Days of Our Lives - Fri., Aug. 28, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, August 28, 2015

Rafe & Hope continue to investigate the crime scene, collecting evidence, etc. In the square, Ben & Abby are laughing, talking, she gets a text from Maxine about Serena, gets all solemn, along comes Clyde, eager to fill them both in on what he observed the night before, and of course, mentioning Chad being with Serena, etc. Abby defends Chad, he may have done some things, but would never kill anyone. Ben is all for convicting Chad already, but backs off, not wanting to upset Abby & the baby. She has to leave for work (about time) and along comes Marlena. Ben takes off to do grocery shopping, Marlena apologizes to Clyde for cancelling their last appointment, family emergency. Tis o.k. though because Clyde intended to tell her he was done, no more sessions. He thinks she has done him a world of good, she isn't too sure he is ready but he is, and very definitely tells her, he is thru with the sessions.

Chad sits in his room, going over the events of last night, trying to remember, knows the cops will be wanting to question him, but doesn't really remember anything beyond Serena leaving, and him going shortly thereafter.

And so....only in Salem, my friends.....we are at the crime scene, so is Abby, and along comes Chad. Yep, both just wanting to see where it happened. They go off, where Abby questions him, he tells of being so wasted, had the fight with Serena just because both were drunk, mentions going to Salem Inn. She asks why not home, learns Stefano threw him out. She realizes it is because Chad stood up for her, thanks him for protecting her, all he did. No problem, don't worry, take care of the baby and yourself. They leave.

Maggie talks with a distracted Victor about the upcoming bi-centennial, Julie arrives, they go off to go through old pictures/history of that Victorian house. They talk a bit about Jen resigning the board, are sorry Tom & Alice are not there for this celebration, but then they would not be happy to hear about JJ being accused of dealing drugs at the Horton Center.
Roman talks with John about leaving the force, joining ISA, how worried Marlena was every minute he was with them before, and he should not get himself hurt or killed now. Not a chance replies John. Later he meets up with marlena, telling her he has dcided to sell Basic Black, will be talking it over with Brady, but definitely is going to sell. He wants to focus on just one thing, her. He mentions marriage, she asks if that was supposed to be a proposal. Nope, just a thought. They talk of what marriage means, she mentions them already having walked down the aisle 5 times, and how marriage should be two people wanting to spend the rest of their lives together.

Aiden keeps popping into places where Hope is, during the investigation, she is not sure about tonight, Rafe assures her he will cover. Later she is in the office going thru everything with Roman, Aiden shows up again. She tries to beg off, but Roman ends up telling her to go, but be back bright and early in the a.m.

Chad shows up at DiMansion, came for some of his things, will have the rest shipped, argues with Stefano about him trying to run Chad's life. He did it with EJ, Kristen, Tony, and Chad wants no part of that all. He is about to leave, Rafe arrives. Has some questions about last night and Serena Mason.

Kayla is with Caroline, who really wants to leave, though Kayla wants to keep her there for another day or two. This does not make Caroline happy at all. Kayla tells her how she herself is worried about Joey. She put him on the plane to Ohio for school, has not heard from him since. No, Caroline hasn't either. Only been a week, he is probably catching up with friends. Call the school itself, he doesn't have to know. So kayla does, learning that Joey never showed up. She is furious that no one called her, tells the school to talk to every single one of his friends, and his roommate and see if anyone heard from him. She is calling her brother, the police commissioner. She turns, and there is 16 yr. old Joey coming on to the floor. She rushes over, hugging him, was so worried, looks up, and (be still my heart) there is Steve, saying, Hello, sweetness. Been a while.

Victor quietly tiptoes into Caroline's room, she is sleeping, a pained look on her face. She wakes up, wondering why he is there. He had a board meeting, just came in to see how she was doing. She talks of having this horrible dream about Bo.

And now the scenes go back and forth between Aiden & Hope having dinner, him bringing out the ring, asking her to marry him. While Caroline describes the dream, how Bo was all alone, seemed to be in pain, how she tried to go him, but could not move. And the scene fades, and blurs up a bit, into what appears to be an enclosure, bars, a figure on the floor, we only see the person from far away, who is face down.
Aside from the glimpse of Bo being a letdown I liked the episode, but could have done without ROMAN, CLYDE and BEN and Roman again! Two days in a row he is acting like a holier than thou drill sargent, first to Rafe and now John!?! He needs to mind his own business, and like his grandson, should be the last person giving anybody any sort of relationship advice.:sick:

Liked John and Marlena and her putting on the brakes and being the voice of reason. It was a pretty nice kiss too:love:

LOVED Chad and Abby. Abby for defending her man and Chad was so cute with his concern over the baby. I really hope nothing bad happens, they are really foreshadowing something I hope does not happen but will think positive:love:


Finally Rafe being in the thick of things:)
It was a slow, choppy episode but the last 10 minutes? Holy cow!!!

Just posted in another thread but I had goose bumps starting with the Steve/Kayla scene. I LOVED the camera work and how they showed Kayla first and her reaction and then the camera panned to Steve coming over to her. Well done. For someone who doesn't read spoilers, I would imagine that would have been shocking. I did read spoilers and I still had goose bumps.

The finale with Hope/Aiden/Caroline/Victor and then the imprisoned Bo. Not a surprise but again very well executed. I really do think that was Peter Reckell (Bo) on the floor too.

Loved the John/Marlena stuff--I like the pace they are at right now.

I'm still not used to characters being introduced so late in the show and others only being seen in the first half of the show. I guess I need to get used to it.

My only real beef with today's episode was the fact that Eric wasn't on. That would have been really good continuity from what we saw yesterday. Instead it seemed like we suddenly jumped to Rafe and Hope at the crime scene. They should have been questioning Eric first.
Did anyone else catch that Clyde said Serena was arguing with Chad in TBD an hour before she was killed. How does he know when she was killed? Uh huh!

Him and Ben attempting to convince Abby that Chad had killed Serena with no proof at all was ridiculous. Ben said he's seen what Chad's capable of. We've seen what he's capable of too, lest we forget him attacking Rafe, Chad, and Nick because he couldn't keep his temper under control. In my book, he's as much a suspect as Chad is lol.

I won't even attempt to explain how well that park scene was with Abby and Chad. Him telling her to take care of herself and the baby was so sweet.

I loved that ending scene flashing between Caroline recounting her dream, Aiden proposing, and Bo laying somwhere unconscious.

Hello Sweetness. :love:
Thank you so much for the recap! I will have to watch online tomorrow or whenever it is available on NBC. Of course the cable guy finished up right at 2pm when the show was over. Ugh. I just knew that would happen!

I agree with others that the whole thing with Bo being shown is a slight letdown and very predictable but I suppose for people who are spoiler free this episode was pretty shocking with Joey showing up all grown up, Steve returning, and then the glimpse of Bo.

Right now, it looks like Clyde might be the killer and trying to set Chad up but maybe Ben did it. I don't know. Clyde just seems to know too much. I know he witnessed Chad and Serena drinking and both stumbling out of the bar but he seems too curious or knowledgeable about what happened. I'm 100% certain that Chad did not kill Serena. I like that Abigail pretty much immediately sticks up for Chad saying she knows he could never do that. Oh, Abby, you love him, you do! LOL. The sooner you realize that the better you will feel about your life.

I'm looking forward to the Steve/Kayla scenes and the stuff with Hope/Aiden/Victor/Caroline/Bo. Talk about a Friday cliffhanger!! Good for the show for making me yearn for Monday and I haven't even seen this episode yet!! Ha!
Sparks........check in about an hour or two on you you find a clip.

The back and forth between Aiden proposing and Caroline telling Vic of her dream was interesting, and definitely has to mean something. That said, Aiden's "employer" wanted to see him immediately earlier in the show. So, guess this is why the scenes at the end were intercut with each other the way they were.
I noticed yesterday that Aiden's text was from 747cc and today it said 739cc. Did anyone else catch that the difference in the numbers?
I loved that ending scene flashing between Caroline recounting her dream, Aiden proposing, and Bo laying somwhere unconscious.
Are the writers trying to suggest that Aiden knows about Bo? Regarding a few other characters: 1) Chad -- he ought to kiss and make up with Fatha because it now seems likely that the fools on the Salem P.D. are going to fall for a frame-up. Back in Stefano's good graces, Chad would have defense lawyers who'd make O.J.'s old dream team look like amateurs; 2) Creepy Clyde -- This guy says that when he looks in the mirror, he's "kind of proud" of what he sees. Good grief, this pervert is one of those people who'd be proud of anything; 3) Stefano saying to Chad, "you have broken my heart." Does the Phoenix even have a heart?; 4) Steve and Joey -- The viewers sure are glad to see Steve, but the long-suffering Kayla certainly didn't seem to. As for Joey, he looks like the latest troubled teen. If so, this is good news for JJ because now maybe he won't be the biggest problem son in Salem.
Just a thought while reading your posts. The show may seem choppy and confusing, because they are trying to wind up a lot of stories and start the new ones. I wish I was as excited over Steve's return, as so many are. I like him, and am glad he and Kayla will probably get together. I think we are going to be inundated with so many couples, old and new!
This is the first 'new' episode I've watched (I'm a week behind) and the production quality is noticeably better.

I could have happily lived without Roman's patronizing lecture to John about joining the ISA. I assume that's not how the scene was written on paper, but that's how Roman came across to me.