SarahBeth too that Eric accusing Nicole of raping him set her back. I remember at the time she said something about not being sure there even was a God because of that whole situation, and at the time she was angry at herself for having any feelings for Eric at all. It certainly explains why she might have trouble trusting him now.
Thanks to all of you for being positive about Nicole. I have been definitely pro Nicole and Eric, but reading some these comments, makes me think it might prove to be a very difficult pairing. In real life I would hope Eric could convert Nicole and she would become a good person. aoh well---it's a soap!
Gramcracker, I still prefer Eric and Nicole as a couple. I loved the two of them together back in the late 1990s, and have really enjoyed their slow romance buildup this go around, until last November when Eric accused her of rape and when she shredded the documents a few weeks ago that would have cleared him. Like you, I hope they can work this through without interference from others.

I do not like, nor will I ever like, superhero Dr. Caveman, Dan is Our Hero the Man but cannot control his temper around troublesome women (which includes the way he grabbed Nicole's hands yesterday), who is inserted into every storyline that does not revolve around EJ and Sami.
I hate what they have done. Granted, I no longer like Eric because he is a sanctimonious bore. But he and Nicole could have had potential if the writers did not have her manipulate things AGAIN. At least this relationship will be over but I can't stand that they will have Nicole be Salem's puching bag for the millionth time.
I love Nicole she is great at being naughty and wonderful at being an amazing friend…..but with this SL I feel like it’s a train wreck waiting to happen and it’s long overdue! I don’t see any chemistry with Nicole/Eric, but Daniel/Nicole is overflowing with chemistry, and I see a lot of chemistry between Jennifer/Eric!
he has had her back...

And her front. On a hospital office desk :)

I like that they are keeping Nicole true to the character I've always seen her as. An underdog who you want to root for but is her own worst enemy.

When she & Eric were together before I loved them as a couple but I can't get into them as a couple anymore. Daniel & Nicole have a great friendship & I really hope that stays in tact even after this bump in the road. Really, should Daniel expect less from Nicole? I think not since he helped her cover a lie before (her & EJ's baby).
Wouldn't it be a lovely surprise, if Eric would just say he had made up his mind and he loves Nicole, no matter what??!!

I've had the same thought. I'm hoping for a twist similar to Jen not believing Dan was drugged. Plus Eric initially said the evidence didn't matter--would be great to see the writers tie back to that.